Winter 2016 BioEngineering 224/Radiology 222B


Rad/Molecular Imaging Scientist, Rad/Molecular Imaging Program at Stanford
Professor of Pathology and of Microbiology and Immunology and, by courtesy, of Chemical and Systems Biology
Instructor, Cardiovascular Institute
Assistant Professor (Research) of Radiology (General Radiology)
(650) 725-4182
Professor of Pediatrics (Neonatology), Emeritus
Assistant Professor of Structural Biology and, by courtesy, of Electrical Engineering
Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology (Radiation Physics) and, by courtesy, of Radiology (Molecular Imaging Program at Stanford)
(650) 723-5591
Instructor, Radiology - Rad/Molecular Imaging Program at Stanford
Assistant Professor of Radiology (Molecular Imaging Program at Stanford) and of Neurology
Postdoctoral Medical Fellow, Oncology Ph.D. Student in Bioengineering, admitted Autumn 2012 Fellow in Medicine - Oncology
Clinical Associate Professor, Radiology - Rad/Nuclear Medicine
(650) 725-4711
Professor of Radiology (General Radiology)
Instructor, Radiology - Rad/Molecular Imaging Program at Stanford Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Radiology

Course Logistics

Classes: Mondays and Fridays 8:30-10:20 AM
HRP T138B "Redwood Building" (between LabSurge and MSOB)

At Lane Library

Molecular Imaging: Principles and Practice
Weissleder R, Ross BD, Rehemtulla A, Gambhir SS
2010 People's Medical Publishing House




PDF icon Torigian DA, Zaidi H, Kwee TC, Saboury B, Udupa JK, Cho ZH, Alavi A.PET/MR imaging: technical aspects and potential clinical applications.Radiology. 2013;267(1):26-44.

PDF icon Kircher MF, Willmann JK. Molecular body imaging: MR imaging, CT, and US. part I. principles. Radiology. 2012;263(3):633-43.

PDF icon Kircher MF, Willmann JK. Molecular body imaging: MR imaging, CT, and US. Part II. Applications. Radiology. 2012;264(2):349-68.


Exams: NO exams; Final presentations during our allocated Final Exam time
March 16, 2016 from 8:30am-12:30pm

Download Presentation Guidelines (PDF)
Grading: Class participation (20%)
Final presentation (80%)

/content/dam/sm/mips/documents/courses/bioe224/2016/ PDF icon

Course Syllabus

Week Monday Instructor Friday Instructor
1 1/4

Overview and Reporter Proteins: the Earth, Wind, and Sky

C. Contag

PDF icon Lecture notes


Proteases as Targets for Optical Molecular Imaging

M. Bogyo

PDF icon Lecture notes

2 1/11

Ultrasound Agents

K. Wilson

PDF icon Lecture notes

PDF icon Kaneko OF. Ultrasound for molecular imaging and therapy in cancer. Quant Imaging Med Surg. 2012;2(2).
PDF icon Wilson KE. Acoustic and photoacoustic molecular imaging of cancer. JNM. 2013 Nov;54(11).
PDF icon Klibanov AL. Ultrasound molecular imaging with targeted microbubble contrast agents. J Nucl Cardiol. 2007;14(6).


Nanoparticle Imaging (Part I): Motivation, Chemistry, and Caveats

J. Campbell

PDF icon Lecture notes

PDF iconKiessling F.Nanoparticles for Imaging: Top or Flop? Radiology. 2014 Oct;273(1):10-28.

3 1/18

School holiday: no class



A. de la Zerda
4 1/25

Nanoparticle Imaging (Part II): Applications of Optical and Nuclear Nanoparticles

C. Zavaleta

PDF icon Lecture notes

PDF icon Bertrand N. Cancer nanotechnology: the impact of passive and active targeting in the era of modern cancer biology. Adv Drug Deliv Rev. 2014;66:2-25.
PDF icon In GK. Emerging chemotherapy agents in lung cancer: nanoparticle therapeutics for non-small cell lung cancer.Transl Cancer Res 2015;4(4):340-355.
PDF icon Mudshinge SR.Nanoparticles: Emerging carriers for drug delivery. Saudi Pharm J. 2011 Jul;19(3):129-41.
PDF icon Salata O. Applications of nanoparticles in biology and medicine. J Nanobiotechnology. 2004 Apr 30;2(1):3.
PDF icon Yu MK. Targeting strategies for multifunctional nanoparticles in cancer imaging and therapy. Theranostics. 2012;2(1):3-44.


Contrast and Contrast Agents in X-Ray Imaging

E. Graves

PDF icon Lecture notes

PDF icon Graves EE. X-ray Computed Tomography Principles and Contrast Agents. from Molecular Imaging Probes for Cancer Research, World Scientific Publishing Company, 2012.

5 2/1

Mathematical Modeling of Biomarkers in Cancer

S. Hori

PDF icon Lecture notes

PDF icon Hori S. Mathematical Model Identifies Blood Biomarker–Based Early Cancer Detection Strategies and Limitations. Sci Transl Med. 2011 Nov 16;3(109):109ra116.
PDF icon Altrock PM. The mathematics of cancer: integrating quantitative models.Nat Rev Cancer. 2015 Dec;15(12):730-45.


Combining Molecular imaging with Circulating Biomarkers

D. Kurtz

PDF icon Lecture notes

PDF icon Hanash SM.Emerging molecular biomarkers--blood-based strategies to detect and monitor cancer. Nat Rev Clin Oncol. 2011 Mar;8(3):142-50.
PDF icon Schwarzenbach H.Cell-free nucleic acids as biomarkers in cancer patients. Nat Rev Cancer. 2011 Jun;11(6):426-37.

6 2/8

PET/SPECT Radiochemistry (Part I)

F. Chin

PET/SPECT Radiochemistry (Part II)

F. Chin
7 2/15

School holiday: no class


Design & Development of Novel PET Agents - from bench to bedside

M. James

PDF icon Lecture notes

8 2/22

Modern Molecular Imaging Strategies in the Clinic

E. Mittra

PDF icon Lecture notes


Preclinical and Clinical Brain PET

M. James

PDF icon Lecture notes

9 2/29

Molecular Imaging Strategies for Cardiac

I. Chen

PDF icon Lecture notes


The Promise of ImmunoPET

I. Alam

PDF icon Lecture notes

10 3/7

MRI Probes and Particles

M. Moseley

PDF icon Lecture notes


MRI Probes or how to give an oral presentation

M. Moseley

PDF icon Lecture notes

3/18 Final Presentations
"A New and Novel Molecular Imaging Approach"

During our allocated Final Exam time
Wednesday, March 16th from 8:30am-12:30pm

PDF iconPresentation Guidelines