A Look At What They’re Saying About myRA Across the Country

Ed. note: This is cross-posted from Treasury Notes, the official blog of the U.S. Department of the Treasury. See the original post.

Last month in the State of the Union, President Obama laid out specific executive actions he will take to put more Americans back to work and expand opportunity so that every American can get ahead. Speaking about the importance of securing a dignified retirement, the President announced that he would direct Treasury to create a new way for working Americans to start their own retirement savings. According to independent estimates, about half of all workers and 75 percent of part-time workers lack access to employer-sponsored retirement plans. That is why the Obama administration designed myRA (my Retirement Account) - a simple, safe, and affordable retirement savings account that will be offered through employers to help low- and moderate- income Americans begin to save for retirement.

Below is a look at what newspaper editorial boards and financial columnists across the country are saying. 

See the map full size

Brandi Hoffine is a Spokesperson for Domestic Finance at the United States Department of the Treasury

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