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Plan EJ 2014


Plan EJ 2014 is a roadmap that will help EPA integrate environmental justice into the Agency’s programs, policies, and activities. Plan EJ 2014 is named in recognition of the 20th anniversary of President Clinton’s issuance of Executive Order 12898, Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations (PDF) (6 pp, 122K).

In implementing the Plan, EPA will seek to meaningfully engage with communities and stakeholders.

The goals of the plan are to:

Plan EJ 2014 is not a rule or regulation. It is a strategy to help integrate environmental justice into EPA's day to day activities.

The Agency provided public comment periods and conducted outreach from July 2010 to November 2011. Here are the Agency responses to public comments received through April 2011 (PDF) (62 pp, 1.3MB).

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Progress Report

EPA will issue annual reports documenting the progress toward meeting the commitments outlined in Plan EJ 2014. This report provides an update on the EPA's accomplishments in completing its commitments under Plan EJ 2014.

2013 Plan EJ 2014 Progress Report (PDF) (86 pp, 3.95MB)
2014 Plan EJ 2014 Progress Report (PDF) (37 pp, 1.5MB) 

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Tribal Consultation

EPA is continuing its consultation and coordination with federally recognized tribes on EPA's Plan EJ 2014. EPA invites all tribes to participate in this process, expected to extend from September 21 – November 21, 2011. Agency responses to comments received have been posted below.

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Elements of the Plan

Cross-Agency Focus Areas

Tools Development

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Watch Former Administrator Jackson's video about Plan EJ 2014.

“For the first time in our 42 year history, we have laid the groundwork for EPA to fully implement its environmental justice mission of ensuring environmental protection for all Americans, regardless of race, ethnicity or income level. - Former EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson, read more

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