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Read all posts tagged Innovations

  • Basic Research, Game Changing Benefits

    Last week, in Washington, DC, distinguished guests—including Members of Congress, scientists, and business-community leaders—gathered at the second annual Golden Goose Awards to honor six federally-funded researchers whose work has positively transformed technology, medicine, and countless lives.

  • Expanding Access to Hands-On Science

    Recently, OSTP's Deputy Director for Technology and Innovation, Tom Kalil, interviewed Lina Nilsson, the co-founder of a non-profit organization committed to lowering the cost of biological research in developing countries and expanding access to hands-on science learning in schools and colleges. Lina was recently named one of MIT Technology Review’s “35 Innovators under 35.”

  • White House and Hill Reps Single-minded on the Value of Neuroscience

    The Obama Administration is committed to harnessing science to understand the underpinnings of brain diseases, improve the diagnosis and treatment of traumatic injuries to the brain, and apply the latest discoveries about the neuroscience of teaching, learning, and development in educational settings across the country.

  • Supporting American Manufacturing with Industrial Design

    Today we congratulate our colleagues at the National Endowment for the Arts for their release of a new and fascinating report, "Valuing the Art of Industrial Design: A Profile of the Sector and Its Importance to Manufacturing, Technology, and Innovation"—the first comprehensive look by the Federal Government at the American industrial-design enterprise.

  • A Nation of Immigrants and Entrepreneurs

    Across the United States, immigrants are starting and building successful businesses that create good American jobs and promote our country’s economic growth. These businesses form the fabric of our communities, and are part of our uniquely American heritage as a nation of immigrants and innovators.

  • Honoring Open Government and Civic Hacking Champions of Change

    Last Tuesday, the White House honored 14 Open Government and Civic Hacking Champions of Change—extraordinary Americans working to improve their communities through technology, innovation, and civic participation. As entrepreneurs, innovators, organizers, and community leaders, these “Champions of Change” have made a tremendous positive impact.

  • We the Geeks Wrap Up: “Intelligence is our real Superpower”

    Last week, the White House hosted another installment of its “We the Geeks” Google Hangout series, this time on “The Stuff Superheroes Are Made Of.” The Hangout featured top innovators working to develop materials and technologies that can enable real-life “superpowers” such as invisibility and super strength. Some of the participants even demoed their wares live on the air.

  • Immigrant Entrepreneurs and Common-Sense Immigration Reform

    Last month, President Obama praised the Senate for passing commonsense immigration reform through a bipartisan bill that is the best opportunity we’ve had in years to fix the Nation's broken immigration system. If it were signed into law, this bill would benefit the U.S. economy, foster innovation, and encourage more job creation, as summarized in a recent White House report and animated video.

  • First Look at Next.Data.gov

    Today, we’re excited to share a sneak preview of a new design for Data.gov, called Next.Data.gov. The upgrade builds on the President’s May 2013 Open Data Executive Order that aims to fuse open-data practices into the Federal Government’s DNA. Next.Data.gov is far from complete (think of it as a very early beta), but we couldn’t wait to share our design approach – knowing that we need your help to make it even better.

  • Mozilla Ignite Challenge Winners Announced

    A year ago this month, OSTP and the National Science Foundation (NSF) launched the US Ignite initiative to jumpstart the development of software applications able to take advantage of the Nation’s growing but underutilized network of very-high-speed, gigabyte/second Internet connections. On Tuesday, at the US Ignite Partnership’s Application Summit in Chicago, IL, NSF and Mozilla announced the winners of the $500,000 Mozilla Ignite Challenge.