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Stanford Undergraduates

Extending a successful three-year pilot launched in 2013 and culminating in this past spring, the Humanities Center will continue to award Hume Humanities Honors Fellowships to eight seniors for the 2016-17 academic year. Seniors should be in a humanities discipline and writing an honors thesis. Students are nominated by faculty advisors, and selected by a Stanford Humanities Center committee early in the fall quarter.

Hume Humanities Honors Fellows receive a stipend for research project materials, a shared workspace, and participate in a variety of group activities throughout the year. In the stimulating scholarly environment provided by the Humanities Center, undergraduate fellows benefit from a year-long association as a cohort, and also with graduate student and faculty fellows in residence at the Humanities Center. These intensive intellectual interactions are meant to enable the students to deepen their scholarly focus toward the humanities and expose them to advanced and inspiring research, thereby preparing them more fully for graduate school.

These fellowships are made possible in part by a gift to endowment by Mr. George H. Hume and Dr. Leslie P. Hume.

For more information about this program, please contact Kelda Jamison by email or at (650) 724-8106.