
The Pediatric Division of Stem Cell Transplantation and Regenerative Medicine is very proud of the outstanding compassionate care that we provide our patients along with conducting state of the art basic and translational science on stem cell biology, cellular immunology and transplantation biology. The division is focused on the comprehensive evaluation and care of patients with complex hematological malignancies, bone marrow failure syndromes and a variety of genetic disorders where bone marrow transplantation can provide benefit. 

Our faculty performs cutting edge research exploring basic biology and translational research opportunities. The Division runs a Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) cell processing laboratory where all clinical material is prepared for transplantation and where complex cell separation and expansion protocols can be accomplished. More basic faculty laboratories perform research under NIH and foundation support. We pride ourselves in training physician scientists and performing translational research to find better approaches for the treatment of our patients and advancement of the field.



Division Chief

Dr. Maria Grazia Roncarolo was recruited to Stanford University in 2014 and is the George D. Smith Professor of the School of Medicine and a Professor of Pediatrics and Medicine. 

Dr. Roncarolo's goal at Stanford is to build the teams and infrastructure to move stem cell and gene therapy to the clinic quickly and to translate basic science discoveries into patient treatments. 

Upcoming Events

Fridays, 8:00-9:00AM

Pediatric Grand Rounds, LPCH Auditorium
Pediatric Grand Rounds Videos