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Operating Permits

Title V Task Force Recommendations

The Clean Air Act Advisory Committee (CAAAC) formed the Title V Task Force (May 2004) to take public input on what is working/not working in the Title V operating permit program. The task force has compiled testimony/written comments from environmental advocates, industry, and state/local permitting agencies.

The Task Force released a final report (April 2006) with almost 100 recommendations intended to improve Title V implementation (see below).

EPA responded to the task force report at the September 14, 2006 meeting of the CAAAC.

EPA Response to Recommendations (PDF) (13pp, 76k) A slide presentation given to taskforce members at the September 14, 2006 task force meeting showing EPA's priorities in responding to task force recommendations.

List of Recommendations (PDF) (43pp, 606k) This document, extracted from the final report, lists the final recommendations and shows the voting record (which task members supported/opposed) on each recommendation.

Complete Final Report (PDF) (307pp, 6.5 MB) This document contains additional detailed background material, including testimony on each issue, final recommendations, and voting record for each recommendation.




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