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EPA in Kansas

Midwest Office of Regional Counsel


The Office of Regional Counsel (CNSL) oversees the provision of legal advice and the delivery of legal services to the Regional office, working with regional staff on the implementation, application, and enforcement of Federal statutes, regulations, policy, and guidance. In addition to Regional Counsel, a Deputy and four Branch Chiefs, the office includes 37 staff attorneys, paralegals, and support staff.

Other areas of CNSL responsibility:

  • Represent the Region in all civil administrative and judicial litigation in which the Region is a party.
  • Represent the Regional Administrator and the Region as counsel in their relationships with other federal, state, tribal, and local agencies; and provide the legal review for the delegation of federal programs and/or federal authorization of state programs to state, tribal, and local agencies.
  • Provide such other legal advice and services to enable and assist the Region in carrying out the mission of the Agency.

The Immediate Office of CNSL:

  • Provides legal services to the Region 7 Criminal Investigation Division.
  • Represents the Region as counsel in personnel matters, including employee relations, equal employment opportunities, conflicts of interest, ethics, and labor relations, collective bargaining negotiations, contract interpretation, and implementation.
  • Provides legal services and advice to the Region on records management and retention issues, as well as Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act.
  • Provides legal services and advice to the Region in conjunction with the grants and contracting programs, as well as the National Environment Policy Act (NEPA) program.
  • Collects and compiles all enforcement data for the Region.

Dave Cozad, Regional Counsel – (913) 551-7587; cozad.david@epa.gov
Becky Dolph, Deputy Regional Counsel – (913) 551-7281; dolph.becky@epa.gov

Air Branch (ARBR)
Dana Skelley, Branch Chief – (913) 551-7923, skelley.dana@epa.gov
ARBR provides legal services to the Air and Waste Management Division, representing the Region and working in conjunction with program staff on all civil judicial and administrative matters, as well as counseling issues under the CAA such as enforcement, permitting, standards implementation, review, and approval of state implementation plans, program review, and delegation.

Chemical Management Branch (CMBR)
Kent Johnson, Acting Branch Chief – (913) 551-4958, johnson.kent@epa.gov
CMBR provides legal services to Region 7 for all matters relating to the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act; TSCA; EPCRA, and Comprehensive Environmental Response, and Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) reporting: CAA 112® and Asbestos National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants; and Federal insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act. The Branch represents the Region and works in conjunction with the affected programs in all civil judicial and administrative matters, as well as counseling issues, arising under these statues, including enforcement, permitting, program review, and authorization/delegation.

Superfund Branch (SPFD)
David Hoefer, Branch Chief – (913) 551-7503, hoefer.david@epa.gov
SPFD provides legal services to the Region 7 Superfund Division for all matters arising under CERCLA, representing the Region and working in conjunction with the program in all civil judicial and administrative matters, as well as counseling issues, including removal and remedial actions, response, and cost recovery.

Water Branch (WATR)
Leslie Humphrey, Branch Chief – (913) 551-7227, humphrey.leslie@epa.gov
WATR provides legal services to Region 7 for all matters relating to the Clean Water Act, Safe Drinking Water Act, and Oil Pollution Act. The Branch represents the Region and works in conjunction with affected programs in all civil judicial and administrative matters, as well as counseling issues, arising under these statues, including enforcement, permitting, program review, water quality standards, and authorization/delegation.