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Greening EPA

Science and Ecosystem Support Division Laboratory

Athens, Georgia

Aerial photo of EPA’s Science and Ecosystem Support Division Laboratory in Athens, Georgia.

66,201 gross square feet (GSF)
Personnel: 120

Energy Intensity:
FY 2014: 259,100 Btu per GSF
21.1% reduction from FY 2003 baseline

Water Intensity:
FY 2014: 23.60 gallons per GSF
54.5% reduction from FY 2007 baseline

The state-of-the-art laboratory is occupied by by the Region 4 Science and Ecosystem Support Division (SESD).

Sustainable Features

  • A condensate recovery project captures water condensation and reuses it as cooling tower make-up water. The project was designed to save 1 million gallons of water each year.

For more information visit Region 4 or the EPA Facility Contact List.