Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment View this newsletter in your browser. June 2015
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Calendar of Upcoming Events
"Young Environmental Scholars"
This Woods-sponsored event brings together Stanford postdoctoral scholars and graduate students for research presentations, a communications workshop, networking and a feature speech by Woods Consulting Professor Jim Leape.
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Nature Prospers, People Profit

Félix Cambronero Blanco used to see the forest around his Costa Rica home as an "enemy." He resented regulations that prevented him from clearing trees to expand his crop of corn and rice. Cambronero now runs a small café and two tourist cabins. His family's change of fortune and mindset is emblematic of the change that Woods' Osa and Golfito Initiative is working to foster: helping people develop environmentally sustainable livelihoods. Through this and other innovative efforts, Woods-affiliated researchers are showing communities, decision-makers and businesses new ways to think about the environment and its importance to them.


Jeffrey R. Koseff
Perry L. McCarty Director


Barton H. Thompson, Jr.
Perry L. McCarty Director


Program Updates

Making a Living, Sustainably

Woods' Osa & Golfito Initiative reconciles perceived conflicts between human prosperity and protection of natural resources. The approach to helping people develop environmentally sustainable livelihoods could provide a model for biodiverse regions around the world.

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Students Seek Solutions

For a common question – What did you do over the summer? – Meghan Shea has an uncommon answer. Her story is one of several from the Mentoring Undergraduates in Interdisciplinary Research (MUIR) program, which provides grants and mentorship for students doing solutions-oriented environmental fieldwork around the world and vital research assistance for faculty.

Photo credit: Meghan Shea

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Not-So-Hidden Secret for Addressing Ocean Acidification

Marine Protected Areas may offer the best hope for coordinating and promoting ocean acidification solutions, according to researchers with the Center for Ocean Solutions. These areas can serve as "sentinel sites" for monitoring and protecting species and habitats key to long-term ecosystem resilience.

Photo credit: NOAA

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For more research, see the Stanford Woods Institute quarterly Research Digest.
Research Highlights

Global Warming: Can the World's Nations Agree on 2 Degrees?

Stanford experts at the forefront of climate change research express hope that the Paris climate talks will inspire meaningful progress toward curbing projected global temperature increases. A related timeline documents how Stanford experts have shaped global climate change negotiations since 1995.

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Economic Cost of Climate Change Higher Than Expected

Research led by Center Fellow Marshall Burke (Earth System Science) finds that without climate change mitigation, even wealthy countries will see an economic downturn by 2100.

Photo credit: NASA

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Plastic-Eating Worms May Offer Solution to Mounting Waste

An ongoing study by Stanford engineers, in collaboration with researchers in China, shows that common mealworms can safely biodegrade Styrofoam.

Photo credit: Yu Yang

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People Spotlights

A Man for All Climates

When it comes to climate change, Senior Fellow Chris Field (Biology, Earth System Science) sees the big picture, and distills complex details into a cohesive whole. He is known as a master negotiator when it comes to getting scientists and policymakers to speak one language about climate change, its impacts and potential responses.

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Woods Fellows on Water Future

Senior Fellows Buzz Thompson (Law) and Noah Diffenbaugh (Earth System Science) testified on climate change effects and water innovation at a recent hearing of California's Select Committee on Water Consumption and Alternative Sources.

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In the News
Selected media coverage of the Stanford Woods Institute and its
fellows, affiliated scholars and supported research

The Next Food Revolution: Fish Farming?

Christian Science Monitor, Oct. 25
Quotes Woods-affiliated postdoctoral scholar Ling Cao (Center on Food Security and the Environment) on how China's aquaculture sector will dramatically affect the availability of seafood across the globe.

Climate Countdown: Study Says Most Countries' Economies Weaken With Every Degree of Warming

US News (via AP), Oct. 21
Features study led by Center Fellow Marshall Burke (Earth System Science) showing that that national economic performance is closely linked to climate change.

How Climate Change is Forcing Us to Rethink National Parks

Christian Science Monitor, Oct. 15
Profiles a study co-authored by Senior Fellow Eric Lambin (Earth System Science) and Center Fellow Nicole Ardoin (Education) on yellow cedars in Alaska that suggests climate change calls for new models of conservation.

A Shifting Approach to Saving Endangered Species

New York Times, Oct. 5
Senior Fellow Gretchen Daily (Biology) discusses how the Endangered Species Act pits land users against conservationists.

China's Sponge Cities: Soaking Up Water to Reduce Flood Risks

The Guardian, Oct. 1
Senior Fellow Richard Luthy (Civil and Environmental Engineering) discusses "sponge cities" as an opportunity and resource to augment water supply.

Styrofoam-Eating Mealworms Might Help Reduce Plastic Waste, Study Finds

CNN, Sept. 30
Profiles research by Senior Fellow Craig Criddle (Civil and Environmental Engineering) and others on plastic-eating mealworms.

Drought Survival: What Australia's Changes Can Teach California

San Francisco Chronicle, Sept. 25
Rebecca Nelson, a nonresident fellow at Water in the West, states that the sweeping changes needed to help Australia survive their 13-year drought were accepted because there was an understanding that it was for the public interest.

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