Nuru International

Nuru International

H. Grousbeck
2011|Case No.E417

Nuru International was founded in 2008 as a social venture with the goal to eradicate extreme poverty around the world by helping the rural poor achieve self-sufficiency. The case follows Jake Harriman, founder and executive director, through the multiple human resource challenges he must face in building his nonprofit organization. The first of four vignettes involves Kevin Newton, one of Nuru’s first employees, after his promotion to international agricultural director. In his new role, Newton become increasingly vocal and adversarial, voicing his opinions throughout the organization, and Jake must decide how to best handle the situation. The second vignette describes the poorly-handled termination of Nuru’s contract grant writer and how Jake must deal with the employee and his supervisor. Finally, an unfortunate accident leads to Jake’s absence at the company offsite resulting in two unfortunate situations. In the first, Nuru’s recently terminated director of development publicly misrepresents the circumstances leading to his dismissal to the full group of employees attending the offsite. In the second, the employees compile an overwhelming list of gripes about the company, in Jake’s absence, which he must ultimately address.

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