Research Administration

Financial Concepts

Learn how to allocate expense and setup an expenditure allocation PTA.
Learn when you can propose and charge administrative expenses to a sponsored project.
Understand proposing and tracking cost sharing.
Understand the mechanics of all cost transfers and the specifics for Veterinary Service Center (VSC).
Learn about proposing and managing effort.
Find policies to help guide you.
How to implement the Infrastructure Charge (ISC) Policy.
When Stanford’s resources are used by outside entities, Stanford must recover some portion of the F&A costs.
Manage equipment and materials effectively.
Learn about salary caps and how to administer the NIH salary cap.
Identify, propose, process, and manage a subaward.

Proposal and Award Lifecycle

Understand who can serve as a PI and what exceptions can be made.
Get an in-depth view of how SeRA handles PDRFs, awards, and PTA setup.
School specific guides for preparing and routing proposals for institutional review and submission to the sponsor.
Learn about standard proposal components; budget basics, rates, and institutional facts.
Learn the mechanics of Cayuse 424, and Federal sponsors.
Learn about award types, negotiating agreements, and award acceptance.
PTA setup procedures for new, early, cost sharing, subawards, modifying, and transaction controls.
Principles and best practices for managing awards, including expenditure review and certification.
Checklists and instructions for completing award closeout activities and sponsor reporting requirements.
Understand our obligation to keep important documents and when and what can destroyed.
Learn about the new OBI reports and other reporting requirements

Regulatory Topics

Understand your stewardship responsibilities.
Manage conflicts of interest and commitment.
Tools and information to help you comply with export control regulations.
Enter and manage protocols for human, animal, stem cell, and bio-safety. Go directly to eProtocol.
PIs are responsible for ensuring research team members complete required training.
Written with all researchers in mind, special consideration has been given to the needs of students and postdoctoral scholars.
Guidance for ensuring a safe work environment.


Find school, department and central contacts.
Learn more about clinical research including clinical trials.
Computing resources in support of your research and scholarship.
Collaborative teams of experts address major issues outside the boundaries of schools. Includes research opportunities for undergraduate students.
Learn how to disclose inventions, file for patents and negotiate licenses, best practices for Startups and more.
Find resources for your international activities & collaboration.
Tools and services for data management, preservation, and sharing, including guidance for faculty on access to data.
Support for fulfilling the educational outreach required by your research sponsor.
Find facilities and equipment for your research.
Get help with industrial agreements & materials from external labs.
Tools for funding and mentoring graduate students and postdoctoral scholars.