Family Weekend

Hillel Family Weekend is generously supported by Jonathan and Beverly Feuer; proud parents of Samantha, Class of 2020.

Join us for Family Weekend, Feb 24 - 26.

For all events, click to RSVP

Friday, Feb 24th

3-5pm Hillel Open House / Challah Making

Join to mix, braid, and bake the Challah we’ll enjoy during the Community Shabbat dinner; always a favorite activity. Current students and parents will also share advice on how best to support your student’s Jewish experience at Stanford.

6-7pm Shabbat Services.

Join your son or daughter for services and welcome the Sabbath.

7- 8pm Shabbat Dinner

Meet other families over delicious dinner.

8-9pm Dessert Reception & Conversation

Special guest speaker to be announced in February

Saturday, Feb 25th

10:00-12:00pm Morning Minyan

Join students for traditional liturgy

12:00-1:30pm Community Kiddush Lunch

Delicious catered lunch sponsored by Hillel

2:30-3:30pm Hillel / Ziff Campus Tour

In the late 1890s, Jane Stanford granted the Dunn’s permission to build a private residence. The house was completed in 1899 and became the Hillel House in 2004. Enjoy the tour, snacks, and comfy couches to relax before heading out to the Entertainment Extravaganza!

Sunday, Feb 26th

9:30am – 11am - Hillel Bagel Brunch for Families

Join us for bagels, lox, schmear, and other goodies. Find out from students what makes Hillel so vibrant and meet other families visiting for Parent’s Weekend.

For more information, contact Brian Kaplan at or click to RSVP.

Mazel tov!

Your children are attending one of the world’s best universities and we know you’re very proud! The entire team of Hillel at Stanford can't wait to meet and get to know your student, and help them discover the Jewish community on campus.  

We also know that this can be a challenging time in your lives, so we want you to know that we are here for you. If you need anything at all, please don't hesitate to contact Rabbi Serena Eisenberg at or call (650) 723-3002.

Stay in Touch
We'd love to hear from you and keep you updated as to what the students of Hillel at Stanford are doing. Please update your contact information here, and like us on Facebook.

Please Support Us
Jewish life at Stanford is possible for all of our students thanks to the support of our parents. For your convenience, we have multiple gift options that you can read about here. If you have any questions, please contact Brian Kaplan at THANK YOU!


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Taube Hillel House & Koret Pavilion at the Ziff Center for Jewish Life
565 Mayfield Avenue
Stanford, CA 94305-8456
(650) 723-1602