News Release

Please note:Ā  As of January 20, 2017, information in some news releases may be out of date or not reflect current policies.

Vice President Biden announces recipients of $450M of job-driven training grants

$450M in grants to nearly 270 community colleges partnering with more than 400 employers nationally

WASHINGTON ā€” Training America's workers with the skills they need for a good job can help middle class families and help American businesses grow our economy. While America's businesses have created 10 million jobs over the past 54 months, the longest streak of uninterrupted job growth in our country's history, we need to do more to train Americans with the skills they need, and connect them with businesses that are looking for skilled workers. While America's businesses have created 10 million jobs over the past 54 months, the longest streak of uninterrupted job growth in our country's history, we need to do more to train Americans with the skills they need, and connect them with businesses that are looking for skilled workers. Today, as part of this effort, Vice President Biden, Secretary Thomas E. Perez, and Secretary Arne Duncan are announcing the winners of $450 million in job-driven training grants going to nearly 270 community colleges across the country. The funding is part of the Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training (TAACCCT) competitive grant program, which is co-administered by the Department of Labor and Department of Education. The grants will provide community colleges and other eligible institutions of higher education with funds to partner with employers to expand and improve their ability to deliver education and career training programs that will help job seekers get the skills they need for in-demand jobs in industries like information technology, health care, energy, and advanced manufacturing. Building on the strategies advanced in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, these types of job-driven training partnerships were also identified in the Vice President's job-driven training report released in July as an important way to successfully prepare and place workers in jobs that pay a middle class wage.Additional Information About Today's Winners:

  • Awarding $450 Million to Nearly 270 Community Colleges Partnering with More than 400 Employers Nationally: Today's 71 grantees build on nearly $1.5 billion in TAACCCT grant funds that have gone over the past three years to strengthen and expand job-driven training partnerships in communities across the country.
  • Partnerships with Hundreds of Employers to Train Low-Wage Workers for Middle-Class Jobs: All grantees are required to partner with employers to develop training programs to enable workers to build skills that will help them obtain good jobs. Partnerships with employers such as Exxon-Mobil, IBM, Delta, Jetblue, CVS, and Habitat for Humanity, and with labor and community based organizations such as SEIU, Goodwill Industries, Urban League and the United Way, will assist in getting thousands of low-wage Americans access to more internships, apprenticeships, and job-relevant basic skills education and training in order to move up the career ladder into better-paying jobs that employers across the country are looking to fill.
  • Winners Are in High Demand Fields ā€“ Including 25 Focusing on IT and Cybersecurity: 25 grantees are developing new training programs for information technology and cybersecurity jobs, which are growing two times the national average. In partnership with employers such as Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Booz Allen, and SpaceX, these programs will help alleviate the projected national shortage of IT workers. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there will be 1.4 million additional IT jobs created by 2020 and only 400,000 computer science graduates.

Examples of Recipients of Today's TAACCCT Grants Creating Career Pathways to Upskill Americans for In-Demand Jobs Across the Country. Grantees are partnering with employers to develop career pathways for individuals to build skills that will help them improve their wages and job quality. These programs will assist in getting millions of low-wage, low-skill Americans access to internships, apprenticeships, and job-relevant basic skills education and training in order to move up the career ladder into better-paying jobs that employers across the country are looking to fill.

  • Scale-up Southeast Louisiana for Energy and Advanced Manufacturing Jobs at Delgado Community College ($2.5M). Southeast Louisiana (SELA) will work with employers such as ExxonMobil, Laitram, U.S. Heritage Powersports, Lockheed Martin and Phillips6, Scale-Up SELA will fulfill the needs of business and industry in Southeastern Louisiana by offering high-skilled, high-wage, competency-based training programs that meet employer and industry needs. The project will focus on taking participants not ready for college-level academic work, including those without a high school diploma, and engage them in training that will teach them academic reading, writing and math skills in the context of real world applications in manufacturing and energy. Partner employers will contribute to program design, implementation, and continuous improvement; provide employment and work-based training opportunities; and resources such as equipment, facilities and instructors. The program expects to train 1,150 students over the next three years for jobs in welding, machining, electrical and industrial maintenance.
  • Maryland Cyber-Technology Job Pathways Consortium ($15M). Over 130,000 IT jobs are in Maryland--49% above the national average, with thousands of family-sustaining entry-level cyber security jobs that a job seeker can qualify for with a professional certificate or associate's degree. Fourteen community colleges from across the state of Maryland are coming together with employer partners including IBM, Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, Rockwell Collins, Booz Allen, Medstar and a number of hospitals to develop training pathways for low-income workers with minimal prior education or experience in Information Technology or Cybersecurity. To increase the likelihood of participant fit and success, participants will get upfront assessments, career planning, and job search support. Students will also accelerate through a two-year degree that is aligned with NSA guidelines for Security & Information Assurance programs. Virtual internships will also be offered to all students to increase their interaction with employers. In the next three years, the program intends to graduate nearly 2,000 students and employer partners have already committed to interviewing qualified graduates.
  • New Aviation Maintenance Accelerated Job Training Program at Cape Cod Community College ($2.5M).The Cape Cod Community College (CCCC) will launch new accelerated pathways for jobs in the aviation industry through unique partnerships with 15 statewide and regional employers including the US Coast Guard, Camp Edwards Army National Guard, two industry associations, and the MA Department of Workforce Development. These partnerships will make CCCC one of only six community colleges in the nation and the only community college in the eastern New England region to offer accelerated Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) airframe and power plant (A&P) certification. The Massachusetts Credentials and Careers in Aviation (MCCA) program has worked with JetBlue, Delta, Cape Air, and Island Air, among others, to develop the airframe and power plant certificate modules. This approach will prepare unemployed and underemployed individuals in only 12 months instead of the traditional 24. Through hands-on learning and a guaranteed internship with an employer partner, students will be trained to become Aviation Maintenance Technicians, Avionics Technicians, Aerospace Engineering and Operations Technicians. Due to strong partnerships with employers, an industry-driven curriculum, and an urgent need for employees with the required skills, job placement is projected at 85% of those completing at least one certificate. The CCCC is working closely with the state of Massachusetts to secure employer donations of engines and aircrafts. Student scholarships will also be provided by Cape Cod Pilot Association, the State Space Grant Consortium based at MIT through NASA grants.

In addition, the Department of Education is releasing a new report on the importance of building foundational skills in a job-specific context.

  • Department of Education Report on Transform Adult Learning through Work. The Department of Education is releasing a new report with recommendations to transform adult learning in the United States. After months of public engagement with a variety of stakeholders around the country, the recommendations for public-private partnership include strategies that engage employers to support upskilling of more entry-level workers while on the job, encourage the use of assessments and innovative learning tools to improve access to targeted career guidance for youth and adults, and promote better alignment and coordination of public and private programs so that youth and adults experience seamless services. The report highlights unique opportunities for implementing these recommendations as a result of the changed legislative environment made possible by the passage of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act in July 2014.

Training for High-Growth Information Technology and Cybersecurity Jobs. 25 grantees are developing new training programs for information technology and cybersecurity jobs. These jobs span all sectors of the economy, and non-IT industries currently employ two-thirds of private sector IT workers.

  • New Ivy Tech Computing and Informatics School in Indiana ($2.5M). Starting in fall 2014, Ivy Tech will launch a new School of Computing and Informatics, offering eight new IT degree programs with curriculum designed to meet employer needs. The statewide proposal will target all 92 counties of Indiana and will provide IT training for 13,913 participants, with at least 4,412 completing one or more credentials and 4,060 completers placed in jobs or advancing in employment during the grant period. Ivy Tech will pilot test a competency based, accelerated approach for selected IT courses and degrees. The launch of this school will help address the over 18,000 computer related job openings recorded in 2013. Complementing this effort, local employers are committing to review and recognize curricula, place qualified graduates in jobs, provide workplace exposure and capstone projects and provide internships and cooperative work experience.
  • Kentucky Consortia for Information Technology Job Pathways in Computer and Medical Fields ($10M).Six Kentucky community colleges, Hazard Community and Technical College (HCTC), Big Sandy CTC, Jefferson CTC, Somerset Community College, Southeast Kentucky CTC, and West Kentucky CTC, have formed a consortium to create a next generation expansion of Kentucky's online, personalized competency-based learning system to serve more than 700 workers. This consortium will develop five new degrees in major information technology (IT) pathways in the computer and medical fields that include eleven stackable certificates, all of which will be developed in concert with regional and national employers. The American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) Foundation, a national industry association for Health Information Technology, as well as the Kentucky Workforce Development Cabinet, the Kentucky Community and Technical College System, and the Kentucky Chamber of Commerce, will assist the EPIC Consortium in these efforts. The consortium will also implement already proven, evidence-based models from Per Scholas and Jobs for the Future's Jobs to Career program in training low-skill individuals for IT jobs with strong job placement and retention rates and wage gains.
  • Texas Manufacturing and Electronics Technology Program for Veterans ($3.2M). The Veterans-Focused Engineering Technology Project (VFETP) will leverage Richland College's existing programs in manufacturing and electronics technology, robust commitments from employers, and TAACCCT dollars to meet the needs of approximately veterans who need to re-skill to be competitive in the job market. The VFETO will offer certificates in supervisory control and data acquisition and electromechanical maintenance and will work with the National Institute for Metalworking Skills (NIMS) and the International Society of Certified Electronic Technicians (ISCET) to offer credentials that have been requested by Richland College's employer partners. The VFETP will also offer veterans and spouses the option to complete most core courses and some field specific courses online, including safety and technical algebra, in their last six months of service, and finish their AAS degrees within one year after discharge. Over 15 employers including Texas Instruments, Oncor, and Raytheon have already indicated that they will hire program completers and have also committed to supporting curricula development, offering internships, providing on-the-job training, and developing applied problems for students.

In addition, the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) released a report to the President outlining recommendations to expand opportunity for middle-skill workers through STEM education, job training and matching enabled by IT.

  • PCAST Recommendations to Use Technology for Targeting Job-Skills Training and Matching Talent to Jobs. Today, the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) released a report to the President outlining three recommendations to expand opportunity for middle-skill workersā€”people whose jobs require some postsecondary training but not a conventional college degree. PCAST identifies opportunities to provide faster, more effective tech-enabled training, to match workers to jobs and training based on their abilities, and to foster stronger connections between employers and training providers so that that curricula keep up with employers' needs. PCAST recommends the federal government facilitate private sector leadership by: (1) bringing industry together with government to encourage activities such as standards-setting and approaches to facilitate information exchange across employers, workers, and training providers, (2) continuing to support the research and development of IT to facilitate assessment of skills and training needs, counseling about training and career options, and delivery of training that culminates in credentials that can be validated, and (3) for the Federal Government to lead by example as a major employer itself.

Pathways to Careers for Youth and Young Adults with Disabilities

The Department of Labor is also releasing $2 million in grants through the Pathways to Careers: Community College for Youth and Young Adults with Disabilities Project. These grants will be awarded to two prior TAACCCT grantees to develop, test, and evaluate new integrated education and career training strategies to help ensure that youth and young adults with disabilities acquire the skills, degrees, and credentials needed for high wage, high skill employment.

  • The Pellissippi State Community College (PSCC) Universal Pathways to Employment Project (UPEP) will expand its capacity and, ultimately that of other institutions to deliver integrated education and career training to students with disabilities by implementing model and research-based practices. The PSCC UPEP project will build upon the Guideposts for Success best practices and improve access to training for students with disabilities by braiding funding from three previous TAACCCT grants currently in place at PSCC: 1) RxTN, an online nursing and health care career focused program funded in Round II of TAACCCT; 2) Multi-State Advanced Manufacturing Consortium (M-SAMC), a program focused on the competencies needed for manufacturing line jobs funded in Round III of TAACCCT and 3) Southeastern Economic and Education Leadership Consortium (SEELC), a program which utilizes virtual training equipment funded in Round IV of TAACCCT.
  • The Onondaga Pathways to Careers (OPC) project will increase access and enrollment amount youth and young adults with disabilities in Career and Technical programs aligned with high-growth industries and occupations. The project will leverage the State University of New York T.E.A.M. Educational Pathways grant funded in Round II of TAACCCT, which offers employer-validated curriculum, fast-track developmental education, prior learning assessments, and work-based learning partnerships, to expand opportunities for students with disabilities. They will also strengthen the continuum of education and training with multiple "on- and off-ramps" by leveraging the networks, resources, and programs developed through the TAACCCT Advanced Manufacturing project, including the new Advanced Manufacturing Certificate, which was completed with active participation of employers and approved by New York State Education Department for launch in fall 2014.

Building on Progress and Moving Ahead

Many of today's grantees are building on the efforts of past TAACCCT winners, leveraging curriculum that has been developed through strong partnerships between community colleges, the workforce system, employers and industry groups to transform the way they design and deliver courses through accelerated learning strategies.

Consistent with the recommendation of the Vice President's job-driven training report, community college grantees in this final round will work with business and industry to upskill thousands of low-wage, low-skill workers and expand competency-based accelerated training pathways to in-demand jobs in information technology, manufacturing, health care, and other fields.

The Administration will continue to take action and work with educators, businesses, labor, and other leaders across the country to train American workers, expand the middle class, and grow the economy. The Vice President's job-driven training report identified a job-driven "checklist" as a tool to maximize the effectiveness of over 25 competitive grant programs, to direct state and local training and employment programs to become more job-driven, to make sure all federal employment and training programs are engaging employers, and to improve information on employment results so we know what's working well and what's not.

We must continue to invest in these types of partnerships, which successfully train American workers. That's why the President's 2015 budget proposes a $6 billion Community College Job-Driven Training Fund to ensure that we are sufficiently investing in partnerships between our nation's community colleges and employers to ensure all American have access to workplace relevant skills and training.

The President's 2015 budget proposes investing $6 billion over four years in a Community College Job-Driven Training Fund. This fund would support competitive grants to partnerships of community colleges, industry and employers to reform job training curricula and launch new programs to train workers for in-demand jobs and careers. This fund will also help to spur the development and adoption of common, industry-recognized credentials and skill assessments to allow employers to more easily identify and hire qualified candidates. $2 billion of these funds will be set aside to double the number of U.S. Registered Apprenticeships within five years.

2014 TAACCCT Grants by State

Note: Project descriptions are taken from language provided by grantees as part of their abstracts.


Lawson State Community CollegeConsortium Leader Award Amount: $4,000,000 Total Consortium Award Amount: $10,000,000 Consortium members: Atlanta Technical College, Atlanta, Ga. ($2,000,000); Central Louisiana Technical Community College, Alexandria, La. ($2,000,000); Copiah-Lincoln Community College, Wesson, Miss. ($2,000,000). Industry focus: Transportation

Lawson State Community College in Birmingham, Alabama is leading a multi-state consortium called the Southeastern Transportation Network. The network will focus on developing Centers of Excellence that prepare veterans, TAA-eligible and other unemployed individuals, with skills needed for the 21st century transportation industry. The centers will focus on training of Automotive, Auto Body, Mobile Medium/Heavy Equipment/Diesel, Marine and Motorcycle Repair Technicians. Instruction will be offered both online and face-to-face with emphasis on a technology-enhanced curriculum that encourages blended education. The consortium will leverage resources from several previously-funded TAACCCT projects, including that of Georgia Piedmont Technical College that has a focus on preparation of bus and mobility mechanics and management supervisors.


University of Alaska, FairbanksConsortium Leader

Award Amount: $6,018,211Total Consortium Award: $8,075,351Consortium members: University of Alaska Southeast, Juneau ($1,691,780), Prince William Sound Community College ($365,360). Industry Focus: Mining

With an average wage of $100,000, more than twice the wage of all other sectors combined, the Alaskan mining industry is ripe with opportunities for training a new class of TAA-eligible professionals as well as Alaska natives, youth and the unemployed. Growth and other factors in the mining industry have led to difficulties in filling positions, yet training time needed for these positions is relatively short. Through the Preparing the Unemployed for the Mining Sector, a consortium of Alaska community colleges and doctoral level mining programs will work to train the unemployed for opportunities in the mining sector, specifically for positions including Mill Process Operator (MPO), Occupational Endorsement (OE), Underground New Miner, Mine Mechanic (OE) and Mine Mechanic (Associate's). UAF will also use the funding to create a mill process simulator, a training tool that does not exist anywhere in the world.


Central Arizona College/Pinal County Community College DistrictConsortium LeaderAward Amount: $3,765,000 Total Consortium Award Amount: $10,000,000 Consortium members: Gateway Community College ($2,100,000), Eastern Arizona College ($2,035,000), Estrella Mountain Community College ($2,100,000)Industry focus: Advanced Manufacturing

The Arizona Regional Advanced Manufacturing Professional Upgrade Project (AZ RAMP Up) is working in partnership with regional manufacturing industries and employers, will accelerate student learning and strengthen student success in advanced manufacturing using strategies that include competency based education, prior learning assessments, and engagement with industry. AZ RAMP Up will enhance and develop stacked and latticed academic and industry recognized certificates and degrees that lead to skilled manufacturing jobs in Arizona and articulate to other degree programs. Certificate programs include Precision Manufacturing, Industrial Electronics, and Industrial Manufacturing Maintenance

Pima County Community CollegeTotal Award Amount: $2,499,997 Industry focus: Transportation (Aviation); Mining; Manufacturing

The Arizona Aviation, Mining and Manufacturing Program (AAMMP Up) will develop an industry-requested degree pathway in Industrial Technology that will include four short-term certificates, add new certification options to existing degree programs in Welding and Aviation, and update equipment to meet employer-identified needs.


Mid-South Community CollegeConsortium Leader Award Amount: $4,889,241 Total Consortium Award Amount: $9,814,818 Consortium members: William R. Moore College of Technology, Memphis, Tenn. ($1,672,000); Southwest Tennessee Community College, Memphis, Tenn. ($1,654,192); Tennessee College of Applied Technology, Memphis, Tenn. ($1,599,385). Industry focus: Manufacturing, Transportation, Logistics

Mid-South Community College in West Memphis, Arkansas is leading a multi-state consortium with three other colleges in Memphis, Tennessee to develop a regional training program for the manufacturing, transportation and logistics industries. The funding will allow the consortium to (1) deepen systemic integration among community colleges, workforce agencies and local employers; (2) expand and enhance industry responsive career pathways by integrating evidence-based approaches; and (3) integrate evidence-based practices in economic development and career pathways and sector partnerships.


Chaffey Community CollegeConsortium Leader

Award Amount: $6,632,881 Total Consortium Award Amount: $14,980,284 Consortium members: College of the Desert ($1,469,805), Norco College ($1,410,433), San Bernardino Valley Community College ($1,249,807), Barstow Community College ($1,155,132), Riverside Community College ($1,130,937), Mt. San Jacinto Community College ($965,590), Victor Valley College ($366,133), MiraCosta College ($300,100), CSU San Bernardino ($147,269), UC Riverside ($102,197), Crafton Hills College ($50,000)Industry focus: Advanced Manufacturing

The Inland Empire Regional Training Consortium (IERTC) is working in partnership with twelve college consortium partners of the Southern California, Inland Empire Region. The Consortium will create the STEM Education Business Incubator (SEBI) Center Hosted at California Steel Industries in Fontana that will focus on Advanced Manufacturing Applications. The IERTC is a regionally coordinated, large-scale effort to develop the highly trained/highly technical workforce to advance industry and the economy of our region. Educational programs and credentials will be stackable meaning once a student completes one course program, they will be poised to stack or add additional complimentary programs leading to an industry recognized credential.


Arapahoe Community College Award Amount: $ 2,394,110 Arapahoe Community College in Littleton, Colorado will benefit from $2,394,110 in funding to support job-driven training for careers in the health information technology industry.


Manchester Community CollegeConsortium Leader

Award Amount: $5,963,684 Total Consortium Award Amount: $15,000,000 Consortium members: Middlesex Community College ($2, 067,371), Naugatuck Valley Community College (1,706,025), Asnuntuck Community College ($1,339,325), Three Rivers Community College ($1,283,123), Housatonic Community College ($1,226,575), Quinebaug Valley Community College ($1,226,575), Charter Oak State College ($187,322), Capital Community College, Gateway Community College, Northwestern Connecticut Community College, Norwalk Community College, Tunxis Community College Industry focus: Manufacturing

Manchester Community College is leading a statewide consortium of 13 community colleges to expand its innovative manufacturing training program to more colleges in the state. The Connecticut Advanced Manufacturing Center places 88% of its graduates into high-wage jobs in the industry. The new funding will help the consortium achieve four evidence-based strategies: 1) expand the capacity of college facilities to support more students and new programs; 2) scale up industry-driven training programs resulting in industry-recognized credentials; 3) increase retention and accelerate completion through student supports and services; and 4) strengthen and expand the AMC sector based approach to employment and training, such as expand access to Registered Apprenticeships.


Delaware Technical Community College Award Amount: $2,394,110 Delaware Technical Community College in Dover, Delaware will benefit from $2,394,110 in funding to support job-driven training for careers in the healthcare and manufacturing industries.


University of the District of Columbia Community College Award Amount: $2,394,110 University of the District of Columbia Community College in Washington, D.C. will benefit from $2,394,110 in funding to support job-driven training for careers in the hospitality and health care administration industries.


Miami Dade College Kendall Campus Consortium Leader

Award Amount: $4,799,473 Total Consortium Award: $9,977,296Consortium members: Polk State College ($1,759,712), Santa Fe College ($1,470,092), Seminole State College ($1,948,019) Industry focus: Manufacturing; Construction

The Training and Certification Programs in Manufactured Construction (TRAMCON) will provide a program of skills, training, and education specially designed for the manufactured construction industry. The TRAMCOM program is designed to address the current training gap in this industry by providing a complete system of nationally recognized certification programs that will be tied to existing manufacturing technology and construction management programs as well as two-year and four-year degree programs offered by Florida's state colleges and universities. Area industry and employer partners will be involved in crafting the training programs, advising the consortium, and hiring the certified workforce.

Valencia CollegeTotal Award Amount: $2,499,902Industry focus: Advanced Manufacturing

Valencia College will partner with regional employers, public entities, industry associations, and philanthropic organizations to develop M-PATH: Advanced Manufacturing, innovative educational pathways designed to serve the needs of the region's advanced manufacturing sector. In addition to development of an Advanced Manufacturing Specialist Certificate, a joint career pathway model will work alongside related credit programs to couple new continuing education certification programs and labs with new college credit certificate and specialization programs in Advanced Manufacturing. This partnership will create shared simulation and hands-on learning curriculum, resources, and transferable articulation options. Focused outreach will include recruiting veterans and women into manufacturing jobs.


Southwest Georgia Technical CollegeTotal Award Amount: $2,322,718Industry focus: Healthcare

Southwest Georgia Technical College, located in Thomasville, Ga., is expanding its Healthcare Careers Work! program. HCW is an employer-driven, technology-infused sector strategy project that will link 525 TAA-eligible, unemployed and dislocated workers and veterans with quickly earned certificates and degrees in high-demand, high wage health care careers. Opportunities for stacking and latticed credentials will be offered in order to meet employer and student needs. The funding will help SWGTC meet the on-going regional demand for qualified healthcare professionals within nursing, health sciences, health information technology and medical billing/coding.


University of Hawaii Maui CollegeConsortium Leader

Award Amount: $4,985,259 Total Consortium Award Amount: $9,999,870 Consortium members: Hawaii Community College ($280,225), Honolulu Community College ($903,047), Kapiolani Community College ($1,056,410), Kauai Community College ($1,137,033), Leeward Community College ($1,075,742), Winward Community College ($562,154)Industry focus: Information Technology; Health

Through partnerships with several health care providers and associated companies, the University of Hawaii Maui College Consortium provides participants with entry-level certificates in Cybersecurity, School Health Aide II, and Community Health. Those who benefit from the career paths and two-year degrees earned from the Consortium members' program include: TAA-eligible workers, those in need of updated training, women and minorities, and veterans.


North Idaho CollegeConsortium LeaderAward Amount: $4,436,205 Total Consortium Award Amount: $6,438,050Consortium members: Idaho State University College of Technology ($1,086,570), Lewis-Clark State College ($503,087), Eastern Idaho Technical College ($412,188)Industry focus: Healthcare

The Idaho Center of Excellence Healthcare Partnership will expand the ability of the consortia to respond to the economic and workforce development needs in Idaho by increasing the education and skill attainment of Trade Adjustment Assistance eligible workers, veterans and others for employment in the healthcare industry. The program seeks to enroll 360 unique participants over three years into an effective series of programs that stack portable, industry recognized credentials; leading to national certifications, job placement and degree attainment in the healthcare industry.


Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Consortium Leader

Award Amount: $5,776,441 Total Consortium Award: $9,956,011Consortium members: Lewis and Clark Community College ($1,497,168), Lincoln Land Community College ($882,863), Carl Sandburg College ($1,049,474), Southeastern Illinois College ($750,065)Industry focus: Bioprocessing; Process Maintenance; Water Management

The Building Illinois' Bioeconomy consortium will partner with regional employers and Illinois higher education institutions to (1) develop robust bioeconomy sector partnerships; (2) recalibrate programs to align with industry needs; (3) establish stackable career pathways to meet adult learner needs; (4) integrate evidence-based design across program areas; (5) establish a sustainable consortium model that lives beyond the grant period and extends to other program areas. Credentials include industry certifications; postsecondary certificates; and degrees in water management, stormwater management, agricultural watershed management, bioprocessing, process maintenance, and biofuels.


Ivy Tech Community College of IndianaTotal Award Amount: $2,496,003Industry focus: Information Technology

The Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana provides program participants with essential training in the area of Information Technology. Credentials to be awarded include Industry Certifications and Technical Certificates. Associate's Degrees in eight Information Technology career pathway programs are earned through a new School of Computing and Informatics. TAA-eligible individuals, veterans and other unemployed/displaced workers work closely with the Information Technology field partners to earn these benefits and to attain a stable career in the Information Technology field.


Hawkeye Community College

Consortium Leader

Award Amount: $1,852,096Total Consortium Award: $15,000,000Consortium members: Des Moines Area Community College ($993,628), Eastern Iowa Community College ($869,671), Iowa Central Community College ($984,092), Indian Hills Community College ($999,548), Iowa Lakes Community College ($808,102), Iowa Valley Community College District ($999,999), Iowa Western Community College ($998,431), Kirkwood Community College ($999,881), North Iowa Area Community College ($1,000,000), Northeast Iowa Community College ($1,000,000), Northwest Iowa Community College ($993,468), Southeastern Community College ($678,349), Southwestern Community College ($1,000,000), Western Iowa Tech Community College ($822,735)Industry Focus: Information Technology, Healthcare, Utilities, Manufacturing

Iowa's Information Technology Healthcare Utilities and Manufacturing Network will increase the education and training of TAA-eligible workers in the high-growth industries of health, information, manufacturing and utilities. Through the network, there are 75 programs that will award certificates, diplomas, and/or degrees within applicable industries to TAA-eligible workers, veterans, dislocated workers and other adult workers in need of training.


Washburn University of Topeka Consortium Leader

Award Amount: $4,225,338 Total Consortium Award: $11,997,957Consortium members: Flint Hills Technical College ($4,225,338), Garden City Community College ($1,975,546), Wichita Area Technical College ($1,500,000) Industry focus: Advanced Manufacturing; Health Care Occupations

The Kansas Technical Re/training Among Interdisciplinary Networks (KanTRAIN) project, working with regional employer, industry, public workforce system, and higher education partners, is an innovative, skills-based approach based on industry needs and leveraged technology to provide access to employment sector opportunities for participants. This model provides an industry-based approach that assesses participants' knowledge, skills, and abilities, and provides competency-based training for the skills and credentials students need to find meaningful employment in high-wage, high demand jobs in Advanced Manufacturing and Heath Care Occupations.

Johnson County Community CollegeTotal Award Amount: $2,496,764Industry focus: Information Technology; Technical Services

Working with employer, public workforce system, and community partners, the Johnson County Community College: Accelerated, Collaborative Technology Training Services (JCCC-ACTTS) project will create innovative information technology training that will serve TAA-eligible workers, eligible veterans and their spouses, and other adults. Certificates and degrees enhanced and awarded under this project will include those in Computer Information Systems/Programming, Information Technology Networking, Health Information Systems Technology, and Web Technologies.


Hazard Community and Technical CollegeConsortium LeaderAward Amount: $5,552,400 Total Consortium Award Amount: $10,000,000 Consortium members: Big Sandy Community and Technical College ($889,520), Jefferson Community and Technical College ($889,520), Somerset Community College ($889,520), Southeast Kentucky Community and Technical College ($889,520), West Kentucky Community and Technical College ($889,520) Industry focus: Information Technology

The Hazard Community and Technical College Consortium works in unison with regional healthcare providers to expand the Enhancing Programs for IT Certification (EPIC) program. Through the implementation of four strategies: 1) Improve access to online credential pathways, 2) Implement new methods to ensure students are prepared to succeed in academic courses, 3) Develop high-demand credential and degree pathways, 4) Create a suite of workforce strategies to ensure a smooth transition into jobs, the Consortium gives students more opportunity to enter the Information Technology workforce with more knowledge and a stronger ability to succeed. Students have the opportunity to choose from five possible degrees and thirteen certificates.


Bossier Parish Community CollegeTotal Award Amount: $2,499,325 Industry focus: Advanced Manufacturing; Mechatronics Bossier Parish Community College's Advanced Trade Skills program offers students accelerated career pathways towards industry-recognized credentials in advanced manufacturing, mechatronics and advanced welding occupations. The funding will help BPCC serve more than 1,900 TAA-eligible workers, veterans and other individuals receive advanced technical skills through work-based learning strategies, including apprenticeships. The funding will also help the college develop online technologies and software-based simulations to supplement training.

Delgado Community College Total Award Amount: $2,498,457 Industry focus: Advanced Manufacturing; Energy Delgado Community College in New Orleans, La. is launching the Scale-up Southeast Louisiana initiative to provide competency-based accelerated training for advanced manufacturing and energy sector occupations. The initiative will utilize online technologies as well as the I-BEST platform to offer course instructions to veterans and TAA-eligible and other dislocated workers. Participants will have the opportunity to earn Certificates of Technical Studies in industrial maintenance, precision machining, welding, pipefitting and process technology.


Kennebec Valley Community CollegeTotal Award Amount: $2,499,977Industry Focus: Healthcare/Social Assistance, Construction

Using strategies that have proven effective for positively influencing student retention, persistence and graduation rates, Kennebec Valley Community College, through its Advancing Health Care and Construction Careers in Mid-Maine program, will offer expanded education and training opportunities that will lead to industry-recognized credentials and employment for TAA-eligible professionals, dislocated and other adult workers. The College will enhance and expand its Mental Health and Medical Assisting programs to increase the number of certified medical assistants and mental health professionals available for employment at local health care providers and social service agencies, including employee partners MaineGeneral Health, Inland Hospital, Care & Comfort and Kennebec Behavioral Health. Additionally, KVCC will develop and offer a new program in Sustainable Design/Build which combines traditional construction skills with opportunities to learn about sustainable forestry, joinery, architectural history, restoration and wood science. Graduates will be prepared to obtain employment within a wide array of sectors businesses including forestry, general contracting, timber frame construction, architecture firms or engineering.


Montgomery College Consortium Leader

Award Amount: $5,371,743 Total Consortium Award Amount: $14,957,899 Consortium members: Carroll Community College ($865,292), College of Southern Maryland ($826,160), Howard Community College ($824,339), Anne Arundel Community College ($817,368), Allegany College of Maryland ($803,889), Baltimore City Community College ($800,000), Wor-Wic Community College ($799,916), Hagerstown Community College ($797,916), Community College of Baltimore County ($773,362), Frederick Community College ($731,614), Garrett College ($448,959), Harford Community College ($738,320), Prince George's Community College ($359,021).Industry focus: Cyber-Security Economic Sector: Information Technology; Professional; Scientific and Technical Services; Educational Services

Cyber-Technology Pathways Across Maryland (CPAM) is a statewide effort, consisting of 14 of Maryland's 16 Community Colleges. The strategies include: 1) Build a statewide Career Pathways System that is accessible and easy to navigate, 2) Develop a statewide system of requirements, processes and services for the target population and help participants build skills in the industry and future career path in cyber-security, 3) Build a connected statewide information and communication system to assist participants in making informed choices and provide data driven analysis to continuous improvement and longer-term planning, 4) Employ technology to strengthen quality programming across the state and 5) Build strategic partnerships that engage employers, leverage resources, expertise and networks to meet participants' needs for support and respond to employers' changing skill needs over time.


Massasoit Community College Consortium LeaderAward Amount: $7,650,000Total Consortium Award Amount: $20,000,000 Consortium members: Berkshire Community College ($525,000), Bristol Community College ($525,000), Bunker Community College ($525,000), Cape Cod Community College ($525,000), Greenfield Community College ($525,000), Holyoke Community College ($525,000), Massachusetts Bay Community College ($525,000), Middlesex Community College ($525,000), Mount Wachusett Community College ($525,000), North Shore Community College ($525,000), Northern Essex Community College ($525,000), Quinsigamond Community College ($525,000), Roxbury Community College ($525,000), Springfield Technical Community College ($525,000) Industry focus: STEM industries including: Biotechnology, Information Technology, Private/Cyber Security, Advanced Manufacturing, Life Sciences, Health Care, Engineering, Green Energy, Veterinary Science, Architecture and Green Building, Telecommunications

The Massasoit Community College Consortium provides students with the opportunity to earn credentials from a plethora of twenty-four different degrees/degree options and fifty-eight different certificates in the area of STEM. The Consortium uses the Complete College America Guided Pathways to Success model to successfully achieve the goal of increasing the number of degrees and certificates earned by program participants; this reduces the time it takes to complete the program. The reduction in time gets students out in the workforce sooner or allows them to enter into higher education more prepared and in a timelier manner. Regional employers partnered with the Consortium to provide students with the experience and jobs necessary to begin a career with confidence.

Cape Cod Community CollegeTotal Award Amount: $2,471,478Industry focus: Aviation; Aviation Maintenance; Avionics

The Cape Cod Community College developed a yearlong program to train workers to be Aviation Maintenance Technicians. The college is partnered with defense programs and regional employers to provide the opportunity of a career to students who successfully complete the program. Credentials awarded from the Cape Cod Community College include, Airframe Certificate, Powerplant Certificate, Airframe and Powerplant Certificate, or an Associate of Applied Science in Aviation Maintenance. Cape Cod Community College is also a consortium member in the Massasoit Community College consortium.


Alpena Community College Total Award Amount: $2,500,000Industry focus: STEM Industry Cluster Aerospace, Cyber Security, Green Energy and Smart Grid Technology; Advanced Manufacturing

Building Career Pathways in the STEM Cluster: Closing the Skill Gaps in Northeast Michigan will provide short-term training, apprenticeships, industry credentials, certificates, and degrees leading to employment in the STEM industry cluster, including: (1) aerospace; (2) cybersecurity; (3) green energy/smart grid technology; and (4) advanced manufacturing. Working with local employers, public workforce systems, and other industry and community partners, the project intends to serve up to 300 unemployed or under-employed adults in the Northeast Michigan region.

Wayne County Community College DistrictTotal Award Amount: $2,499,758Industry focus: Information Technology Cyber Security

The Wayne County Generation Cyber (WCGC) project will implement an evidence-based cybersecurity career pathway program in order to meet the fast-growing demand for a cybersecurity workforce. Working with regional employer, public workforce system, and other partners, the Wayne County Community College District (WCCCD) will offer pathways that feature core foundational IT curriculum that includes industry-recognized entry-level IT certifications which stack and lattice to multiple specialty tracks within the cybersecurity field. The courses will be created using a competency-based modularized design that includes virtual game design to simulate the cybersecurity work environment.


South Central College Consortium LeaderAward Amount: $5,569,615 Total Consortium Award Amount: $14,999,982Consortium members: Ridgewater College ($1,451,782), Saint Paul College ($1,382,954), Minneapolis Community & Technical College ($1,028,749), Lake Superior College ($908,423), Dakota County Technical College ($887,057), Century College ($790,770), MN West Community and Technical College ($624,735), Northland Community and Technical College ($596,917), Riverland Community College ($519,120), MN State Community and Technical College ($424,351), Bemidji State University ($412,044), Normandale Community College ($403,465) Industry focus: Advanced Manufacturing

South Central College is leading a consortium of 13 Minn. colleges to promote its Minnesota Advanced Manufacturing Partnership. MNAMP's Learn, Work, Earn program targets TAA-eligible workers, veterans and other adult learners seeking training to secure or maintain employment. The project focuses on providing career pathways in advanced manufacturing in the fields of mechatronics, machining and welding. Participants will be able to earn stackable, portable industry-recognized credentials while simultaneously working in the industry. Participants will be able to enter academic programs at multiple points based on assessment results that match individual skills.

Minnesota State Community and Technical College Total Award Amount: $2,473,227 Industry focus: Construction and Utilities Minnesota State Community and Technical College's CU Succeed program will serve 450 TAA-eligible and similar adults over three years in the West Central Minnesota Workforce Service Area. The program will provide training and certifications to individuals to obtain in-demand careers in the construction and utilities industries through the use of new mobile training units that travel to multiple sites, online workplace readiness and soft skills instruction and work-based training. Articulation agreements with Minnesota State University Moorhead will provide participants with Bachelor of Science degree options.


East Central Community College Total Award Amount: $2,499,950Industry focus: Modern Manufacturing Industries

Winston County Manufacturing Recovery Project will 1) Create the Winston County Manufacturing Sector Leadership Team composed of local manufacturers, a regional industry representative, and workforce partners to guide program development, develop work-based learning and internship programs, and help provide employment for program participants, 2) Build capacity in Winston County for East Central Community College to provide contextualized remediation, an industry-recognized manufacturing non-credit training program, and a modularized Electrical Technology CTE program, 3), Utilize hybrid and technology-enabled systems to deliver training and education and support remediation and competency-based program completions, 4) Build career pathways from non-credit to university that uses prior learning assessments and articulation agreements, 5) Lattice and stack industry-recognized credentials in project programs based on industry input, 6) Enhance instructors use of advanced technology, and 7) Provide entrepreneur training and manufacturing incubation support for participant wishing to start businesses. Credentials to be developed and awarded include credit and non-credit certificates. The project benefits Trade Adjustment Assistance eligible, unemployed and displaced workers, veterans and particularly those who have been displaced by the devastating tornado that hit Winston County in April 2014.


The Junior College of Metropolitan Kansas CityConsortium Leader

Award Amount: $3,859,988; Supplemental Award: $4,731,900Total Consortium Award: $19,724,404Consortium members: Crowder College ($810,448), East Central College ($515,717), Jefferson College ($1,383,462), Mineral Area College ($1,192,048), Moberly Area Community College ($345,995), North Central Missouri College ($675,374), Ozarks Technical College ($1,005,459), St. Charles Community College ($1,006,861), St. Louis Community College ($1,947,591), State Fair Community College ($952,120), State Technical College of Missouri ($536,587), Three Rivers Community College ($700,854) Industry Focus: Information Technology, Health Sciences, Transportation, Advanced Manufacturing, Life/General Sciences

With TAACCT funding, Missouri Science Technology Engineering and Math Workforce Innovation Networks (MoSTEMWINS) will implement three major strategies aimed at TAA-eligible workers, the long-term unemployed and dislocated workers: 1) Accelerate entry into career programs; 2) Create clear pathways to STEM fields; and 3) Improve employment attainment. The 13 colleges in the consortium will serve 1,853 participants and will create or revise credentials for the following certifications: IT-COMPTIA, Microsoft, Cisco, Cyber Security, Systems Admin & Engineering, Networking; Health Sciences PharmTech, Ultrasound Tech, Medical Office Assistant, Certified Medical Assistant, Radiology, Certified Associate Healthcare Information and Management Systems; Transportation Advanced Driving and CDL; Manufacturing MSSC-CPT, CLT, Technician and Mobile Mechanic, IFPS, Industrial Tech Mechatronics, ETA, and AWS; Science Chemical Technology, Environmental Sciences, Chemical Tech, and Life Sciences Lab Assistant. MoSTEMWINS received additional funding in the grant category of Improving Statewide Employment and Education Data Integration and Use, for developing applications that commit States to integrate their employment and education data systems, in order to track individuals' employment outcomes, and to better assess the effectiveness of education and job training programs over time.


Missoula College University of Montana Consortium Leader

Award Amount: $7,934,207 Total Consortium Award: $14,998,597Consortium members: Bitterroot College UM ($158,789), Blackfeet Community College ($637,940), City College and MSU-Billings ($637,940), Chief Dull Knife College ($158,789), Flathead Valley Community College ($637,940), Gallatin College-MSU ($158,789), Great Falls College-MSU ($637,940), Helena College-UM ($637,940), Miles Community College ($637,940), Highlands College of Montana Tech ($637,940), University of Montana-Western ($145,132), Montana State University-Northern ($637,940), Salish Kootenai College ($386,882), Stone Child College ($158,789)Industry focus: Healthcare

The Montana HealthCARE project use the following strategies to address the gap between the state's educational capacity and healthcare employers' demands: (1) Create statewide healthcare pathways characterized by stacked and latticed credentials and contextualized curricula; (2) Address Montana's nursing shortages by providing accelerated pathways to credential completion; (3) Increase success for students by providing services that better prepare adult learners for college; accelerate credential completion; coach students in pathway navigation; and provide access to distance education, and (4) Engage the healthcare industry, education, workforce programs, and other stakeholders in healthcare workforce transformation; on-the-job training and apprenticeship opportunities; rapid response cycle regional planning; and data-driven approaches. Credentials will be awarded in nursing pathway, Allied Health Certificates, and Allied Health Degrees.


Central Community College Total Award Amount: $2,499,799 Industry focus: Agriculture

The Nebraska Precision Agriculture Center of Excellence (N-PACE) will design a blended delivery Precision Agriculture Technician program of stacked and latticed credentials, mapped to industry skills certifications to better align with industry needs and ensure students will earn portable credentials in high-demand, high-wage emerging occupations. The program will be designed to improve retention and completion rates, and will include enhanced coaching, remedial education, and success coaches that will assist students in accessing support services offered by the college, workforce development, and other community-based organizations. N-PACE will be a highly collaborative project, strategically aligned with a wide range of stakeholders including employers and workforce system partners.

Metropolitan Community CollegeTotal Award Amount: $2,491,960Industry focus: Information Technology

Project Proto (Providing Realistic On-ramps to Technology Occupations) is designed to provide an accessible, experiential entry into an IT career pathway that leads participants into existing and emerging high-demand IT and IT-enabled occupations. Working with employers, public workforce systems, and other community partners, Project Proto will develop new credentials, award existing credentials, and provide latticed credentials in IT-enabled existing pathways.


NHTI- Concord's Community College Total Award Amount: $2,500,000Industry focus: Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services

The Get IT! Growing the Economy through Information Technology project is a statewide project to develop, improve, and expand adult educational training pathways to careers in multiple industries that require certified information technology skills and knowledge. New certificate and degree programs will be developed and offered. NHTI will work with its six sister colleges within the Community College System of New Hampshire to create a Common Core IT Curriculum from which they can develop their own stacked and/or latticed academic career pathways. A comprehensive career counseling and advising model will be developed and implemented. The project benefits Trade Adjustment Assistance eligible workers, Veterans, adult learners, unemployed and underemployed workers.


Bergen Community CollegeConsortium LeaderAward Amount: $6,101,147 Total Consortium Award Amount: $15,000,000 Consortium members: Brookdale Community College ($820,400), County College of Morris ($774,488), Essex County College ($819,100), Hudson County Community College ($822,910), Mercer Community College ($732,777), Middlesex County College ($825,000), Ocean County College ($824,450), Passaic County Community College ($836,144), Raritan Valley Community College ($817,163), Sussex County Community College ($822,048), Union County College ($804,372) Industry focus: Health Professions

The Bergen Community College Consortium partners with over twenty employers to provide students with the opportunity to enter in regional healthcare career pathways. The Consortium ensures that the participants in the program receive the training that is essential to obtaining desired careers in the healthcare field. Credentials from this Consortium include, but are not limited to: National Council of State Boards NCLEX for Practical Nursing Licensure, National Registry of Emergency Technicians (NREMT), Certified Home Health Aide (CHHA), Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA), Medication Aide, Certified Medical Administrative Assistant, and a multitude of other credentials related to the healthcare field.


Santa Fe Community College Consortium Leader

Award Amount: $5,642,378 Total Consortium Award: $14,999,863Consortium members: Central New Mexico Community College ($1,983,778), San Juan College ($1,366,921), Eastern New Mexico University Branch Campus Roswell ($1,145,444), Eastern New Mexico University Branch Campus Ruidoso ($576,767), New Mexico State University, Alamogordo ($807,012), University of New Mexico Branch Campus Taos ($688,983), University of New Mexico Branch Campus-Valencia ($788,029), University of New Mexico Branch Campus-Los Alamos ($579,961), University of New Mexico Branch Campus-Gallup ($866,967), Mesalands Community College ($553,623)Industry focus: Allied Health; Health Information Technology; Emergency Medical Services

The New Mexico Skill UP Network: Pathways Acceleration in Technology and Healthcare (SUN PATH) will partner with employers, industry representatives, and public workforce systems to (1) expand and improve the delivery of healthcare career pathways; (2) increase attainment of degrees, certifications, and industry recognized credentials; and (3) align education and workforce systems resulting in improved employment outcomes. The project will build on already developed activities by expanding I-BEST, utilizing the online course sharing network, implementing credit for prior learning policies and procedures, and expanding on the IT curriculum. Additional strategies include implementing industry recognized credentials that are stacked and latticed, enhancing technology enabled learning, delivery of modularized curriculum competency based assessments, career guidance support aligned with the public workforce system, and enhancing data and accountability systems.


Onondaga Community CollegeTotal Award Amount: $2,499,477Industry focus: Agribusiness and Food Processing

The Onondaga Community College has partnered with regional employers to enact the CNY Future Opportunities Onondaga Delivers Pathway Initiative. This program is a dual-client, sector-based workforce program that features employer-driven training and a collaborative approach to recruitment and career placement. The Onondaga Community College students can earn credentials and are exposed to countless different career pathways in the fields of agribusiness and food processing. The program will lead to an abundance of jobs for students in the short-term and in the long-term.


Western Nevada CollegeConsortium Leader

Award Amount: $4,406,143Total Consortium Award: $9,921,831Consortium members: College of Southern Nevada ($1,746,492), Truckee Meadows Community College ($1,748,643), Great Basin College ($2,020,553) Industry Focus: Machine Tool/CNC, Welding Technology, Diesel Technology, Business, Information Technology, Healthcare

The Nevada Community College Consortium's project to leverage the existing skills of active duty military, veteran and adult learner populations will meet employer demand in the machine tool, diesel technology, business and healthcare sectors. Credentials offered will include Associate of Applied Science, Associate of Business, CISCO Certified Network Associate, CISCO Certified Network Professional, Microsoft Certified IT Professional and Nursing Assistant, as well as a host of other certifications. Graduates will be prepared for jobs with local employment partners such as Micromanipulator, NV Heat Treating, Northern NV Operating Engineers, Desert View Hospital and Golden Valley Medical Center.


Central Piedmont Community CollegeTotal Award Amount: $2,499,378Industry Focus: Energy

Central Piedmont Community College's Mechatronics Re-Envisioned program will create the next-generation competency-based model that will deliver more highly-qualified technicians to the Charlotte region's growing energy sector and to its advanced manufacturing industry supply chain. Regional energy and manufacturing partners approached CPCC in 2008 about creating a training program to meet the growing demand for cross-trained technicians capable of troubleshooting and maintaining automated machinery in high-tech production environments. Responding to these demands CPCC has worked to modernize the curriculum and will re-envision the Mechatronics degree to incorporate innovation in the both the classroom and lab. In addition to competency based instruction, the project will incorporate technology-enabled and enhanced learning, student support services and structured programs of study for TAA-eligible workers, veterans and other non-traditional students. Students who enroll in the Mechatronics program will have the opportunity to earn nationally recognized credentials such as the NCCER, PMMI Mechatronics and the SMSCP Siemens Level I and II Mechatronics certificate. Mechatronics Re-Envisioned will also incorporate Festo Mechatronics credentialing as a third-party credentialing option.


Bismarck State CollegeConsortium LeaderAward Amount: $4,136,052 Total Consortium Award Amount: $9,926,410 Consortium members: Sitting Bull College ($1,692,539), Turtle Mountain Community College ($2,117,101), Williston State College ($1,980,718) Industry focus: Energy (Oil & Gas, Utility); Transportation; Construction

The Bismarck State College Consortium is partnered with regional employers to improve the new program, Training for Regional Energy in North Dakota (TREND). This program permits students to earn credentials in the areas of energy, transportation, and construction. The program provides stackable credentials, provides training, expands different systems and programs already in place, develops new certificate programs, and allots for the research of the possibility of an online Lineworker Apprenticeship program.


Lorain County Community College Consortium LeaderAward Amount: $5,144,094 Total Consortium Award: $15,000,000Consortium Members: Cincinnati State Technical and Community College $(1,000,000); Columbus State Community College ($1,000,000); Lakeland Community College ($1,000,522); Owens Community College ($1,000,000); James A. Rhodes State College ($1,000,000); Sinclair Community College ($1,000,000); Stark State College ($1,000,000); Zane State College ($1,000,000); Eastern Gateway Community College ($999,988); Cuyahoga Community College ($855,396)Industry focus: Advanced Manufacturing As part of the Ohio Technical Skills Innovation Network, eleven colleges in the state are banding together to develop an advanced manufacturing training model to promote job readiness, skills development, pathways to credentials and online/hybrid courses to prepare workers for jobs in this growing industry. The program will serve veterans, long term unemployed and TAA-eligible individuals. Strong participation among employers in the region means access to work-based training, like apprenticeship and other hands-on learning opportunities.

Cincinnati State Technical and Community College Total Award Amount: $2,498,888 Industry focus: Supply Chain Logistics; Manufacturing Cincinnati State Technical and Community College is developing the Greater Cincinnati Supply Chain Career Development Center to address a critical regional employer need by creating flexible, modularized career pathways in supply chain management and logistics for veterans, TAA-eligible and other individuals. The funding will help in the development of a materials handling learning laboratory. Students will be eligible to obtain certificates in numerous skills while progressing towards an associate degree in supply chain management.

Clark State Community College Total Award Amount: $2,497,885 Industry focus: Advanced Manufacturing Clark State Community College in Springfield, Ohio has worked closely with local employers to develop new certificate programs in welding, CNC manufacturing, additive manufacturing, industrial maintenance and supervisory control and data acquisition. The funding will also help CSCC expand its online course offerings and other instructional technology. Students in the program will also have access to internship opportunities with local employers that may lead to full-time employment.

Eastern Gateway Community College Total Award Amount: $2,493,616 Industry focus: Advanced Manufacturing Eastern Gateway Community College in Steubenville, Ohio is developing a new manufacturing training center to meet local employer demand for training in high-skill occupations like welding and industrial maintenance. The funding will help EGCC develop strong partnerships with local employers and workforce agencies to design training programs that lead to industry recognized credentials. Veterans, unemployed and TAA-eligible individuals and other community college students will be served by the program.

Northwest State Community College Total Award Amount: $2,499,588 Industry focus: Advanced Manufacturing Northwest State Community College in Archbold, Ohio is developing the Industrial Automation Manufacturing innovative Strategic Training Achieving Results (or otherwise known as I AM iStar) program. The program is focused on industrial automation training and designed based on the needs of local employers. The program will offer industry recognized certificates and associate degrees that lead to high-wage, high-skill employment.


Oklahoma City Community College Total Award Amount: $2,497,340Industry focus: Commercial and Industrial Machine and Equipment Sector

Oklahoma City Community College will provide training for middle-skilled technical workers in a Science, Technology, Math and Engineering (STEM) related occupation by developing and implementing a new career pathway that includes nationally scaled education and credentialing with a Registered Apprenticeship program called the Commercial Food Equipment Service Technician (CFEST) program. The CFEST program will improve, expand and accelerate learning in the Engineering Career Pathway beginning in central Oklahoma and scaling nationally for Trade Adjustment Assistance-eligible workers and other adults. The project proposes expanded engagement flexibility; redesigned remedial education to include acceleration and contextualization, latticing programs and stacking new and enhanced employer recognized credentials, advanced online and technology-enabled learning, alignment with the workforce system and other stakeholders with previously funded TAACCCT projects, utilizing sector strategies and substantial employer engagement. Emphasis will be placed on offering flexible class scheduling and various delivery systems included advanced technical online and hybrid courses. Credentials to be developed include four industry certifications, one journeymen certification and a Registered Apprenticeship. The project benefits Trade Adjustment Assistance eligible workers, underemployed and unemployed workers, with an emphasis on veterans and their eligible spouses.


Southwestern Oregon Community College Award Amount: $2,394,110 Southwestern Oregon Community College in Coos Bay, Oregon will benefit from $2,394,110 in funding to support job-driven training for careers in the healthcare and natural resources industry.


Northampton County Area Community College Consortium Leader

Award Amount: $6,354,436 Total Consortium Award: $10,000,000Consortium members: Lehigh Carbon Community College ($1,809,350), Luzerne County Community College ($1,836,214) Industry focus: Advanced Manufacturing; Healthcare; Transportation and Logistics

Northampton County Area Community College in Bethlehem, Penn. is leading a consortium of three Pennsylvania community colleges to prepare students for successful careers in advanced manufacturing, healthcare and transportation and logistics. The consortium is building on successful strategies from past rounds to expand employer engagement in the development of training programs as well as emphasizing technology-enhanced learning techniques. The program will serve TAA-eligible and other unemployed individuals.


Universidad MetropolitanaTotal Award Amount: $2,499,638Industry Focus: Aerospace Technologies and Manufacturing, Medical Manufacturing, Communications, Pharmaceuticals

The New Horizons initiative presents an opportunity to develop new and highly-applicable skills for the21st century. UMET's Puerto Rico Photonics Institute offers education and training in Lasers, Optics and Photonics not available anywhere else in Puerto Rico, yet it is applicable to a widevariety of careers. The curriculum for this program will be adapted from the highly-successfulNSF-ATE-supported National Center for Photonics Education. Course and laboratorycomponents will also be built on online interactive notebooks being developed in collaborationwith the University of Arizona. The proposed project impacts workers displaced by trade-agreement related closures and other job losses in PR. The offerings respond to requirements in manufacturing and R&D in three growing industries, Aerospace, Medical Devices, and Communications.


New England Institute of Technology Total Award Amount: $2,500,000Industry focus: Shipbuilding; Marine Trades; Advanced Manufacturing and Manufacturing

The New England Institute of Technology (NEIT) will add five additional industry-recognized credential programs to its existing two core programs of S.A.M.I. (Shipbuilding/Marine Trades and Advanced Manufacturing Institute. These are Shipfitting, Pipe Welding, Sheetmetal, Pipefitting, and Robotics. The occupational training activities within these industries will provide entry-level and advanced skills sought by the private sector partners to 200 Rhode Island unemployed, underemployed, Trade Adjustment Assistance eligible workers, Veterans, and recent high school graduates. The curriculum, instruction, learning settings and training closely matches the work-place competencies and skills needed not only for these employers but for each industry occupation as well as employer partner work-sites and expectations. Training participants will acquire entry-level skills, industry-based credentials and/or academic credit during their career path. The project also equips two training/evaluation laboratories for welding and machining. Participants also receive supportive services through case management, hands-on job skills, evaluation activities, OSHA 10 safety certification and employment placement assistance. The project will serve 200 participants and will provide a cost effective and more reliable method of training the right people for the right jobs.


Aiken Technical CollegeTotal Award Amount: $2,455,839Industry focus: Communications and Construction

The Aiken Technical College's Individuals Safely Training to Achieve Climber Credentials (iSTACC) program will train and place low-skilled workers, TAA-certified workers and others in high-demand jobs in the tower industry. The program is designed to reduce fatalities in an unnecessarily dangerous industry and create a replicable model for other community colleges. The program will expand existing and nationally unique tower training programs at ATC which produces entry-level authorized climbers. These credentials will be offered utilizing advanced technology-enabled online learning.


Lake Area Technical Institute Total Award Amount: $2,500,000 Industry focus: Advanced Manufacturing

Lake Area Technical Institute will launch the Transforming Education for Advanced Manufacturing in South Dakota (TEAM SD) initiative. The project will implement strategies designed to expand and enhance the education and training opportunities in the advanced manufacturing industry for rural workers, veterans and other adults. Participants will credentials in several manufacturing related occupations and gain access to hands-on learning activities, including internships.

Mitchell Technical Institute Total Award Amount: $2,478,232Industry focus: Energy and Utilities

Mitchell Technical Institute will enhance and expand its Energy Production and Transmission programs to support TAA-eligible and low-skill workers throughout the state. The program will address the increased workforce demand for energy/utility technicians due to high attrition, employee retirements and the expanding industry. This proposal will follow the three principles of the Center of Workforce Development's Get Into Energy Career Pathway model: 1) targeted outreach and support from recruitment through employment; 2) career pathways that include training through attainment of stackable and latticed credentials, as well as determination of prior learning skills through competency-based skills assessments; and 3) employer involvement in all phases of workforce development.


Southwest Tennessee Community College Total Award Amount: $2,387,247 Industry focus: Healthcare

Southwest Tennessee Community College's ADVANCE Southwest program will expand its nursing and allied health programs utilizing evidence-based practices in academic and career advising to provide participants with intensive support in order to improve program completion. The program will also create a special pre-program prior to participation in order to expose participants to allied health curriculum, occupations, workplace environment and employer expectations. Furthermore, the college will immerse students in an intensive simulation learning environment to increase critical thinking skills and improve retention rates and provide intensive career counseling support throughout the duration of the program.


Richland CollegeTotal Award Amount: $3,250,000Industry Focus: Advanced Manufacturing, Mechatronics, Electronics Manufacturing

The Veterans-Focused Engineering Technology Project (VFETP) will address demands in advanced manufacturing industries, particularly those requiring trained workers in electronics technology/mechatronics. These industries are major employers and economic mainstays of the Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex served by Richland College (RLC). The VFETP will leverage Richland College's existing programs, robust commitments from employers, and TAACCCT dollars to meet these needs. The College will conduct outreach to, train, and support gainful employment for, discharged armed forces veterans enrolled in the Pentagon's Transitions to Veterans Program (TVP), as well as TAA-eligible and other participants. RLC received additional grant funding in the category of Taking to Scale In-Demand Job Training Across the Country through National Industry Partnerships. This grant category incentivizes local community college partnerships to include national partners - such as industry associations - that commit to help design and implement job training programs based on industry-recognized credentials, and replicate these with other education and training institutions across the country where industry also needs to hire workers with those skills.

Texas State Technical College WacoTotal Award Amount: $2,378,924Industry Focus: Manufacturing

The Accelerated Career and Education Pathway Program (ACEPP) will provide entry points for TAA-eligible, the unemployed and veterans to access career pathways in manufacturing-related positions including welders, industrial maintenance mechanics and CNC operators/machinists. Credentials will be organized so that the target participant population can receive industry-recognized certifications embedded in associate degree programs that will directly link to occupational opportunities. ACEPP will utilize the Texas Workforce Commission's College Credit for Heroes program to connect veterans with competency assessments followed by accelerated learning programs designed to move them quickly into manufacturing jobs.


Salt Lake Community CollegeTotal Award Amount: $2,500,000Industry focus: Healthcare; Information Technology; Manufacturing; Skilled Trades

Salt Lake Community College in Salt Lake City, Utah, is developing an training program that includes a hybrid, competency-based platform specifically designed to meet the needs of TAA-eligible workers, veterans and other adults. The School of Applied Technology at SLCC provides technical, industry-driven education in a format geared toward adult learners. The goal of this project is to significantly increase the number of adult learners who obtain high-wage, high-demand occupations in the healthcare, information technology and manufacturing sectors.


Community College of Vermont Award Amount: $2,394,110 Community College of Vermont in Waterbury, Vermont will benefit from $2,394,110 in funding to support job-driven training for careers in the healthcare, manufacturing and agribusiness industry.


Danville Community College Total Award Amount: $2,500,000Industry focus: Advanced Manufacturing (Precision Machining Technology; secondarily Welding and Industrial Maintenance/Mechatronics)

Retooling America: Retooling its Workforce, Retooling its Educational Programs incorporates workplace experiential learning in an educational setting. The project's concept involves developing a full-scale manufacturing work flow cell to enable realistic, fully integrated training experiences. Phase 1 of this project will develop a Precision Machining Technology Capstone Manufacturing Model. Through a partnership with the National Institute for Metalworking Skills (NIMS), this project will also develop a nationally recognized industry credential in metrology. Partnerships with Goodwill and adult education services enable the program to reach targeted populations ranging from pre-GED through post degree skill levels. These multi-level training opportunities are supported through partnership with former TAAACCCT recipient colleges to support practices of TAAACCCT best practices. The project proposes to develop a flow cell Capstone project. This model will be shared on a nationwide basis for incorporation at any college or workforce training center that is interested in taking their workforce development program to the next level. Credentials will be developed and awarded. The project benefits Trade Adjustment Assistance eligible workers, veterans, incumbent and unemployed workers.

Lord Fairfax Community College Total Award Amount: $3,250,000 Industry focus: Healthcare; Advanced Manufacturing; Information Technology

Knowledge to Work (K2W): A Portal for Competencies and Individualized Learning offers 1) a portable/website with a new type of educational search engine, 2) individualized learning plans and portfolios, 3) competency-based education with direct assessment, 4) prior learning assessment, 5) badges and industry credentials, 6) customized wrap-around support through student services, career coaches, a workforce navigator and a full-time instructor. Lord Fairfax Community College will offer an Individualized Studies/Direct Assessment track to earn: 1) the Associated of Applied Science degree in Administrative Support Technology, Health Information Management, and Information Systems Technology, 2) a Certificate in Administrative Support Technology, Medical Billing/Coding, Hospital Facility Coding, and Health Science, and 3) a Career Studies Certificate in Information Processing Technician, Supervision, Home Health Technician, Cyber Security, Database Administration Specialist, Information Technology Foundations, Networking Specialist, Software Development, and Web Design and Applications Development. Lord Fairfax Community College will offer various apprenticeship programs including electric, HVAC, plumbing and multi-craft technician (industrial maintenance). Noncredit programs will also be offered. The project benefits Trade Adjustment Assistance eligible workers, Veterans, adult learners, and the unemployed.

Southwest Virginia Community College Total Award Amount: $2,500,000Industry focus: Advanced Manufacturing; Carpentry

SWCC PluggedIn and Ready to Work is a partnership with the Southwest Virginia Community College, Virginia Department of Education's Office of Adult Education and Literacy, Virginia Employment Commission's State TAA Office and Southwest regional Adult Education Office. PluggedinVA is an innovative, six-month accelerated program that combines GED curriculum contextualized for a targeted occupation and provides opportunities for participants to earn a college-level certificate form a selected program of study and industry-recognized certifications, such as Microsoft Digital literacy Certificate. Southwest Virginia Community College will develop stackable credentials that align with existing programs in middle-to-high-skill, high-wage industries in Welding, Mechatronics, CNC/Machinists, and Carpentry. In addition, PluggedinVA will be expanded to three levels of training to truly meet the needs of all TAA eligible workers: PIVA Pathways, PIVA Workforce, and PIVA Occupational. This program will targeted advanced manufacturing and carpentry occupations and establish a pathway for adults to obtain their GED while also earning college credit. Southwest Virginia Community College has also partnered with four-year institutions in the region to build no current articulation agreements for those students who want to further their education after completing these programs. Online coursework, flexible scheduling, career coaches, and other support services will be available for students. The project benefits Trade Adjustment Assistance eligible workers, long-term unemployed or dislocated workers, adults with similar characteristics, Veterans, low-wage/less-skilled populations.

Thomas Nelson Community College Total Award Amount: $2,476,840Industry focus: Advanced Manufacturing

The Rapid Employment in Advanced Integrated Manufacturing (RE-AIM) proposes developing and implementing an industry-driven, scalable education and training system that will deliver a credentialed workforce in advanced manufacturing in an accelerated timeframe. Credentials that will be awarded include: Virginia Manufacturing Association (VMA) Manufacturing Certification (MS1), a subset of the Manufacturing Technician (MT1); Siemens Mechatronics System Certification Program (SMSCP) Level 1 and Level 2; Industry-Recognized Career Studies Certificates in areas such as robotics, addictive manufacturing, composites; Microsoft Digital Literacy Certificate; and Career Readiness Certificate. The project benefits Trade Adjustment Assistance eligible workers, unemployed Veterans, other dislocated workers, and other adults in the Local Workforce Investment Board Area XIV.

Virginia State University Total Award Amount: $3,249,817 Industry focus: Wireless Industry

Accelerating Wireless Education For Capitol and Crater Regions (AWE4CCR) seeks to create flexible, individualized career pathways for workers who need to be trained and back in the workforce. In cooperation with regional and national employers, Accelerating Wireless Education For Capitol and Crater Regions will employ the following strategies: 1) Accelerate credential completion, 2) Implement new models of instruction to enhance learning, 3) Bolster online and technology-enabled learning, 4) Build student supports, 5) Increase employment engagement, and 6) Implement apprenticeships. Credentials to be awarded include Wireless Technician I and II certificates, Associates of Science (various specialties), and Bachelors of Science (Engineering Technology or Information Logistics Technology). The project benefits Trade Adjustment Assistance eligible workers and Veterans.


Centralia College Consortium Leader

Award Amount: $1,848,384 Total Consortium Award: $9,994,854Consortium members: Bates Technical College ($1,138,642), Everett Community College ($1,415,776), Shoreline Community College ($1,223,141), South Seattle Community College ($687,664), Renton Technical College ($1,267,165), Green Rover Community College ($1,193,417), Walla Walla Community College ($1,220,667)Industry focus: Manufacturing; Energy; Construction

The Washington Integrated Sector Employment Consortia, led by Centralia College in Centralia, Wash., brings together manufacturing, clean energy and construction sectors to create employment opportunities for TAA impacted workers and other participants. The consortium seeks to accelerate the time for workers to return to employment in family wage jobs through career pathways initiatives. Based on previous skills, gaps in education, and career interests, participants will find employment in technical customer service positions, skilled trade apprenticeships or advanced manufacturing jobs. The consortia also creates a lifelong learning loop for workers to earn associate and bachelor degrees as they gain new industry experience.

Clover Park Technical CollegeTotal Award Amount: $2,499,973Industry focus: Advanced Manufacturing

The Connecting Competencies to Employers project will develop a core pathway into advanced manufacturing and industrial technology careers that can branch off into specialized areas that align with current and future industry demand. The core pathway Mechatronics Technician will provide a basis to integrate learning outcomes from adjacent advanced manufacturing career paths like Material Science and Manufacturing Technologies to create specialized certificates to fill projected employment gaps in high-wage, high-demand careers.


Mountwest Community and Technical College Consortium LeaderAward Amount: $5,400,932 Total Consortium Award Amount: $9,461,288 Consortium members: Blue Ridge Community and Technical College ($2,382,632), Southern West Virginia Community College ($1,677,724)Industry Focus: Healthcare and Social Assistance and Manufacturing

Mountwest Community and Technical College is leading a consortium of 4 W.V. community colleges to develop the Heroes for Hire: Putting Experience to Work program. The consortium will focus on improving student support services, cultivating a technology-based learning environment with a focus on professional development and tailoring the use of Prior Learning Assessments to help military veterans receive college credit for their past experiences.


Chippewa Valley Technical College Consortium LeaderAward Amount: $4,547,510Total Consortium Award Amount: $19,999,991 Consortium members: Blackhawk Technical College ($572,606), Fox Valley Technical College ($45,000), Gateway Technical College ($792,542), Lakeshore Technical College ($552,388), Madison Area Technical College ($1,212,953), Mid-State Technical College ($555,972), Milwaukee Area Technical College ($1,461,961), Moraine Park Technical College ($641,776), Nicolet Area Technical College ($461,531), Northcentral Technical College ($668,328), Northeast Wisconsin Technical College ($948,187), Southwest Wisconsin Technical College ($528,867), Waukesha County Area Technical College ($740,225), Western Technical College ($676,365), Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College ($593,789)Industry focus: Healthcare

The Chippewa Valley Technical College Consortium is developing, improving, and expanding adult education and training pathways to careers in healthcare related occupations. Credentials from the sixteen different members of the Consortium include a wide variety of healthcare related certifications and degrees. Multiple employer partners from the healthcare field assist in the effort to train and employ TAA-eligible people, dislocated workers, veterans, and adult learners.


Casper College Total Award Amount: $2,499,917 Industry focus: Mining, Oil and Gas Extraction Casper College is creating an integrated energy program that addresses the workforce needs of Wyoming's energy industry in eight disciplines welding, extractive technology, electronics technology, mapping and surveying, process technology, diesel power technology, geology and wind-powered renewable energy. The program will focus on meeting industry standards and enhancements of Casper College's current energy programs by introducing technology-enabled and project-based learning.

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Jason Kuruvilla

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