Making We the People More User-Friendly Than Ever

With more than 14 million users and 21 million signatures, We the People, the White House's online petition platform, has proved more popular than we ever thought possible. In the nearly three years since launch, we've heard from you on a huge range of topics, and issued more than 225 responses.

But we're not stopping there. We've been working to make it easier to sign a petition and today we're proud to announce the next iteration of We the People.

Since launch, we've heard from users who wanted a simpler, more streamlined way to sign petitions without creating an account and logging in every time. This latest update makes that a reality.

We're calling it "simplified signing" and it takes the account creation step out of signing a petition. As of today, just enter your basic information, confirm your signature via email and you're done. That's it. No account to create, no logging in, no passwords to remember.

We the People User Statistics

That's great news for new users, but we're betting it'll be welcomed by our returning signers, too. If you signed a petition six months ago and you don't remember your password, you don't have to worry about resetting it. Just enter your email address, confirm your signature, and you're done.

Go check it out right now on

We're counting on you to help make We the People even better. Share your feedback on how this platform can improve. 

We the People User Statistics

Related Topics: We the People, Technology