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SLUO Administration

SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
2575 Sand Hill Road
Menlo Park, CA 94025


  • The SLUO Election results are available. Welcome to the new Executive Committee members and thanks to everyone who voted!

  • The revised Charter was approved by the SLUO membership. You can read the new charter here.

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What is the SLAC User's Organization (SLUO)?

SLUO is the organization of scientists and engineers involved in particle physics, particle astrophysics or nuclear physics research at SLAC.

If you are interested in the User Organizations for LCLS, SSRL, or FACET/Test Facilities, please visit the corresponding site below:

SLUO exists:

  • for communication between the users of SLAC facilities and the Laboratory on matters of operating policy and facilities utilization.
  • to facilitate the involvement of its members in projects at SLAC.
  • to provide information to its members on matters affecting their relationship to the laboratory.
  • to promote the utilization of existing SLAC facilitates and the approval of new ones.

SLUO has an Executive Committee of twelve users and SLAC collaborators. Members are nominated by Institutional Representatives at the Annual Meeting, and voted on by the full SLUO membership. The Minutes of the Executive Committee are available on the Web. More details regarding the Organization are available in the charter. The current Chair of the Executive Committee is Nicola Omodei. Please take a minute to read the Welcome Letter from the Chair.

To register as a SLUO User

  1. Fill out the SLUO User Information Form and
  2. Contact the SLUO Desk if you have questions.

SLUO Member benefits at SLAC:

  • Eligibility for SLAC Computing Account with SLAC ID#

  • Membership in large community that advocates for science and research

Contact SLUO

  • e-mail:
  • by mail:
    • SLUO SLAC User's Organization
    • SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory 
    • 2575 Sand Hill Road
    • Menlo Park, CA 94025

SLUO Administrative Staff

Donna Hernandez - SLUO Program Support

SLAC Training Requirements

  • If you are a SLAC employee, you are required to take Course 219, Employee Orientation to ES&H (EOESH).
  • If are a non-SLAC employee, you are required to take Course 396, Safety Orientation for Non-SLAC Employees (SON).
  • If you need unescorted access to a radiological controlled area (RCA), you must ALSO take Course 115, General Employee Radiological Training (GERT).
  • EOESH, SON and GERT are all available on-line through SLAC Safety Training or you may contact the SLUO Desk to take the courses at the ROB Building.
  • To obtain a SLAC account to access SLAC information resources (computing account), you must complete the Cyber Security Basics course (Course CS101).



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