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Future Paths

Where can a degree in Religious Studies take YOU?

From local start-ups, high school educators, directors of NGOs, university professors, law, designers, art curators and more, graduates of our program bring their passion for learning and engagement anywhere they go.  Want to learn more or connect with religious studies alumni? Are you an alumnus or alumna and want to share your updates? Visit our religious studies alumni page!

Zoë Wolford, '14

"I live in Boston, MA and attend Harvard Law School. Before law school, I did Teach for America in New Orleans, where I was able to teach a world religions elective to my students. Religious Studies prepared me for law school because you read and write about as much in religious studies as you do in law school. Because of religious studies, I am also better able to understand dense texts." Read more.

Victoria Kennedy, '14

"I am currently an Assistant Curator at Saatchi Art - I work with collectors through our Art Advisory service, as well as help curate the website and exhibitions. After graduating, I spent some time working abroad as a tour guide in France, and then in a contemporary art gallery. I found a passion in promoting and supporting emerging contemporary artists, and working in sales to connect collectors to artists that they love!" Read more.

Aisha Ansano, '12

"I live in Cambridge, MA, and am a ministerial intern at First Church in Boston, on my way to ordination in the Unitarian Universalist church. I wasn't considering ministry when I was at Stanford, and wasn't even UU at the time, but my major had me considering academia, which led me to Harvard Divinity School for a master's degree." Read more.

Trent Walker, '10

"I am a sixth-year PhD student in the Group in Buddhist Studies at UC Berkeley. I am currently in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, finishing up field research on traditional palm-leaf and bark-paper manuscripts. I plan to finish next year and go into academia." Read more.

Magali Ferare, '10

"I run office operations for Palantir in Europe and live in Paris; I fell hard for Paris when studying abroad to complete my senior project and now I'm back! But RS also shaped my interests in other ways, such as what I read and how I look at the city and what points of interest I show to visitors and the extremely specific medievalist jokes I make. And it taught me to think critically in a way that is crucial in the current political climate." Read more.

Jennifer Wolochow, '09

"I currently live in San Francisco, CA and I work at Coursera in Mountain View, CA doing product marketing for our university partners. I studied Philosophy & Religion because I thought it would set me up well to become a philosophy/religion high school teacher someday. After I finished my coterm, I taught 2nd grade in San Jose with Teach for America. Then I joined my Stanford friend's tech startup in SF. It didn't take too long for me to realize that EdTech was a better home for me, since it combines two of my passions (Education & Technology) and allows me to have a larger impact around the world by using technology to help scale a social mission I care very much about." Read more.