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Office of Inspector General

News Releases and IG Statements

What is the EPA OIG?

The Office of Inspector General performs audits, evaluations, and investigations of the EPA and its contractors to detect an prevent fraud, waste, and abuse. Learn more

News Releases

The following are OIG news releases and IG statements issued by the EPA - Office of Inspector General, or other organizations that highlight the work of the OIG. DOJ news releases reporting on the specific results of investigations, including criminal sentencings and convictions can be found on our Results of Investigations pageThe following links exit the site Exit

Date News Releases
Sept 28, 2015 EPA IG Recommends Withholding $8.8 Million from Hawaii Department of Health
[OIG News Release]
Nov 19, 2014 EPA Office of Inspector General Alerts Administrator to Employees on Extended Periods of Administrative Leave
[OIG News Release]
Apr 7, 2014 EPA IG responds to Sen. Vitter's letter about audit report on agency's use of private and alias email accounts to conduct official business
[OIG News Release]
Mar 5, 2014 EPA IG responds to memo from agency's Deputy Administrator challenging 'context' of responses to Sen. Vitter's question
[OIG News Release]
Memo from agency's Deputy Administrator
Feb 25, 2014 EPA IG responds to open letter from Sen. Vitter
[OIG News Release]
Dec 18, 2013 Former EPA official sentenced to 32 months in prison for defrauding government under 'CIA agent' guise
[OIG News Release]

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IG Statements

Date IG Statements
Oct 20, 2014 EPA Inspector General Responds to Sen. Inhofe's Letter about Review of Hydraulic Fracturing
July 18, 2014 EPA IG Responds to Senators' May 8, 2014 Letter on EPA OIG's Hydraulic Fracturing Review
July 9, 2014 EPA IG Responds to Sen Vitter's Letter Concerning the EPA OIG's Investigation of John Beale and Related Audits
June 3, 2013 Statement of Inspector General Arthur A. Elkins, Jr., on OIG report "Early Warning Report: Main EPA Headquarters Warehouse in Landover, Maryland, Requires Immediate EPA Attention"
Sept 28, 2011 Inspector General Statement on OIG Report "Procedural Review of EPA's Greenhouse Gases Endangerment Finding Data Quality Processes"

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OIG Congressional and Media Protocols

Congressional Requests
As Congress is one of the OIG’s primary customers, we carefully consider requests submitted in writing to audit, evaluate or investigate issues within our authority or jurisdiction from any committee or member of Congress. 

The OIG's Office of Congressional and Public Affairs is the primary point of contact for all media inquiries on matters related to the OIG, which ensures that they are handled expeditiously.  

Learn more about our OIG Congressional and Media Protocols.

For EPA OIG media inquiries, call the Office of Congressional and Public Affairs at (202) 566-2391 or contact Jennifer Kaplan or Jeffrey Lagda

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OIG Independence of EPA

The EPA's Office of Inspector General is a part of EPA, although Congress provides our funding separate from the agency, to ensure our independence. We were created pursuant to the Inspector General Act of 1978, as amended Exit.

Environmental Protection Agency  |  Office of Inspector General
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. (2410T)  |  Washington, DC 20460  |  (202) 566-2391
OIG Hotline: 1-888-546-8740