A reality show made by otaku for otaku, America's Greatest Otaku is a revealing eight-episode documentary series that searches the United States for the number one American otaku (uber-passionate fan of anime, manga, games, and Japanese pop culture). Each episode follows TOKYOPOP founder, entrepreneur, and filmmaker Stu Levy and his apprentices, the Otaku Six (six college students that are self-proclaimed die-hard otaku) as they travel across the country, visiting Otaku Hotspots (locations rich with otaku appeal) and searching for the one person who personifies what it means to be an otaku.
In the Riding Shotgun short animated film, professional assassins... well, sorta professional assassins Doyle and Abby embark on a brand new "hit" adventure. What should be a quick job turns into a fight for their lives when Doyle's ill-timed bathroom break flushes their plans for easy money straight down the toilet.
Written and Directed by Michael Davis (Shoot 'Em Up), this film is bursting at the seams with bullets, T&A, and nonstop, double barrel action.