Research Management Group (RMG)

Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy (PICI) @ Stanford Medicine
PCI @ Stanford Bedside to Bench Grant Program
Call for Proposals

**Internal Stanford funding opportunity for Stanford faculty with University (UTL), Medical Center (MCL), Research (NTLR) and Clinician Educator (CE) Line faculty involved in cancer immunotherapy research. All proposals must involve at least one basic science and one clinical investigator. We encourage applications from scientists across a broad array of disciplines whose combined perspectives will help to accelerate the pace of discovery.

The Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy (PICI) @ Stanford Medicine Bedside to Bench Grant Program supports early stage projects that will enhance interdisciplinary basic and translational research among the Stanford scientific community in Cancer Immunotherapy.

The PICI Bedside to Bench Grant will support collaborations between basic scientists and clinical researchers that lead to fundamental discoveries and advance the field of cancer immunotherapy. These awards are targeted to faculty with early-stage, high-risk ideas that would not be funded by traditional sources.  We are particularly interested in the following areas of study: T-Cell Therapies, Checkpoint Non-Responders, Antigen Discovery and the Tumor Microenvironment.

Letter of intent (LOI) internal deadline: June 15, 2018, 5 p.m. (see letter of intent submission guidelines below)
Invitations for full proposals: August 1, 2018
Full proposals due: Sept. 17, 2018
Notice of selection: Nov. 1, 2018
Funds available:   Jan. 1, 2019
First progress report due: Sept. 1, 2019
Second progress report due: Jan. 1, 2020
Follow up progress reports as needed

Download a PDF file of the annoucement >> pdf file
Download the PDF file of the LOI Package >>  (see the letter of intent (LOI) submission instructions below)
More information about the Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy can be found at:


Amount of funding:
Awards will be funded for two years, with an earliest start date of January 1st, 2019.
Awards up to $150,000 direct costs ($75,000 per year, with 15% IDC to be added for a total of $86,250 per year.)



The Bedside to Bench PICI @ Stanford Medicine Grant: 
We invite proposals that foster scientific discovery in the field of cancer immunotherapy, and which focus on interrogating clinical samples using cutting edge technologies. Successful proposals will engage collaboration between clinical investigators and basic research scientists. We are particularly interested in proposals that seek to identify correlative biomarkers of response to immunotherapy or that will enable discovery of new targets or pathways that could be leveraged for therapeutic gain using immune based therapies.


Selected proposals will have access to the Stanford Medicine PICI Biobank and the services of the Stanford Medicine PICI Correlative Science Unit at no cost. The PICI Correlative Science Unit offers access to leading edge technologies that were developed at Stanford, including CyTOF, high-dimensional flow cytometry, and ATAC-Seq epigenetic profiling, thus enabling state-of-the-art discovery science aimed at identifying novel biomarkers and correlates of response for immuno-oncology trials conducted at Stanford.


Award Funding and Administration

Awards will be funded for two years, with an earliest start date of January 1st, 2019.
Awards up to $150,000 direct costs ($75,000 per year, with 15% IDC to be added for a total of $86,250 per year.)

Funding will be available once all IRB, SRC and/or APLAC approvals are received (if applicable).

Funds may be used for:

Unused funds will revert back to the PICI @ Stanford Medicine at the end of the funding period, unless a carryforward is requested and justified.  All proposed expenses must conform to the general policies of the University.

Funding may be revoked if adequate progress is not being made or progress reports are not submitted.


Evaluation Criteria
Applications will be evaluated on the following positive criteria:



By Monday, June 15, 2018, 5 p.m., please submit one PDF file containing the LOI package** via email attachment to:

Mina Pichavant

Email subject line: “2018 Stanford Medicine PICI Bedside to Bench Grant-PI: [Insert PI Last Name]”
File name:  Last name_PICI_Grant.pdf

**Download the LOI Package PDF file >>  PDF file

The LOI package contains the following:

*If applicants plan to use PICI Cancer Correlative Science Unit (CCSU), please note on the cover page which technologies (CyTOF, flow cytometry, ATAC-seq) will be utilized and how the technologies will inform the project.  (Reminder:  all applications must have a clinical and a basic science collaborator.)


Selection Process
A subset of letter of intent applicants will be invited by August 1st to submit full proposals by September 17, 2018.

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