Teen and Young Adult Clinic

The Teen and Young Adult Clinic provides comprehensive medical services for young adults ages 12-26 years old. Our clinic staff understands the unique health issues that young adults face during this time in their lives.

The clinic is a service of the Center for Adolescent Health at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford. 

Services for Adolescents and Young Adults

General Health Services

  • General health checkups for school sports or employment
  • Immunizations
  • Urgent health care
  • Evaluation and treatment of menstrual disorders, including:
    • Absent periods (amenorrhea)
    • Irregular periods
    • Excessive bleeding
    • Menstrual cramps
  • Acne treatment
  • Growth and development concerns
  • Referrals for counseling for school, family, social and emotional issues

We also provide confidential reproductive health services, including:

  • Birth control (condoms, pills, shots, patches or vaginal rings)
  • Pregnancy counseling and testing
  • Sexually transmitted infection testing and treatment
  • HIV testing and counseling

As a Family Planning, Access, Care and Treatment (Family PACT) , our Teen and Young Adult clinic provides no-cost family planning services to:

  • Low-income men and women, including teens
  • People whose insurance does not cover family planning/birth control
  • People who have not met their insurance deductible or Share of Cost
  • Insured people that need to keep family services confidential

If you need Family PACT services, please call (408) 637-5959 and ask for a new patient Family PACT appointment.