Weekly Wrap Up: “No one should go broke just because they get sick”

Talking Healthcare: While in New York on Tuesday, President Obama joined former President Bill Clinton at the Clinton Global Initiative Annual Meeting to discuss health care reform in America. “What we’re saying to people is, look, just go to the website yourself,” the President said. “Go to healthcare.gov; take a look at whether this is a good deal or not and make your own decision about whether this is good for you.” Check out their conversation here.

On Thursday, the President spoke at Prince George’s Community College in Largo, Maryland about why access to affordable health care is a cornerstone of middle-class security, and why he took on the work of fixing our broken health care system during his first term.

In the wealthiest nation on Earth, no one should go broke just because they get sick. In the United States of America, health care is not a privilege for the fortunate few -- it is a right.  And I knew that if we didn’t do something about our unfair and inefficient health care system, it would keep driving up our deficits, it would keep burdening our businesses, it would keep hurting our families, and it would keep holding back economic growth.

Starting October 1, those without health insurance will be able to visit the Health Insurance Marketplace and find health coverage that fits their needs – and their budget. A new report released on Wednesday found that Marketplace premiums are lower than initially expected. This means you can get high-quality, affordable health care under the Affordable Care Act for less than your cell phone bill. 

Make sure to watch the latest White House White Board to learn what the Affordable Care Act means for you.

United Nations General Assembly: On Monday and Tuesday, President Obama took part in the 68th session of the U.N. General Assembly. During his time there, the President held an event on supporting civil society, engaged in discussions with world leaders, and spoke in front of the General Assembly.

When he addressed the U.N. General Assembly on Tuesday, President Obama focused on Syria and the use of chemical weapons by the Assad regime, the prospects for diplomatic engagement with Iran, and potential for peace talks between Israelis and Palestinians. "For decades, the United Nations has in fact made a difference -- from helping to eradicate disease, to educating children, to brokering peace," the President said.

But like every generation of leaders, we face new and profound challenges, and this body continues to be tested. The question is whether we possess the wisdom and the courage, as nation-states and members of an international community, to squarely meet those challenges; whether the United Nations can meet the tests of our time.

Read his full remarks here.

President's Statement from the Briefing Room: President Obama spoke from the White House Briefing Room on Friday about new diplomatic efforts with the Islamic Republic of Iran and the situation with Congress. Earlier that day, President Obama spoke with President Rouhani of the Islamic Republic of Iran, which is the first communication between an American and Iranian President since 1979. Turning to Congress, the President stated the urgency of raising the debt ceiling and voting on a budget. "My message to Congress is this: Do not shut down the government. Do not shut down the economy. Pass a budget on time. Pay our bills on time. Refocus on the everyday concerns of the American people," the President said.   

Memorial Service for Victims of the Navy Yard Shooting: President Obama spoke at a memorial service on Sunday to honor the 12 victims of the Navy Yard shooting. “We know that no words we offer today are equal to the magnitude, to the depths of that loss,” the President told the families of the victims.

The President also spoke about the need to prevent future tragedies like this one. “I do not accept that we cannot find a common-sense way to preserve our traditions, including our basic Second Amendment freedoms and the rights of law-abiding gun owners, while at the same time reducing the gun violence that unleashes so much mayhem on a regular basis,” he said.

Vice President Biden Travels to Colorado: On Monday, Vice President Joe Biden traveled to Colorado to view the damage from recent flooding and survey the recovery efforts.

“When President Obama issued the disaster declaration for the state, as you all know, that provided additional assistance -- everything from cleaning up debris to helping people with their housing costs to boots on the ground that are providing technical assistance and helping the search and rescue,” the Vice President said.

Vice President Biden called the progress “remarkable” but said recovery efforts will continue as long as the people of Colorado need help rebuilding.