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Geospatial Resources at EPA

About EPA's Geospatial Program

The term geospatial refers to anything that has a geographic location on the earth. Our geospatial information will help you answer questions such as:

  • Is there a Superfund site located in my neighborhood?
  • What is the air quality in Evanston, IL?
  • Where are all of the Brownfield sites in the United States?

Geospatial data helps you understand environmental conditions in specific locations, so that you can, for example:

  • target areas of greatest environmental risk, 
  • enforce environmental regulations and 
  • address potential homeland security issues.  

EPA's National Geospatial Program coordinates the use of geospatial data in a variety of ways to help EPA carry out its mission to protect human health and the environment. We:

  • collect and create geospatial data, 
  • build applications that allow users to search, 
  • discover and visualize geospatial information, and 
  • create standards and policies that increase the ability for applications and data to be shared and used.