
Seed’s dedicated and driven team works tirelessly to support our mission of ending the cycle of global poverty. The entire global team — including staffers, faculty advisors, and advisory board members — is key to our success.

Leadership Team
Jesper B. Sørensen
Faculty Director
Robert A. and Elizabeth R. Jeffe Professor and Professor of Organizational Behavior
Katherine & David deWilde Faculty Fellow for 2015-16
Darius Teter
Executive Director
Faculty Advisors
Hau L. Lee
Thoma Professor of Operations, Information and Technology
James M. Patell
Herbert Hoover Professor of Public and Private Management
Seed Staff (left to right): Tiffany Steeves, Nate Antoccia, Melinda Lehman, Gil-li Vardi, Jeffrey S. Prickett, Mitos Zshornack, Anna Miller, Daniel Zussman, Raj Chellaraj, Davis Albohm, Andrea Renteria, Dean Wilkinson, Kathryn Wendell, Karen Bysiewicz, Rachel Lee, Eileen Bernabe, JoAnna Halk, Jesper Sørensen, and Alexa Walls
Senior Staff
Karen Bysiewicz, Esq.
Director, Leadership Programs
Patricia Ithau
East Africa Regional Director
Emmanuel Kitcher
West Africa Regional Director
Jeff Prickett
Director, Global Operations
Vipul Rastogi
India Regional Director
Tiffany Steeves
Director, Communications
Kathryn Wendell
Director, Program Delivery