2016 MIPS Molecular Imaging Seminar Series

March 3, 2016
Munzer Auditorium

Raymond Y Kwong, MD, MPH

Associate Professor of Medicine
Harvard Medical School
Director, Cardiac MRI
Brigham & Women's Hospital

April 7, 2016
Lucas P083

Mohan Doss, PhD, MCCPM

Associate Professor of Medicine
Diagnostic Imaging
Fox Chase Cancer Center

October 4, 2016
Clark Auditorium

James K. Min, MD

Professor of Radiology
Cornell University
Dir, Dalio Institute of CV Imaging

November 1, 2016
10:30am-11:15am Seminar
11:15am-11:30am Discussion
11:30am-12:00pm Lunch
Munzer Auditorium

Chun Li, PhD

Professor, Department of Cancer Systems Imaging, Division of Diagnostic Imaging
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX

Sponsored by: Molecular Imaging Program at Stanford (MIPS) (mips.stanford.edu);
Host: Director, Sanjiv Sam Gambhir, MD, PhD (sgambhir@stanford.edu)

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