Fingate Financial Reporting > OBI Financial Reporting > Contacts


Authority Assistance

General Assistance

Please contact the Financial Support Center (1-650-723-2772) for general questions about OBI financial reports available via Dashboards and Catalogs and to request assistance creating ad hoc analyses. The FSC will answer your questions and follow through on any escalations to ensure your needs are met.

Technical Assistance

Submit a HelpSU ticket if you are having a technical issue with OBI Financial Reporting.

Training Enrollment Assistance

Contact the Financial Management Services Training Specialist for STARS assistance (e.g., course enrollment, completions, or training records) or if you have a training-related question.

Department Assistance

Contact Kern King, Financial Training Manager / Consultant, to request training for your department.


Submit your feedback and enhancement requests to the Evolve Financial Reporting Team.


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