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National Environmental Leadership Award in Asthma Management

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About the National Asthma Awards

Each year, EPA honors exceptional health plans, health care providers and communities in action. This award is EPA's highest recognition a program and its leaders can receive for delivering excellent environmental asthma management as part of their comprehensive asthma care services.

EPA is committed to improving the lives of people with asthma by integrating sound science into effective public health programs. In addition to honoring program leader's achievements, the goal of the awards program is to showcase the highest standards in asthma care and management.

Consider applying, if your work:

  • Addresses environmental triggers as part of a comprehensive asthma program
  • Fosters high-performing collaborations and partnerships
  • Improves the daily lives of those with asthma and their families

Why Apply?

The Environmental Leadership Award in Asthma Management is the nation's highest honor for programs helping people bring asthma under control. Winners will be recognized in May during Asthma Awareness Month. Winning this award is a sign of excellence and confirmation of success in helping people with asthma lead healthy, active lives.

Winners will receive:

  • A place in the National Environmental Leadership Award in Asthma Management Hall of Fame.
  • An engraved, crystal award.
  • Recognition on national websites, including the Asthma Community Network. Exit
  • Customized press kits, a descriptive snapshot of your program and support generating media attention.
  • An opportunity to serve as mentors to help other programs achieve impactful results.

Start thinking about your application for the 2016 National Environmental Leadership Award in Asthma Management today!  ​Visit the Asthma Community Network Exitfor more information.

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Award Winners

In partnership with other federal agencies and nonprofit organizations, EPA delivers a national, multi-faceted education and outreach initiative to increase public awareness and action to manage environmental asthma triggers as part of comprehensive asthma management. An important component of this initiative is the recognition of exemplary programs and community leaders so that they may serve as national models and mentors for community asthma care improvement. The National Environmental Leadership Award in Asthma Management celebrates the outstanding programs and leaders who are improving the lives of people with asthma by delivering strong environmental asthma management as part of their comprehensive asthma care services.

2015 Award Winners

Health Care Provider Winners

Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital

LeBonheur Children's Hospital

Communities in Action Winner

Green and Healthy Homes Initiative

Green and Healthy Homes Initiative

2014 Award Winners

Health Care Provider Winners

2013 Award Winners