Research Management Group (RMG)

Limited Submission Programs


What is a limited submission program?

Limited programs are external sponsored research grants that require an internal selection process because the sponsor limits the number of applications that can be submitted by Stanford. The limited submission programs are facilitated by Jeanne Heschele on behalf of the Vice Provost and Dean of Research Office and the School of Medicine Research Management Group (RMG).
Please contact Jeanne at for any questions about these programs.


foundation and association - limited submission programs


Please contact Jeanne Heschele for questions about any limited submission program.



Pew-Stewart Scholars Program for Cancer Research
Limited to one application
Amount of funding: The award provides $300,000 in flexible support—$75,000 per year for a four-year period.
Not more than 8% of the total award may be allocated for overhead costs.
Purpose: supports assistant professors* of outstanding promise in science relevant to the advancement of a cure for cancer. Qualified candidates should be conducting creative, interdisciplinary, basic, or translational cancer research. Candidates whose work is based on biomedical principles, but brings in concepts and theories from more diverse fields related to cancer, are encouraged to apply. Risk-taking is encouraged.
*Eligibility: By June 29, 2018, candidates must have been in their assistant professor-UTL, MCL, or NTLR faculty appointment for less than three years (not appointed before June 29, 2015), whether or not such an appointment was on a tenure track (see the webpage below for additional criteria).
Not eligible: Clinician Educator (CE) assistant professors are not eligible. Per correspondence with the sponsor, applicants must run their own independent research program and have a lab with graduate students/postdoctoral fellows. Per Dr. Harry Greenberg, CE faculty are not allowed to have graduate students and not allowed to do lab (bench-based) work so they are not eligible for this RFP.
Not eligible: Clinical Instructors, Instructors, Academic Staff-Research (i.e, research associates) are not eligible because Stanford does not consider them to be independent or faculty-level appointments.
Internal Stanford Cancer Institute deadline: Monday, June 4, 2018, 5 p.m.
Internal submission guidelines



Pew Scholar Program in the Biomedical Sciences 
Limited to one application.
Amount of funding: The award provides $300,000 in flexible support—$75,000 per year for a four-year period.
Not more than 8% of the total award may be allocated for overhead costs.
Eligibility: all Stanford assistant professors* with PI eligibility--with UTL, MCL and NTL-Research faculty appointments-- of outstanding promise in science relevant to the advancement of human health.  
*Applicants must have been in their appointment for less than three years (not appointed before June 29, 2015). 
Not eligible: Clinician Educator (CE) assistant professors are not eligible. Per correspondence with the sponsor, applicants must run their own independent research program and have a lab with graduate students/postdoctoral fellows. Per Dr. Harry Greenberg, CE faculty are not allowed to have graduate students and not allowed to do lab (bench-based) work so they are not eligible for this RFP.
Not eligible: Clinical Instructors, Instructors, Academic Staff-Research (i.e, research associates) are not eligible because Stanford does not consider them to be independent or faculty-level appointments.
Internal deadline for each school (H&S, SoE, SoM): Tuesday, June 5, 2018, 5 p.m.
Internal submission guidelines


Dr. Ralph and Marian Falk Medical Research Trust Awards Program
Catalyst Award

Limited to two applicants
Summary: $300,000
Eligibility: Stanford faculty with PI eligibility
This program is designed to support high-risk, high-reward projects that address critical scientific and therapeutic roadblocks. The target of the Falk Catalyst’s funding are projects at the intersection of technology and clinical science, intended to move from insights gained from basic science towards creating solutions, techniques and tools that can be transferred to clinical practice in the near term.
CE faculty are not eligible for this particular RFP based on a review of the criteria and the program announcement by Dr. Harry Greenberg, Associate Dean for Research
Not eligible: Clinical Instructors, Instructors, Academic Staff-Research (i.e, research associates) are not eligible because Stanford does not consider them to be independent or faculty-level appointments.
Internal deadline:  Tuesday, June 5, 2018, 5 p.m.
Internal submission guidelines


Gabrielle's Angel Foundation for Cancer Research
Medical Research Grants

Limited to two applications:
1 applicant who is conducting mainstream or conventional research
1 applicant who is conducting complementary or integrative research (see the integrative research section on the webpage below)
Amount of funding: the total award shall not exceed $225,000 ($75,000 per year over 3 years (contingent on the submission of acceptable annual progress reports). Overhead costs cannot exceed 10% (or $22,500) of the total grant award ($7,500 per year)
Purpose: Gabrielle’s Angel Foundation funds cutting-edge research in the fields of leukemia, lymphoma, and related cancers of the blood. funds cutting-edge research in the fields of leukemia, lymphoma, and related cancers of the blood. We support research that focuses on cancer prevention, detection, and treatments that are most likely to be translated into clinical trials within a 3 – 5 year period. The Foundation not only funds mainstream scientific research but also projects that combine integrative (complementary) therapies or botanical agents. 
*Eligibility: Stanford eligibility clarification: assistant professors with PI eligibility (UTL, MCL, NTLR faculty appts). Applicant must have held his/her current position no longer than five years
Not eligible: Clinical Instructors, Instructors, Academic Staff-Research (i.e, research associates) are not eligible because Stanford does not consider them to be independent or faculty-level appointments.
Internal Stanford Cancer Institute deadline: June 8, 2018, 5 p.m.
Internal submission guidelines

St. Baldrick's Foundation-Pediatric Cancer
2019 Fellowship Award
Limited award-only ONE applicant is permitted.
This award is for two years of fellowship training, with a possible additional year of funding based upon the demonstration of need and significant accomplishment. (See eligibility below for details.) These awards are granted for 3rd and 4th or 4th and 5th years of pediatric oncology research, with an opportunity for one (1) additional year of funding based upon need, significant accomplishment, and approved application.
See the webpage for criteria:
Internal Cancer Institute deadline: June 18, 2018, 5 p.m.
Internal submission guidelines

W.M. Keck Foundation Research Program
Keck Concept Paper

Limited program- # of applicants permitted: Up to eight concept papers total may be submitted to the foundation, one of which (for each program) may then be selected to advance to the Phase I application process.
A university-wide internal selection process is required (first at the school level, then at the Dean of Research Office).
Stanford faculty with PI eligibility (with UTL, MCL, and NTL-Research appointments) across the natural and earth sciences, engineering, and medicine at all ranks are eligible. Keck has a stated interest in interdisciplinary research, thus proposals may also come from a team of faculty across departments, disciplines, or schools
Internal Deadline (for all schools and SLAC): Tuesday, July 10, 2018, 5 p.m.
Internal submission guidelines


Searle Scholars Program
Limited program-only 3 applicants are permitted
$300,000 total over 3 years
Eligibility: Stanford faculty whose first tenure-track** assistant professor appointment began on or after July 1, 2017, and who are pursuing independent research careers in biochemistry, cell biology, genetics, immunology, neuroscience, pharmacology, and related areas in chemistry, medicine, and the biological sciences. (**The sponsor has approved our faculty with UTL & MCL appointments-see eligibility for additional details.)
The Searle Scholars Program selection committee is primarily interested in the potential of applicants to make innovative and high-impact contributions to research over an extended period of time. The program does not ordinarily support purely clinical research but has supported research programs that include both clinical and basic components.
Internal deadline for all schools: Tues., July 10, 2018, 5 p.m.
Internal submission guidelines


PhRMA Foundation 
Pre-doctoral Fellowship in Pharmacology/Toxicology
Limited program: Only 1 applicant is permitted.
$20K stipend per year for up to 2 years
Purpose: Pharmacology/toxicology awards support career-development activities of scientists prepared to engage in research that integrates information on molecular or cellular mechanisms of action with information on the effects of an agent observed in an intact organism, either in experimental animal or clinical studies or both.
Eligibility: The program is designed for candidates who expect to complete the requirements for the Ph.D. in fields Pharmacology/Toxicology in two years or less from the time the fellowship begins. 
Internal deadline: Wed., July 11, 2018, 5 p.m.
Internal submission guidelines:


PhRMA Foundation 
Pre-doctoral Fellowship in Informatics
Limited program: Only 2 applicants are permitted
$20K stipend per year for up to 2 years
Purpose: The goal of the program is to promote the use of informatics in an integrative approach to the understanding of biological and disease processes. Informatics awards will support career development of scientists engaged in computational and experimental research to integrate cutting-edge information technology with advanced biological, chemical, and pharmacological sciences.
Eligibility: The fellowship program of pre doctoral support is designed to assist full-time, in-residence Ph.D. candidates in the fields of informatics who are enrolled in USA schools of medicine, pharmacy, dentistry or veterinary medicine. The program supports full-time advanced students who will have completed the bulk of their pre-thesis requirements (at least two years of study) and are engaged in thesis research as Ph.D. candidates by the time the award is activated. 
Internal deadline:  Wed., July 11, 2018, 5p.m.
Internal submission guidelines:




National institute of health (NIH) - Limited submission programs


Please contact Jeanne Heschele for questions about any limited submission program.



NIH NIGMS Collaborative Program Grant for Multidisciplinary Teams (RM1) (PAR-17-340)
National Institute of General Medical Sciences
Limited to ONE application for each review cycle**
Eligibility: faculty with PI eligibility
Purpose: To support highly integrated research teams of three to six PD/PIs to address ambitious and challenging research questions that are important for the mission of NIGMS and are beyond the scope of one or two investigators. Teams are encouraged to consider far-reaching objectives that will produce major advances in their fields.
Internal submission guidelines:
By Tues., June 5, 2018, 5 p.m., submit one PDF file containing the following to Jeanne Heschele, Research Management Group (RMG), at
1) Title page
Name of the RFA/PA and #
Project Title
PI (and Co-PI-if applicable) name, title, department, email phone #
2) Project summary- 2 pages
Project title, project summary, goals/aims
Formatting-single-spaced, Arial or Helvetica size 11 or larger, 1/2 inch margin
Illustrations, references not included in page limit.
3) PI and Co-PI Biosketches
[**Clarification: the applicant group selected in November will be submitting an application for the May 25, 2018 deadline. This internal selection process-June 5th internal deadline- is to determine the applicant to represent Stanford for the January 25, 2019 deadline.]
Program announcement:



NIH Director's Early Independence Award DP5 RFA-RM-18-010
Requests for Nominations
Limited: only two applicants are permitted so a university-wide internal selection process is required.
Amount of funding: $1.25M total direct costs plus indirect costs over 5 years.
Purpose: The NIH Director’s Early Independence Awards provide an opportunity for exceptional junior scientists to accelerate their entry into an independent research career by forgoing the traditional post-doctoral training period.
highlights: Given the focus on early research independence, the receipt date of the terminal doctoral degree or end of post-graduate clinical training* of the PD/PI must be between June 1, 2017 and September 30, 2019. The degree receipt date is that which appears on the official transcript for the degree.
[* The end of post-graduate clinical training includes residency and fellowship periods.]
At the time of application (Sept. 27, 2018), the PD/PI must not have served as a post-doctoral fellow following a previous (not the most recent) doctoral degree for more than twelve months.
In addition, at time of application, candidates must not be in an independent position (as defined on the webpage below). Please see the eligibility criteria below.
Nominations from the Schools of Medicine, Humanities and Sciences and Engineering are encouraged.
Internal submission deadline: Wed., June 6, 2018, 5 p.m.
Internal submission guidelines





National science foundation (NSF) - limited submission programs




NSF 17-585 Innovations in Graduate Education (IGE) Program
Limited-# of applicants permitted: 2- Participation includes serving as a lead organization on a non-collaborative proposal or as a lead organization, non-lead organization, or subawardee on a collaborative proposal.

Eligibility: Stanford faculty with PI eligibility. An individual may serve as Lead Principal Investigator (PI) or Co-PI on only one proposal submitted to the IGE program per annual competition.
IGE is dedicated solely to piloting, testing, and validating innovative approaches to graduate education and to generating the knowledge required for the customization and implementation of the most successful, transformative ones. The primary target population for IGE projects must be master’s and/or doctoral STEM students in a research-based degree program that requires a thesis or dissertation.
Internal Dean of Research Office deadline: Tuesday, July 17, 2018, 5 p.m.
Internal Submission Guidelines





NSF 17-573 Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL)
Limited program-# of applicants: An institution or organization may serve as lead on no more than three (3) proposals submitted to the November deadline. However, an institution or organization may partner as a subaward on other proposals submitted
Eligibility: Stanford faculty with PI eligibility. An individual may be included as a Principal Investigator (PI) /Co-PI on no more than three (3) proposals submitted to the November deadline.
Types of AISL proposals:
-Pilots and Feasibility projects: up to $300,000 with durations up to two years (15-20 to be awarded)
-Research in Service to Practice projects: from $300,000 to $2,000,000 with durations from two to five years (8-10 to be awarded)
-Innovations in Development projects: $500,000 to $3,000,000 with durations from two to five years (10-15 to be awarded)
-Broad Implementation projects from $1,000,000 to $3,000,000 with durations from three to five years (4-6 to be awarded)
-Literature Reviews, Syntheses, or Meta-analyses projects up to$250,000 with durations of up to two years (8-10 to be awarded)
-Conferences up to $250,000 with durations of up to two years (12-18 to be awarded)
Internal Dean of Research office deadline: Tuesday, July 17, 2018, 5 p.m.
Internal Submission Guidelines



deadlines have passed for these 2018 limited submission programs



Foundations/Associations - 2018 deadlines have passed


  • The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation-Moore Inventors Fellows Program
  • W.M. Keck Foundation Research Program --"Call for Concept Papers”
  • St. Baldrick's Foundation-Pediatric Cancer Grants and Fellowship-Spring Cycle 2017
  • The Dana Foundation David Mahoney Neuroimaging Program: Using Brain and Immune Imaging to Improve
  • The David and Lucile Packard Foundation-The Packard Fellowships for Science and Engineering
  • Robert J. Kleberg, Jr. and Helen C. Kleberg Foundation-Medical Research Grants
  • Burroughs Wellcome Fund-Quantitative and Statistical Thinking in the Life Sciences
  • The V Foundation for Cancer Research-V Scholar Award
  • The V Foundation for Cancer Research Translational Award
  • American Diabetes Association (ADA)-Pathway To Stop Diabetes Awards Accelerator Award (early career faculty)
  • American Diabetes Association Pathway To Stop Diabetes Awards Initiator Award (postdoc-to-faculty transition award)
  • American Diabetes Association Pathway To Stop Diabetes Awards Visionary Award
  • William T. Grant Foundation William T. Grant Scholars
  • The Archer Foundation-The Archer Award in Brain Research
  • Brain Research Foundation-Scientific Innovations Award



Miscellaneous limited internal funding opportunities:

  • Donald E. and Delia B. Baxter Foundation -2018 Faculty Scholar Program
  • Vice Provost Office for Graduate Education (VPGE)-2018-2019 Gerald J. Lieberman Fellowship



NSF - 2018 deadlines have passed

NIH - 2018 deadlines have passed

  • NIH NCI Predoctoral to Postdoctoral Fellowship (F99/K00) (RFA-CA-18-001)
  • NIH NIEHS Environmental Health Sciences Core Centers (EHS CC) (P30 Clinical Trial Optional) (RFA-ES-18-003)
  • NIH NHLBI Programs to Increase Diversity Among Individuals Engaged in Health-Related Research (PRIDE) (R25 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) (RFA-HL-19-002)
  • NIH NHLBI Coordination Center for Programs to Increase Diversity Among Individuals Engaged in Health-Related Research (PRIDE) (U24 Clinical Trial Not Allowed (RFA-HL-19-001)
  • NIH NIAMS Skin and Biology Diseases Resource-based Centers (P30-Cllnical Trial Not Allowed) RFA-AR-19-001
  • NIH NIAMS Musculoskeletal Biology and Medicine-Resource Based Centers (P30-Clinical Trial Not Allowed) RFA-AR-19-002
  • NIH Autoimmunity Centers of Excellence, Clinical Research Program (UM1 Clinical Trial Required) (RFA-AI-18-003)
  • NIH NHLBI Summer Institute for Research Education in Biostatistics (R25 - Clinical Trials Not Allowed) (RFA-HL-19-019)

Other federal agencies -2018 deadlines have passed

  • Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science-Office of Basic Energy Sciences--Energy Frontier Research Center DE-FOA-0001810
  • Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science-Office of Basic Energy Sciences--Computational Chemical Sciences Research DE-FOA-0001912
  • Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science-Office of Basic Energy Sciences--Research at the Frontiers of X-Ray Free Electron Laser Ultrafast Chemical and Materials Sciences FOA #DE-FOA-09001904
  • Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science-Office of Basic Energy Sciences--Materials and Chemical Sciences Research for Quantum Information Science (QIS) DE-FOA-0001909




calendar- limited programs offered on an annual basis




The Simons Foundation Division for Mathematics and the Physical Sciences Simons Award for Graduate Students in Theoretical Computer Science
This program was discontinued.


St. Baldrick's Foundation-Pediatric Cancer
Two applicants permitted: Childhood Cancer Research Grants (internal selection process required)
One applicant permitted: St. Baldrick's Scholar (Career Development) Award,
One applicant permitted: Supportive Care Research Grant
One applicant permitted: St. Baldrick's International Scholar (internal selection process required)
Internal Cancer Institute deadline: Jan.
Internal submission guidelines

(The St. Baldrick's Fellowship internal deadlin-See June 2018.)


Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
Moore Inventor Fellows

Limited-only TWO applicants are permitted
$675K over 3 years
Eligibility: Stanford faculty with PI eligibility (UTL, MCL, and NTL-Research appts.) and Clinician Educator (CE) faculty (with an approved CE faculty PI waiver request). Applicants must be within 10 years of receiving their terminal degree in their field (Ph.D. or M.D.).
The purpose of this award to identify outstanding inventors who harness science and technology to enhance the conduct of scientific research, strengthen environmental conservation, or improve the experience and outcomes of patient care.
Please see the Stanford eligibility clarification section in the webpage below because it differs from the sponsor’s guidelines
Internal Deadline for ALL Schools: Jan.
Internal submission guidelines


W.M. Keck Foundation
Science and Engineering and Medical Research Programs

**Request for Concept Papers**
Faculty with PI eligibility (with UTL, MCL, and NTL-Research appointments) across the natural and earth sciences, engineering, and medicine at all ranks are eligible. Keck has a stated interest in interdisciplinary research, thus proposals may also come from a team of faculty across departments, disciplines, or schools. The foundation has broad interests, but has also expressed a growing interest in fundamental energy-related research
Up to $1M over 5 years.
Internal deadline for all schools: Jan.
Phase I deadline: May
Internal submission guidelines



Dana Foundation
David Mahoney Neuroimaging Program:
Using Brain and Immune Imaging to Improve Human Health

One applicant is permitted.
Eligibility: Stanford assistant professors and associate professors (within the first few years of their appointment) with PI eligibility.
Single step Internal selection process-within the School of Medicine only for submissions from faculty in all schools (Neuroscience Institute to review proposals)
Internal Stanford Neuroscience Institute deadline: Jan.
Internal submission guideline


Ladies Auxiliary of the VFW
Postdoctoral Cancer Research Fellowship

Limited to ONE applicant
$50,000 per year x 2 years
The postdoctoral fellow must be nominated by the faculty member whose lab the postdoc will be working. See the guidelines for additional criteria
Internal Stanford Cancer Institute (SCI) deadline: Jan.


Vascular Cures and Society of Vascular Surgery (SVS) Foundation
Wylie Scholars Program

$50K/yr x 3 years
Eligibility: assistant professors with PI eligibility who are vascular surgeons and who do not have current NIH, VA, AHA or similar extramural funding
Internal Deadline: TBA
Internal submission guidelines TBA >>
Sponsor website >>


AXA Research Fund Postdoctoral Fellows
Effective 2014 program guidelines:
AXA has changed it's eligibility requirement so that U.S. institutions are no longer eligible.

Donald E. and Delia B. Baxter Foundation
Faculty Scholar Award

$75K-$100K gift award.
The sponsor will fund up to two Scholars. The internal selection process is conducted through the Awards Committee on behalf of the School of Medicine Foundation Relations in the Medical Center Development Office.
School of Medicine assist. prof. with NTLR, UTL and MCL faculty appointments.
Internal deadline: Feb.
Internal submission guidelines:


The V Foundation for Cancer Research
Translational Research Award

Limited - only 1-2 applicants are permitted
$600,000 over 3 years ($200,000/yr x 3 years)
Eligibility: Stanford faculty with UTL, MCL and NTLR faculty appointments
Internal Stanford Cancer Institute Deadline: TBA
Internal submisson guidelines

The David and Lucile Packard Foundation
Fellowships for Science and Engineering

Requires 2 step internal selection process: first at the School level to determine the top 2 applicants (through our Awards Committee), then at the Dean of Research Office internal review committee.
Eligibility: for assistant professors with PI eligibility within the first three years of their first faculty appointment (see eligibility) with a research focus in the natural and physical sciences or engineering. Disciplines that will be considered include physics, chemistry, mathematics, biology, astronomy, computer science, earth science, ocean science, and all branches of engineering.
Internal deadline: Feb.

Robert J. Kleberg, Jr. and Helen C. Kleberg Foundation
Medical Research Grant Program

April and October deadlines
Internal submission guidelines



V Foundation for Cancer Research
Scholar Award

Limited-1-2 applicants are permitted.
Eligibility: Stanford assistant professors with UTL, NTLR MCL faculty appointments (see the eligibility clarification in the webpage below) whose research involves laboratory-based fundamental and translational cancer research. Any area of cancer research is eligible.
Single step Internal selection process-for Stanford faculty (Cancer Institute to review proposals)
Internal deadline: March
Internal submission guidelines


Microsoft New Faculty Fellowship
This limited program has been discontinued by Microsoft.


American Diabetes Association
2015 Pathway To Stop Diabetes Awards
Initiator Award
(postdoc-to-faculty transition award)
# of applications: 1- Stanford may only nominate a maximum of 1 investigator per grant cycle from one of the 3 Pathway award categories: Initiator, Accelerator, and Visionary.
Amount of funding: Awards provide two distinct phases of research support: Phase 1 provides up to two years of support for mentored training at a maximum of $100,000 per year (including 10% indirect costs): Phase 2 provides up to five years of support for independent research at a maximum of $325,000 per year (including 30% indirect costs). Combined support for Phase 1 and Phase 2 can total up to $1,625,000.
Eligibility: applicants must currently be in research training positions (post-doctoral fellow, research fellowship) and have no more than seven years of research training following terminal doctoral degree. Applicants cannot concurrently hold an NIH K99/R00 grant.
Purpose: This two-phased award is designed to support the transition from mentored training to independent research faculty
Internal deadline: April
Internal Submission Guidelines

American Diabetes Association
2015 Pathway To Stop Diabetes Awards
Accelerator Award

# of applications: 1- Stanford may only nominate a maximum of 1 investigator per grant cycle from one of the 3 Pathway award categories: Initiator, Accelerator, and Visionary.
Amount of funding: $325,000 per year (including 30% indirect costs) for up to 5 years (for a total of $1,625,000)
Eligibility: Assistant professors with PI eligibility with demonstrated independent productivity in diabetes research. (see additonal criteria)
Awards are designed to support exceptional early-career researchers who have distinguished themselves as promising investigators and are in the beginning stages of establishing successful, independent diabetes research programs.
Internal deadline:  April
Internal Submission Guidelines


American Diabetes Association
2015 Pathway To Stop Diabetes Awards
Visionary Award

# of applications: 1- Stanford may only nominate a maximum of 1 investigator per grant cycle from one of the 3 Pathway award categories: Initiator, Accelerator, and Visionary.
Amount of funding: Phase 1 provides up to three years of support at a maximum of $325,000 per year (including 30% indirect costs); Phase 2* provides up to two years of support at a maximum of $325,000 per year (including 30% indirect costs).
*Phase 2 is contingent upon demonstration of significant contributions to the field of diabetes research in Phase 1. Combined support for Phase 1 and Phase 2 can total up to $1,625,000.
Eligibility: established, experienced senior investigators (faculty with PI eligibility) with strong records of outstanding productivity in fields outside of diabetes. Applicants must hold independent faculty positions and have demonstrated significant productivity in their current field of research.
Applicants cannot have previously received national grant support (NIH, NIDDK, ADA, JDRF, etc.), as either a PI or Co-PI, in diabetes or diabetes-related research.
Internal deadline: April
Internal submission guidelines


The Archer Foundation
The Archer Award in Brain Research

$300,000 over 3 years
Limited to only ONE application
Eligibility: a team of Stanford faculty with PI eligibility (with UTL, MCL, and NTL-Research appointments).
The required research topic is Early Molecular Measurements of Neurodegenerative Disease/Cognitive Decline.
Internal Stanford Neuroscience Institute (SNI) internal deadline: June
Internal submission guidelines


The William T. Grant Foundation
Scholars Program

Limited-only one applicant permitted
For research has compelling policy or practice implications for the settings of youth ages 8 to 25 in the United States. A university-wide internal selection process is required.
# of Stanford nominees: 1 from each major division of the university
Eligibility: assistant professors with UTL, MCL and NTLR faculty appointments
Dean of Research Office:   April
Internal submission guidelines


Paul G. Allen Family Foundation
Allen Distinguished Investigator

This program is by invitation only
Single-step process
Internal Dean of Research deadline: TBA
Internal submission guideline


The V Foundation for Cancer Research
2017 BRCA 1, 2 Research Collaborative Research Grants

Limited to 2 applicants: Each institution may nominate one Lead PI in each grant category to submit an application

Eligibility: Stanford Lead PI: Stanford faculty member with a UTL, MCL, or NTLR faculty appointment
They are interested in research involving any cancer type that is associated with inherited BRCA mutations.

Deadline: May
Interrnal submission guidelines


V Foundation
Pediatric Cancer Research-Immunology or Immunotherapy

Limited to one application.
Amount of funding: a three-year grant of $200,000 per year
Proposals will be accepted for preclinical research/translational research that supports new approaches to immunotherapy and immune-prevention of cancer, specifically in pediatric cancer research.
Stanford eligibility clarification: The lead PI must be a faculty member with UTL, MCL, NTLR or CE faculty** appointment. [**CE faculty must obtain an approved CE faculty PI waiver request through their RPM at least one week prior to the internal deadline and include a copy of the approved waiver with their internal proposal.]

Deadline: May
Internal submission guidelines


Brain Research Foundation
Scientific Innovation Award

Single step internal selection process-for Stanford Professors and Associate Professors with PI eligibility
Stanford Neuroscience Institute deadline: May
Internal submission guidelines:



Dr. Ralph and Marian Falk Medical Research Trust Awards Program
Catalyst Award

$300,000 for one year
Eligibility: Stanford faculty with PI eligibility (see additional criteria)
Purpose: to support high-risk, high-reward projects that address critical scientific and therapeutic roadblocks. If successful, these projects will open new avenues for treating and curing disease (see research focus section below).
The School of Medicine will facilitate the university-wide internal selection process for this program.
Limited: only TWO applicants are permitted.
Internal deadline: June
Internal submission guidelines


NIH Director's Early Independence Awards (DP5) RFA-RM-14-004
*Request for Nominations*
Two applications permitted
Purpose: to provide $1.25M for institutions to appoint and support exceptional, early career scientists directly following the completion of their Ph.D. (or equivalent) or, for clinical candidates, the completion of their medical residence, into an independent academic research position (an Instructor appointment here at Stanford), thereby omitting the traditional post-doctoral training period from their career path.
See the guidelines for eligibility criteria
Internal deadline: June
Internal submission guidelines


Pew Scholars Program
Only ONE applicant is permited.
Requires 2 step internal selection process: first at the School level to determine the top 3 applicants , then at the Dean of Research Office internal review committee.
Eligibility: assistant professors with PI eligibility (with UTL, MCL and NTL-Research appointments)
Internal deadline for all schools:  June
Internal submission guidelines for all schools


Gabrielle's Angel Foundation for Cancer Research
2017 Medical Research Awards

Limited to 2 applicants: one in each category:
1 applicant who is conducting mainstream or conventional research
1 applicant who is conducting complementary or integrative research
Amount of funding: $75,000 per year for 3 years (up to $225,000 total costs) (contingent on the submission of acceptable annual progress reports). Overhead costs cannot exceed 10% (or $22,500) of the total grant award ($7,500 per year).
*Stanford eligibility clarification: Stanford assistant professors with PI eligibility (UTL, MCL, NTLR faculty appts) whose cutting-edge, creative scientific proposals have the greatest potential of broadening our understanding of, and treatment for, blood cancers.
Applicant must have held his/her current position no longer than five years
Not eligible: CE assistant professors, Instructors, Clinical Instructors, and Academic staff-research.
Internal Stanford Cancer Institute deadline: June
Internal submission guidelines

Pew-Stewart Scholars for Cancer Research

Only one applicant is permitted.
Eligibility: assistant professors with PI eligibility (with UTL, MCL and NTL-Research appointments) of outstanding promise in science relevant to the advancement of a cure for cancer.
Internal Deadline: June
Internal submission guidelines


St. Baldrick's Foundation-Pediatric Cancer
2018 Fellowship Award

Limited award-only ONE applicant is permitted.
This award is for two years of fellowship training, with a possible additional year of funding based upon the demonstration of need and significant accomplishment. (See eligibility below for details.) These awards are granted for 3rd and 4th or 4th and 5th years of pediatric oncology research, with an opportunity for one (1) additional year of funding based upon need, significant accomplishment, and approved application.
Internal Stanford Cancer Institute deadline: June
Internal submision guidelines


St. Baldrick's Foundation-Pediatric Cancer
2019 Fellowship Award
Limited award-only ONE applicant is permitted.
This award is for two years of fellowship training, with a possible additional year of funding based upon the demonstration of need and significant accomplishment. (See eligibility below for details.) These awards are granted for 3rd and 4th or 4th and 5th years of pediatric oncology research, with an opportunity for one (1) additional year of funding based upon need, significant accomplishment, and approved application.
See the webpage for criteria:
Internal Cancer Institute deadline: June 18, 2018, 5 p.m.
Internal submission guidelines



W.M. Keck Foundation
Science and Engineering and Medical Research Programs

**Request for Concept Papers**
Faculty with PI eligibility (with UTL, MCL, and NTL-Research appointments) across the natural and earth sciences, engineering, and medicine at all ranks are eligible. Keck has a stated interest in interdisciplinary research, thus proposals may also come from a team of faculty across departments, disciplines, or schools. The foundation has broad interests, but has also expressed a growing interest in fundamental energy-related research
Up to $2M over 5 years.
Internal deadline for all schools: July
The internal selection process is based on whether or not Stanford is invited by the foundation to submit a group of applications for its two Phase I proposal deadlines. If invited for the May Phase I deadline, the internal proposal deadline will be in November. If invited for the November Phase I deadline, then the internal deadline would likely be in June of that year.
Internal submission guidelines


PhRMA Foundation
Pre-doctoral Fellowship in Pharmacology/Toxicology
Pre-doctoral Fellowship in Informatics

Only one applicant is permitted for each program.
Eligibility: see the following webpage.
Internal Deadline: July
Internal submission guidelines


Searle Scholars program
Requires 2 step internal selection process: first at the School level to determine the top 3 applicants (through our Awards Committee), then at the Dean of Research Office internal review committee.
Internal deadline for all schools: July
Internal submission guidelines:



Robert J. Kleberg, Jr. and Helen C. Kleberg Foundation
Medical Research Grant Program

April and October deadlines (topics may vary)
Coordinate with Kimberly Hewitt in Medical Center Development
Internal deadline: Aug.
Internal submission guidelines



Parker B. Francis Fellowship Program
Limited to TWO applicants per department
$156,000 total costs over 3 yrs
Eligibillity: Stanford early assistant professors with PI eligibility, academic staff-research (research associates, senior research scientists, senior research scholars), Instructors and postdoctoral fellows involved in pulmonary, critical care, or sleep medicine.. Clinical or basic science departments are suitable; however, it is expected that the proposed research will focus on lung biology or lung disease.
There is no limit to the number of internal proposals a department may submit.
A mentor may only sponsor one application annually but may sponsor than one internal proposal for this internal selection process.
Internal deadline: Aug.
Internal submission guidelines



The Pac-12 Student-Athelete Health and Well-Being
Grant Program

Limited program- only 3 applicants are permitted
Eligibility: Stanford faculty with PI eligibility
The aim of research projects should be to improve the health, general well-­-being, and safety of student atheletes at all Pac-­-12 member institutions. The Grant Program’s primary focus areas are listed below.
Internal deadline: Aug.
Internal Submission Guidelines

Simons Foundation
Math+X Investigator Program

Limited to one nominees.
Eligibility: tenured faculty with a primary appointment in the Department of Mathematics.
Invitation sent directly to the Department Chair of Mathematics with a request for internal proposals to be sent to Kristi Geerke in the H&S Dean's Office by Aug.
Internal submission guidelines



Simons Foundation
Mathematics and Physical Sciences

Simons Investigators in the Mathematical Modeling of Living Systems (MMLS)
Limited to two nominees.
Eligibility: assistant prof. with PI eligibility
Internal Dean of Research Office deadline: Aug.
Internal submission guidelines



Simons Foundation
Mathematics and Physical Sciences
Simons Investigators programs in Mathematics, Physics, Theoretical Computer Science

Limited to two nominees in each category.
Eligibility: Stanford faculty with PI eligibility who should be tenured by the start date of the appointment, and whose research involves mathematics, physics, or theoretical computer science.
Internal Dean of Research Office deadline: Aug.
Internal submission guidelines


National Science Foundation (NSF)
Major Research Instrumentation Program: Instrument Ac

Faculty wth PI eligibility
Internal Dean of Research Office deadline: Sept.


Greenwall Foundation
Faculty Scholars Program in Bioethics

Single step Internal selection process- for all Stanford faculty (Dean of Research Office to review proposals)
Internal deadline: TBA
Internal submission guidelines:



Graduate Student Awards for the Lindau Meeting of Nobel Laureates and Students in Lindau, Germany
Faculty advisors-Request for Nominations

Stanford may nominate two candidates so a university-wide internal selection process is required. The topic may vary from year to year. In 2017, the topic will be chemistry and related areas.
Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biochemistry departments will submit one nominee each to VPGE
Internal VPGE deadline: Oct.

Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI)
International Student Research Fellowships

This program has been discontinued by HHMI, effective Sept. 2016.


The Klingenstein Third Generation Foundation
The Fellowship in Child and Adolescent ADHD
The Fellowship in Child and Adolescent Depression

$30K/yr x 2 yrs
Eligibility: post-doctorial investigators holding a Ph.D. and/or M.D. who have also completed all clinical training. As a general rule, nominated candidates should be at the junior faculty level, although the Foundation will consider applications nominating candidates in research training programs.
The Foundation accepts only ONE nomination per fellowship and only from the Chair of Department of Psychiatry. 
Internal Department of Psychiatry deadline: Nov.
Internal submission guidelines


Edward Mallinckrodt, Jr. Foundation
Scholar Award Program

$100K/yr x 4 years. No indirect costs.
[Stanford is invited to submit an applicant (every few years)]
Eligibility: early career Stanford assistant and associate professors with M.D. and/or Ph.D. degrees from all schools who are in their fifth to eighth year of a tenure-track position (the sponsor permits our UTL or MCL faculty) (as of Jan. 15, 2018) who are engaged in biomedical research that has the potential to significantly advance the understanding, diagnosis, or treatment of disease.
Internal deadline:  Nov.
Internal submission guidelines
*Stanford is intermittently invited to nominate one applicant


Rita Allen Scholars Program
Stanford is one of the institutions invited to submit one application.
Single step Internal selection process-within the School of Medicine only for submissions from faculty in all schools (Awards Committee to review proposals)
$110K/yr x 5 years
Eligibility: Stanford assistant professors with UTL or MCL faculty appointments who are within the first three years of their first appointment (as of the application deadline) and who are involved in basic biomedical research in the fields of cancer, neuroscience and immunology are eligible. Candidates must provide persuasive evidence of distinguished achievement or extraordinary promise in research in one of the relevant fields.
Internal deadline: Nov.
Internal submission guidelines



Brain Research Fund
Fay/Frank Seed Grant Program

Amount of funding: $40,000 direct costs per year for a two year period
Eligibility: Stanford assistant and associate professors with PI eligibility (UTL, MCL, NTLR appts)working in the area of brain function. This includes molecular and clinical neuroscience as well as studies of neural, sensory, motor, cognitive, behavioral and emotional functioning in health and disease. The grant proposal must detail a new research project that is not funded by other sources.
Internal SINTN deadline: Nov.
Internal submission guidelines


National Comprehensive Cancer Network-NCCN Foundation
Young Investigator Award

Single step Internal selection process-for Stanford faculty (Cancer Institute to review proposals)
Eligibility: a first full time appointment as an Instructor or an Assistant Professor (with PI eligibility)
Internal Cancer Institute deadline: Nov. TBA
Internal submission guidelines:

Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation
Damon Runyon Clinical Investigator Award

# of applicants permitted: 5
$486K total direct costs over 3 yrs.
The Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation will retire up to $100,000 of any qualifying medical school debt still owed by the awardee.
Eligibility: For physician scientist assistant professors with UTL, MCL, and NTL-R appointments who are within the first four years of their initial first full faculty appointment
Internal Cancer Institute deadline: Nov.
Internal submission guidelines

Mary Kay Foundation
Cancer Research Program

Only one application is permitted.
$100,000 over 2 years
Eligibility: assistant, associate and full professors with PI eligibility (with UTL, MCL, and NTL-Research appts.)
Single step Internal selection process-for Stanford faculty (Cancer Institute to review proposals)
Internal Cancer Institute deadline:
Internal submission guidelines:


The Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation, Inc.
Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Awards

*Request for nominations* sent to Dept. Chairs in Chemistry, Biochemistry, Materials Science Engineering and Chemical Engineering
$75,000 unrestricted research grant to be dispensed over 5 years.
Eligibility: tenure-track (UTL) assistant professor faculty appointment, and are normally expected to have been appointed no earlier than mid-year 2009. Nominees must be in a department that is focused on the chemical sciences – chemistry, biochemistry, chemical engineering, and materials chemistry.
Awardees are from Ph.D. granting departments in which scholarly research is a principal activity. Undergraduate education is an important component of the nominee's activities.
Internal Dean of Research Office deadline: Dec.
Internal submission guidelines

Association of American Cancer Institutes (AACI)
AACI Translational Cancer Research Fellowship

Applicants must be in the first five years of a postdoctoral or clinical research fellowship
Internal Stanford Cancer Institute deadline:
Internal Submission Guidelines
TBA -not offered in 2014





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