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Geospatial Resources at EPA

Geospatial Resources at EPA

The term "geospatial" refers to anything that has a geographic location on the Earth. EPA's National Geospatial Program coordinates the Agency's geospatial data, applications, policies and programs. This website provides an overview of EPA’s geospatial resources including:

  • About the Program – A brief overview of the role of the geospatial program at the EPA.
  • Applications – These applications will allow you to look at maps that contain information about air quality, water quality, hazardous waste and the environment in your neighborhood. Some of these applications are for technical users.
  • Data – Learn about the different ways to discover EPA data of interest, such as the air quality in the Northeast United States or Superfund sites across the nation.
  • Grants and agreements – Many EPA grants have geospatial components. This page gives you access to general grant resources as well as information about agreements that EPA has with other federal agencies.
  • Policies and standards – These allow EPA to more easily share information within the agency as well as with other federal, state and local agencies.
  • Federal Geospatial Resources – These are links that provide additional information and resources on geospatial topics.