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Greening EPA

Testing and Evaluation Center

Aerial photo of EPA’s Testing and Evaluation Center in Cincinnati, Ohio.

36,101 gross square feet (GSF)
Personnel: 35

Energy Intensity:
FY 2014: 272,514 Btu per GSF
1.6% reduction from FY 2003 baseline

Water Intensity:
FY 2014: 156.09 gallons per GSF
52.4% reduction from FY 2007 baseline

Cincinnati, Ohio

The center conducts experimental research on new water and hazardous waste treatment technologies for many National Risk Management Research Laboratory divisions.

Sustainable Features

  • By using a nighttime setback mode for its heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system, the facility cuts its energy demand in half on nights, weekends, and holidays.

For more information, visit the Testing & Evaluation Center website.