Research Management Group (RMG)

Postdoctoral Funding Opportunities

This webpage contains fellowships and mentored career development grants for postdoctoral and clinical fellows.

Index of funding opportunities and resources



Master list of postdoctoral funding opportunities


Updated Master list of postdoctoral funding opportunities

Master List of Postdoctoral Funding Opportunities includes: links to sponsor webpages; citizenship requirements; deadlines; institutional representative for each program. This is updated on an ongoing basis.

This is not a comprehensive list. If you find RFPs which are not on this list, please note that all external funding that is payable to Stanford needs to be applied for through RMG -whether through your Research Process Manager (RPM) or through the RMG Fellowship Office).

Download List >>
 (05/29/2018)  Excel



NIH Career development awards

NIH K Career Development award resource webpage
K career development award program announcements, eligibility, etc.
Postdocs: see the K99/R00 & K22 awards
Note: postdocs are required to take one of the 3-hour hands-on K award computer lab sessions that are offered prior to each standard deadline.

NIH NRSA F Series Individual Pre-doctoral and Postdoctoral Fellowship Resource webpage

Contains program announcements, application support materials.
*Pre-doctoral students and postdoctoral fellows are required to sign up for one of the 3-hour hands-on computer lab sessions that will be offered prior to each standard deadline



INstitutional representatives & stanford's internal proposal deadline policy

For PIs in the School of Medicine:
Institutional representatives and Stanford's Internal Proposal Deadline Policy
The institutional representative (Research Process Manager in RMG or RMG Fellowship Office and the internal proposal deadline are included for each announcement on this webpage AND on the master list. The institutional representative deadline is the "complete by date", per the School of Medicine/RMG internal proposal deadline policy on this webpage >>.

Institutional representatives identified for each RFP:

if the RFP is a fellowship, you must submit your applications and completed PDRF form to the RMG Fellowship Office per the procedures on the RMG Fellowship Office webpage >>

if the RFP is a mentored career development grant (some are called fellowships but are actually grants), then you must contact your department’s or division’s Research Process Manager (RPM in RMG >>) asap so they can help build your budget. Your completed PDRF forms and application materials must be submit to your RPM per the internal proposal deadline policy.

For PIs in other Schools:
The institutional representative for these announcements is your Department's Contract and Grant officer (CGO) in the Office of Sponsored Research (OSR). To download the pre-award OSR department assignment list and the OSR internal proposal deadline policy, please see this DoResearch webpage >>.

DoD congressionally directed medical research program (CDMRP)

: the deadline has passed for the DoD Breast Cancer Research Program RFPs.


DoD Ovarian Cancer Research Program (OCRP)
Pilot Award

Amount of funding: up to a maximum of $250,000 direct costs (plus indirects) for up to 2 years
Purpose: this RFP supports the exploration of innovative concepts or theories in ovarian cancer that could ultimately lead to critical discoveries or major advancements that will drive the field forward. The proposed research must demonstrate a clear focus on ovarian cancer (e.g., using tissues, cell lines, datasets, or appropriate animal models). Research involving cell lines, animal models, human subjects, and human anatomical substances is permitted; however, this award may not be used to conduct clinical trials.
Eligibility: Stanford faculty with PI eligibility and CE faculty (with an approved CE Faculty PI waiver obtained through their RPM at least 1 week prior to the pre-application deadline)
Other eligible positions**: postdocs and above are eligible and because the application asks for a mentor (if applicable), this is considered a career development award. Therefore, Instructors, Clinical Instructors, Academic staff-research (i.e., research associates) and Postdoctoral fellows are eligible. Investigators should have either dedicated or shared laboratory space.
**All individuals in other eligible positions must submit and obtain an approved Career Development PI waiver request >> through their RPM at least one week prior to the pre-application submission.
No citizenship restriction.
Pre-application (required) deadline: May 30, 2018, 5 p.m. ET via
If invited in July to submit a full proposal please alert your RPM asap:
Institutional representative (RPM/RMG or OSR) deadline: Aug. 15, 2018
Full proposal (by invitation only):   August 22, 2018, 11:59 p.m. ET via grantsgov
*Institutional representatives: applicants must submit a Career Development PI waiver request >> asap through their Research Process Manager (RPM in RMG >>) prior to the LOI submission.


DoD Lung Cancer Research Program 
Concept Award
Amount of funding: up to a maximum of $100,000 direct costs (plus indirects) for 1 year
Purpose: Supports highly innovative, untested, potentially groundbreaking concepts in lung cancer.  Preliminary data discouraged (not consistent with intent of award mechanism). To be considered for funding, applications for the FY18 LCRP Concept Award must address at least one of the eight Areas of Emphasis listed in the guidelines.
Military relevance: Submissions from and partnerships with investigators at Department of Defense (DoD) military treatment facilities and laboratories, and Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) medical centers and research laboratories are strongly encouraged. 
Stanford faculty with PI eligibility and CE faculty (with an approved CE Faculty PI waiver >> obtained through their RPM at least 1-2 weeks prior to the pre-application deadline)
Other eligible positions*: postdocs and above are eligible and because the application asks for a mentor (if applicable), this is considered a career development award. Therefore, Instructors, Clinical Instructors, Academic staff-research (i.e., research associates) and Postdoctoral fellows are eligible.
Individuals in other positions must submit a Career Development PI waiver >> request through their Research Process Manager (RPM in RMG >>).  Please alert your RPM asap about your plans to submit a proposal.
No citizenship restriction 
Pre-application/Letter of intent (required) deadline:  July 26, 2018, 5 p.m. ET via
Institutional representative (RPM/RMG or OSR) deadline: Aug. 2, 2018
Full proposal deadlne:  Aug. 9, 2018, 11:59 p.m. ET via grantsgov
*Institutional representatives: All PIs (including residents & fellows) must alert the Research Process Manager (RPM in RMG) asap about their plans to submit a proposal so the RPM can begin to generate their budget.

DoD Prostate Cancer Research Program

Physician Research Award
Amount of funding: Maximum of $750,000 direct costs plus indirects over 4 years
Purpose: supports a mentored research experience to prepare physicians with clinical duties and/or responsibilities for productive careers in prostate cancer research. The mentored physician is considered the Principal Investigator (PI) of the application.
Applications are required to address one or more of the FY18 PCRP Overarching Challenges.
Mentor(s): This award requires the involvement of at least one designated Mentor with an established research program in prostate cancer, evidenced by recent publications, active funding, and successful mentorship. In addition, the Mentor(s) must demonstrate a commitment to advancing the PI’s career in prostate cancer research.
Eligibility: the PI must be a physician with clinical duties and/or responsibilities who, at the application submission deadline, is either:
-In the last year of an accredited graduate medical education program, either as a resident** or fellow**, or
-or within 3 years of having initiated his/her first appointment as an Instructor**, Assist. prof. with PI eligibility or CE assist. prof. (with an approved CE faculty PI waiver request).
Institutions must provide at least 40% protection of the PI's time for research
**Residents or fellows and Instructors  must submit a Career Development PI waiver >> request through their Research Process Manager (RPM in RMG >>).  Please alert your RPM asap about your plans to submit a proposal.
No citizenship restriction
Pre-application/Letter of intent (LOI) (required) deadline:   Aug. 16, 2018, 5 p.m. ET via
Institutional representative (RPM/RMG) deadline:  Aug. 30, 2018
Full proposal deadline: Sept. 6, 2018, 11:59pm ET via grantsgov
*Institutional representatives: All PIs (including residents & fellows) must alert the Research Process Manager (RPM in RMG) asap about their plans to submit a proposal so the RPM can begin to generate their budget.


DoD Prostate Cancer Research Program
Early Investigator Research Award
Amount of funding: Maximum of $200,000 direct costs plus indirects over 2 years
Purpose: supports prostate cancer-focused research opportunities for individuals in the early stages of their careers, under the guidance of one or more designated Mentors. Applications are required to address one or more of the FY18 PCRP Overarching Challenges.
PI Eligibility: The Postdoctoral PI must:
-Have successfully defended a doctoral thesis or possess an M.D. degree (or equivalent) by March 31, 2019;
-Be involved in an accredited postdoctoral training or medical residency program; and
-Have 3 years or less of postdoctoral research experience (excluding clinical residency or clinical fellowship training) by March 31, 2019.
**Residents and postdoctoral fellows must submit a Career Development PI waiver >> request through their Research Process Manager (RPM in RMG >>).  Please alert your RPM asap about your plans to submit a proposal.
Mentor(s): Applications must include at least one Mentor, appropriate to the proposed research project, who has experience in prostate cancer research and mentoring as demonstrated by a record of active funding, recent publications, and successful mentorship. The primary Mentor can be a junior faculty member, in which case the PI is encouraged to include a secondary Mentor with a more robust track record in prostate cancer research and mentorship.
No citizenship restriction
Pre-application/Letter of intent (LOI) (required) deadline:   Aug. 16, 2018, 5 p.m. ET via
Institutional representative (RPM/RMG) deadline:  Aug. 30, 2018
Full proposal deadline: Sept. 6, 2018, 11:59pm ET via grantsgov
*Institutional representatives: all PIs must alert the Research Process Manager (RPM in RMG) asap about their plans to submit a proposal so the RPM can begin to generate their budget.


DoD Neurofibromatosis Research Program
Early Investigator Research Award
Amount of funding: Maximum of $200,000 direct costs (plus indirects) over 2 years
Purpose: The Early Investigator Research Award supports NF-focused research opportunities for individuals in the early stages of their careers, under the guidance of a designated Mentor. The postdoctoral investigator is considered the Principal Investigator (PI) of the application and must exhibit strong potential for, and commitment to, pursuing a career as an investigator at the forefront of NF research; however, the PI is not required to have previous NF research experience.
Applications must include at least one Mentor, appropriate to the proposed research project, who has experience in NF research and mentoring as demonstrated by a record of active funding, recent publications, and successful mentorship. See the guidelines.
Not all Areas of Emphasis are applicable to every award mechanism. If the proposed research project does not address at least one of the FY18 NFRP Areas of Emphasis, justification that the proposed research project addresses an important problem related to NF research and/or patient care should be provided
Eligibility: The investigator must:
-Be involved in a postdoctoral training or medical residency program; and
-Possess at least 1 and up to 4 years of continuous postdoctoral research experience by June 1, 2018; and
-Possess a doctoral degree (i.e., Ph.D., MD/Ph.D., DO/Ph.D.) or a clinical doctoral degree (i.e., MD/DO or Ph.D. in a clinical discipline) from an accredited organization or program
No citizenship restriction
All PIs must submit a Career Development PI waiver >> request through their Research Process Manager (RPM in RMG >>).  Please alert your RPM asap about your plans to submit a proposal.
Pre-application/Letter of intent (required): July 26, 2018, 5 p.m. ET via eBrap
Institutional representative (RPM/RMG or OSR) deadline:    Aug. 2, 2018
Full proposal deadline:  Aug. 9, 2018, 11:59 p.m. ET via grantsgov
*Institutional representatives: all PIs must alert the Research Process Manager (RPM in RMG) asap about their plans to submit a proposal so the RPM can begin to generate their budget.





foundation and association funding opportunities


Special Announcements


American Heart Association
Postdoctoral Fellowship
To enhance the integrated research and clinical training of postdoctoral applicants who are not yet independent. The applicant must be embedded in an appropriate research group with the mentorship, support, and relevant scientific guidance of a research sponsor.
AHA awards are open to the array of academic and health professionals. This includes but is not limited to all academic disciplines (biology, chemistry, mathematics, technology, physics, etc.) and all health-related professions (physicians, nurses, nurse practitioners, pharmacists, dentists, physical and occupational therapists, statisticians, nutritionists, etc.).
Science focus: All basic, clinical, translational, behavioral and population research broadly related to cardiovascular function and disease and stroke, or to related clinical, behavioral, basic science, bioengineering or biotechnology, and public health problems.
At the time of award activation:
-the applicant may have no more than five years of research training or experience since obtaining a post-baccalaureate doctoral-level degree (excluding clinical training). 
-the applicant must hold a post-baccalaureate Ph.D. degree or equivalent, or a doctoral-level clinical degree, such as M.D., D.O., D.V.M., Pharm.D., D.D.S., or Ph.D. in nursing, public health, or other clinical health science.
-The awardee will be expected to devote at least 80 percent of full-time work either to research or to activities pursuant to independent research Clinical, translational, population, and basic scientists are encouraged to apply. 
See the guidelines for other criteria.
Citizenship: U.S. citizenship, permanent residents, and individuals with certain visas (see the guidelines)
All basic, clinical, translational, behavioral and population research broadly related to cardiovascular function and disease and stroke, or to related clinical, behavioral, basic science, bioengineering or biotechnology, and public health problems.
Institutional representative (RMG fellowship office) deadline: July 5, 2018
Deadline: July 12, 2018



The Pew Charitable Trusts
Pew Latin American Fellows

The Pew fellowship provides a $30,000 salary stipend in each of two years and an additional $70,000 payment to the sponsoring institution when the fellow confirms plans to return to Latin America.
Purpose: The Pew Latin American Fellows Program in the Biomedical Sciences provides funding for scientists to receive postdoctoral training at leading research institutions in the United States.
For the 2019 application process, applicants must have been awarded a Ph.D. and/or M.D. degree by February 2019 but not for more than five years prior to July 11, 2019.
Preference will be given to applicants who received their undergraduate and graduate degrees from institutions in Latin America.
Applicants may have obtained their undergraduate or graduate degrees from a school outside of Latin America but preferably not in the United States. Applicants may not have had previous postdoctoral training in the United States in excess of 18 months prior to July 11, 2019. Applicants will not be considered if they have completed graduate work with a proposed sponsor.
Applicants are required to submit a written statement of intent to return to Latin America
Applicants must identify and confirm a postdoctoral position in the laboratory of an established principal investigator (sponsor) in advance of applying. Many excellent scientists in major research institutions in the United States are interested in having Pew Latin American fellows come to their labs for postdoctoral training. For assistance in identifying possible sponsors, potential applicants may e-mail the program office, at A list of potential postdoctoral positions can be found here.
Note: To apply, potential candidates must send an e-mail to the program office at to request login info for the application portal, which will open July 11, 2018.
Deadline:  Sept. 28, 2018
FAQ webpage >>



Proposals accepted on an ongoing basis


European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO)
Short Term Fellowships

Short-Term Fellowships fund research visits of up to three months to laboratories in Europe and elsewhere in the world
Deadline: There is no deadline for applications, however applications should be made three months before the proposed starting date.
Institutional representative: not applicable. Awards are paid directly to the Fellow. Applications are submitted directly by the individual researcher to the sponsor.
(See August for the Long-term fellowships





National multiple sclerosis society (NMSS) funding opportunities



Special procedural warning:
With the exception of the NMSS Career Transition Award, all PIs must disregard ALL of the posted pre-application dates posted on the NMSS webpages and submit their pre-applications much earlier. Those posted pre-application deadlines are only ONE week prior to the full proposal deadlines-which give you no time to receive feedback (which takes up to 2 days) and an invitation to prepare and submit your proposals. Therefore, It is recommended that you register and submit your pre-application via their online site ( at least 3-4 weeks prior to the institutional representative (RMG) deadline to allow you time to get feedback and prepare your proposals.


National Multiple Sclerosis Society
Mentor-Based Postdoctoral Fellowship in Rehabilitation Research

The faculty mentor is the PI.
Eligibility: the mentor (PI) should be a faculty member with PI eligibility and be an established and active researcher in MS or a related field. The fellowship will provide support of a postdoctoral fellow who will work closely with the mentor. No citizenship requirement.
In order to submit a full proposal for research support, investigators must first register with their Apply
Online site ( and complete a pre-application. Staff will review the pre-application to determine whether the research plan is appropriate and relevant to our goals.
IMPORTANT: all PIs please disregard all of the NMSS pre-application deadlines on their website (July 25th is the NMSS pre-application deadline listed for this RFP) as those deadlines give you no time for feedback and to prepare full proposals. Therefore, please register and submit your pre-application ASAP (at least 3-4 weeks in advance- i.e., by June 27th).
If invited to submit a full proposal, please alert your RPM asap:
Institutional representative (RPM Fellowship office) : July 25, 2017
Full application (by invitation only) 2017 deadlines: Aug. 1, 2018
Guidelines >>
*Institutional representative: the RPM for the PI (faculty member).



National Multiple Sclerosis Society
Postdoctoral Fellowships

Eligibility: Applicants with 0-36 months of previous postdoctoral training at the time of the application submission deadline may apply for this award. Applicants must hold, or be candidates for, an M.D., Ph.D. or equivalent degree.
No citizenship requirement for those applying from U.S. institutions.
In order to submit a full proposal for research support, investigators must first register with their Apply Online site ( and complete a pre-application. Staff will review the pre-application to determine whether the research plan is appropriate and relevant to our goals.
IMPORTANT: all PIs please disregard all of the NMSS pre-application deadlines on their website (Aug. 8th is the NMSS pre-application deadline listed for this RFP) as those deadlines give you no time for feedback and to prepare full proposals. Therefore, please register and submit your pre-application ASAP (at least 3-4 weeks in advance- i.e., by July 11th).
If invited to submit a full proposal:
Institutional representative (RPM Fellowship office) : Aug. 8, 2018
Full application (by invitation only) 2017 deadlines: Aug. 15, 2018
Guidelines >>
*Institutional representative: RMG Fellowship office per the proposal checklist/guidelines on this webpage >>.



National Multiple Sclerosis Society and ABF American Brain Foundation
Clinician Scientist Development Award

To support 3 years of research training of young clinicians committed to careers in academic medicine with an emphasis on MS clinical research.
Eligibility: Applicants must be licensed to practice medicine in the U.S. and be at the PGY4 or PGY5 stage of an accredited residency program in the U.S. at the time of the application.
There is no citizenship requirement; however, the individual applying for the award must be licensed to practice medicine in the United States at the time of application.
In order to submit a full proposal for research support, investigators must first register with their Apply Online site ( and complete a pre-application. Staff will review the pre-application to determine whether the research plan is appropriate and relevant to our goals.
IMPORTANT: all PIs please disregard all of the NMSS pre-application deadlines on their website (Aug. 8th is the NMSS pre-application deadline listed for this RFP) as those deadlines give you no time for feedback and to prepare full proposals. Therefore, please register and submit your pre-application ASAP (at least 3-4 weeks in advance- i.e., by July 11th).
If invited to submit a full proposal:
Institutional representative (RPM Fellowship office) : Aug. 8, 2018
Full application (by invitation only) 2017 deadlines:  Aug. 15, 2018
Guidelines >>
*Institutional representative: RMG Fellowship office per the proposal checklist/guidelines on this webpage >>.



National Multiple Sclerosis Society
Sylvia Lawry Physician Fellowships

Provides individuals with an MD or equivalent medical degree with up to 3 yrs of formal training under an established investigator, in key elements associated with conducting clinical trials.
Eligibility: Residents who have or will have received training in neurology or physiatry in the U.S., and who are in their at the PGY3 or PGY4 stage or beyond are eligible.
No citizenship requirement but applicants must be licensed to practice medicine in the United States.
In order to submit a full proposal for research support, investigators must first register with their Apply Online site ( and complete a pre-application. Staff will review the pre-application to determine whether the research plan is appropriate and relevant to our goals.
IMPORTANT: all PIs please disregard all of the NMSS pre-application deadlines on their website (Aug. 8th is the NMSS pre-application deadline listed for this RFP) as those deadlines give you no time for feedback and to prepare full proposals. Therefore, please register and submit your pre-application ASAP (at least 3-4 weeks in advance- i.e., by July 11th).
If invited to submit a full proposal:
Institutional representative (RPM Fellowship office) : Aug. 8, 2018
Full application (by invitation only) 2017 deadlines:  Aug. 15, 2018
Guidelines >>
*Institutional representative: RMG Fellowship office per the proposal checklist/guidelines on this webpage >>.







Muscular Dystrophy Association
MDA Development Grant

$60K per year for 1-3 years
Eligibility: senior postdoctoral researchers who have a minimum of 18 months of post-degree (Ph.D or M.D.) research laboratory training at the time of application; Be no more than 60 months from receiving their most recent advanced degree (e.g. Ph.D, M.D. or equivalent); and in the case of M.D., Ph.D. applicants on a variable career path, you will need to consult with MDA to discuss your eligibility
Muscular dystrophy (among which are Duchenne and Becker); motor neuron diseases (including ALS and SMA); the peripheral nerve disorders (CMT and Friedreich's ataxia); inflammatory myopathies; disorders of the neuromuscular junction; metabolic diseases of muscle as well as other myopathies
Letter of intent (required) deadline: June 15, 2018 and Dec. 15, 2018 via proposal central*
If invited to submit a full proposal-alert your RPM in RMG asap:
Institutional representative (RPM/RMG) deadline: July 8, 2018 and Jan. 23, 2019
Full proposal (by invitation only) deadline: July 15, 2018 and Jan. 30, 2019 via proposal central*
*Institutional representative: You do not have to submit your letter of intent through your department’s Research Process Manager (RPM in RMG>>). However, because this is mentored career development grant and not a fellowship, if invited to submit a full proposal, you must contact your RPM asap so she/he can generate your budget.






Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA) Research Foundation
Postdoctoral Fellowship

Grants up to $50,000 for 1 year or up to $100,000 for 2 years
Eligibility: for postdoctoral students in basic science, clinical applications, or design and development, intended to encourage training and specialization in the field of spinal cord research. Applicants must apply within 4 years of receiving a Ph.D. or within 4 years of completing a formal MD residency program.
No citizenship requirement but institutions must be located in Canada or the U.S.
Institutional representative (RMG Fellowship Office) deadline: June 25, 2018
Full prposal deadline (revised): July 1, 2018
Download the PDF file of the guidelines>>
*Institutional representative: RMG Fellowship office per the proposal checklist/guidelines on this webpage >>.



Helen Hay Whitney Foundation
Research Fellowship

Supports early postdoctoral research training in all basic biomedical sciences.
Eligibility: Candidates who hold, or are in the final stages of obtaining a Ph.D., M.D., or equivalent degree and are seeking beginning postdoctoral training in basic biomedical research are eligible to apply for a fellowship. The Foundation accepts applications from candidates who have no more than one year of postdoctoral research experience at the time of the deadline for submitting the application (July 2, 2018), and who have received a PhD (or D.Phil. or equivalent) degree no more than two years before the deadline, or an M.D. degree no more than three years before the deadline.
No citizenship requirement
Institutional representative (RMG Fellowship Office*) deadline: June 25, 2018
Deadline: July 2, 2018
*Institutional representative: RMG Fellowship office per the proposal checklist/guidelines on this webpage >>.


Lung Cancer Research Foundation
LCRF Scientific Grant Program

Amount of funding: up to $150,000 over a period of two years ($75K/yr)
This RFP calls for basic, translational, and clinical research proposals that are focused on the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and cure of lung cancer.
-Young and mid-career investigators (Assist. & Assoc. prof. with PI eligibility and CE Assist. & Assoc. Prof. (with an approved PI waiver) with less than 10 years experience since initial faculty appointment
-Graduate students*, Postdoctoral and clinical fellows*
-Non-tenure track researchers, staff scientists, and clinicians (any number years of experience): Instructors*, Clinical Instructors*, and Academic staff-researchers*
Note: Senior investigators with more than 10 years’ experience are typically not eligible for funding and are encouraged to mentor a junior team member
No citizenship requirement
Institutional representative (RPM/RMG or CGO/OSR) deadline: June 25, 2018
Full proposals deadline: July 2, 2018
*Institutional representative for all PIs: your Research Process Manager (RPM/ RMG dept. assignment webpage >>)


Rheumatology Research Foundation 

Scientist Development Award 
up to $225K for up to 3 years
Mentored postdoctoral fellowship. See additional criteria.
Applicants must be an ACR or ARHP member at the time of the submission.
U.S. citizenship or permanent residency required.
Institutional representative (RPM/RMG*) deadline: June 25, 2018
Deadline: July 2, 2018
*Institutional representative: because this is a mentored career development grant and not a fellowship, you must submit your PDRF forms and your application materials through your department's Research Process Manager (RPM). Please contact your RPM asap so he/she can begin to build your budget. RPM assignments >>



Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation
Damon Runyon Dale F. Frey Award for Breakthrough Scientists

$100,000 over 1 year
Eligibility: Damon Runyon Fellows are eligible to apply in the fourth year of their Fellowship. Currently, Damon Runyon Fellows selected in November 2013 and May 2014 (DRG-2177-14 to DRG-2210-14, DRSG-8-14 to DRSG-10-14) are eligible to apply.
Institutional representative (RPM/RMG*) deadline: July 9, 2018
Full proposal deadline: July 16, 2018
Application guidielines:
*Institutional representative: please alert your Research Process Manager RPM in RMG >> asap about your plans to submit a proposal- so he/she can begin to build your budget, etc. See the internal proposal deadline policy >>.



Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation
Damon Runyon-Sohn Pediatric Cancer Fellowship Award
FYI-that fellowship is only offered in March and is not offered in August.









Scientific Research Network on Decision Neuroscience and Aging
Pilot Grants 
$30,000 (2-3 grants to be awarded)
Eligibility: graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, and junior faculty (Assist. Prof. with PI eligibility and CE Assist. Prof. with an approved PI waiver) especially those from underrepresented groups in science. 
Senior researchers (faculty with PI eligibility) who are new to the area are also eligible.
Citizenship not required but research must be done in a U.S. institution.
The research must focus directly on adult development and aging or on life course decisions that approve health and well-being in old age.
Institutional representative (RPM/RMG or CGO/OSR) deadline: July 25, 2018
Full proposal deadline: Aug. 1, 2018
Institutional representative: Per Kathleen Thompson, the Director of RMG, confirms that this considered a mentored career grant so all applicants need to alert their Research Process Manager (RPM in RMG) asap about their plans to submit a proposal.




A-T Children's Project (ataxia-telangiectasia)
The A-T Post doctoral Fellowship Award

Post docs with one year experience or less post degree are eligible and must be nominated for this award by their principal investigator (PI).
$30K to $40K per year for 2 years
Eligibility: the PI is the faculty member with PI eligibility and CE Faculty (with an approved PI waiver)
Any interested PI who would like to nominate a new post doc for the A-T Post Doctoral Fellowship Award must send a Letter of Intent (LOI) to the A-T Children's Project. No citizenship restriction
Letter of intent deadline-required:  Aug. 1, 2018
Institutional representative (RPM/RMG) deadline: Aug. 24, 2018
Full proposal deadline: Sept. 1, 2018
Institutional representative: the faculty member’s RPM in RMG >>.



European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO)
Long-Term Fellowships

Although applications are accepted throughout the year, you must submit your application as follows so it can be reviewed in the Fall 2017.
No citizenship requirement
Full proposal deadline: Aug. 10, 2018, 2 p.m. CEST
Institutional representative: not applicable. Awards are paid directly to the Fellow. Applications are submitted directly by the individual researcher to the sponsor. You do not have to submit through your institutional representative.



Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation
Fellowship Award

See the guidelines for eligibility criteria
No citizenship restriction
Institutional representative deadlines (RMG Fellowship Office): August 8, 2018
Deadlines: August 15, 2018
Eligibility guidelines:
Fellowship application guidelines:
*Institutional representative: RMG Fellowship Office per the proposal checklist on this webpage >>

Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation
Damon Runyon-Sohn Pediatric Cancer Fellowship Award

Note:-that fellowship is only offered in March >> and is not offered in August.


Foundation for Anesthesia Education and Research
Research Fellowship Grant

$75K for 1 yr
For anesthesiology trainees-residents and fellows after the CA-1 year
U.S. citizen, permanent U.S. resident, or holder of H-1 visa with minimum of three years remaining
Institutional representative (RPM/RMG*) complete by date: Aug. 8, 2018
Full proposal deadline: Aug. 15, 2018
*Institutional representative: please alert your Research Process Manager RPM in RMG >> asap about your plans to submit a proposal- so he/she can begin to build your budget, etc.







PhRMA Foundation
Postdoctoral Fellowship in Pharmacology/Toxicology
Postdoctoral Fellowship in Informatics
Postdoctoral Fellowship in Pharmaceutics
Eligible applicants must 1) hold a Ph.D. degree or appropriate terminal research doctorate in a field of study logically or functionally related to the proposed postdoctoral activities or 2) expect to receive the Ph.D. before activating the award.
U.S. citizenship or permanent residency required.
Institutional representative (RMG Fellowship Office*) deadline: Aug. 31, 2018
Deadline: Sept. 1, 2018
*Institutional representative: submit your completed PDRF form and application materials to the RMG Fellowship Office per the proposal checklist/guidelines on this webpage >> 

(Note:  the full proposal deadline is Feb. 1, 2019 for the PhRMA Postdoctoral Fellowship in Translational Medicine and Therapeutics)


ETH Zurich Science and Technology University 
Postdoctoral Fellowship Program 
For individuals who are within 2 years of their PhD degree at the time of the application submission interested in the two-year program in Zurich or Basel Switzerland
Deadline:  Sept. 1, 2018
Institutional representative: not applicable.  Individuals can apply directly to the program.


American College of Surgeons 
Resident Research Scholarships
The applicant must be a Resident member of the College who has completed two postdoctoral years in an accredited surgical training program in the United States or Canada at the time the scholarship is awarded, July 1, 2019.
No citizenship requirement
Institutional representative (RMG Fellowship Office*) deadline: Sept. 7, 2018
Deadline: Sept. 14, 2018
*Institutional representative: submit your completed PDRF form and application materials to the RMG Fellowship Office per the proposal checklist/guidelines on this webpage >> 






Bright Focus Foundation
Alzheimer’s Disease Research Program
Postdoctoral Fellowship*
Up to $200,000 over 2 yrs
No citizenship restriction
Institutional representative (RPM/RMG*) deadline:  Sept. 25, 2018
Full proposal (by invitation only) deadline: Oct. 2, 2018
*Institutional representative for all PIs (including postdocs):  RPM dept. assignment webpage >>)
FYI-re: sponsor’s website: 
This sponsor does not have downloadable RFP for each of their programs so you have to check for eligibility, for example, on the FAQs webpage, terms and conditions on a separate page, etc..
Grant overview (amount of funding, types of grant)
Eligibility for the standard RFP can be found on the FAQ webpage:
How to apply (via their portal):


The Morton Cure Paralysis Fund
Research grants 
$5-$75K for one year 
(note: postdocs submit applications through your RPM)  
No citizenship requirement
Cures and treatments for paralysis associated with spinal cord injury and other central nervous system disorders
Stanford Faculty with PI eligibility and CE faculty (with an approved CE faculty PI waiver) 
Postdoctoral fellows may apply with an approved Career Development PI waiver >> request  through their RPM (the RFP requests a letter of support from their mentors. This eligibility was approved by Sonia Barragan, Assoc. Director, RMG)
Institutional representative (RPM/RMG or OSR) deadline:  Oct. 24, 2018
Full proposal deadline:  Oct. 31, 2018
Institutional representative for all PIs (including postdocs):  alert your Research Process Manager (RPM in RMG >>) asap about your plans to submit a proposal.









Cystic Fibrosis Foundation 
Postdoctoral Research Fellowships 
U.S. citizenship or permanent residency required.
Institutional representative deadline (RPM/RMG*): Nov. 26, 2018
Deadline:  December 3, 2018
*Institutional representative: because this is a grant and not a fellowship, you must submit your PDRF forms and your application materials through your department's Research Process Manager (RPM). Please contact your RPM asap so he/she can begin to build your budget. RPM assignments >>




National science foundation (NSF) postdoctoral fellowships

Must, at the time of submission, be a U.S. citizen, U.S. national, or a legally admitted permanent resident alien of the United States. See the respective guidelines for each announcement for additional eligibility criteria.

NSF Grant and Proposal Guidelines (GPG) (effective Jan. 2018)

NSF Medical Research/Disease-related goal restrictions

NSF Grant Proposal Guidelines Chapter 1. B:
Unless otherwise stated in the program guidelines, research with disease-related goals, including work on the etiology, diagnosis or treatment of physical or mental disease, abnormality, or malfunction in human beings or animals, is normally not supported. Animal models of such conditions or the development or testing of drugs or other procedures for their treatment also are not eligible for support.
However, research in bioengineering, with diagnosis- or treatment-related goals, that applies engineering principles to problems in biology and medicine while advancing engineering knowledge is eligible for support. Bioengineering research to aid persons with disabilities also is eligible."

**Note: NSF may reissue the following programs announcements during the year. Those new announcements will likely have different deadlines and requirements.  Check the webpage for each program announcement to see if there is a red comment at the top of the page along with a link to the webpage for the reissued program announcement.

NSF 17-588 SBE Postdoctoral Fellowship
The Directorate for Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences (SBE)

Two tracks: (1) Fundamental Research in the SBE Sciences" (SPRF-FR) and (2) “Broadening Participation in the SBE Sciences" (SPRF-BP).
Eligibility: applicants must: be a U.S. citizen, national, or legally admitted permanent resident alien of the United States as of the application deadline; obtained the doctoral degree within 36 months before the application deadline or will obtain the doctoral degree within 10 months after the application deadline; not already in a full-time tenure-track faculty position; not have submitted the same research to another NSF postdoctoral research program
Note: It is anticipated that the research will be conducted at an institution other than the Fellowship candidate's doctoral-granting institution. However, if the Fellowship candidate chooses to remain at their current institution, the Project Description should include an explanation on how this choice benefits their research and career development.
Deadline:  Oct. 9, 2018 (then 2nd Tuesday in Oct. annually)
Program overview webpage:
Program announcement:
Institutional representative: not applicable. Fellowships are awarded to individuals. The fellowship candidate submits his or her proposal directly to NSF.

NSF 16-575 Astronomy and Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellowships (AAPF)
The candidate is a citizen, national, or permanent resident of the United States. Each candidate must identify one or more sponsoring scientist(s) and host institution(s) at the time of proposal submission.
Deadline:   Oct. 10, 2018 (2nd Wed. in October annually)
Program overview webpage:
Program announcement:
Institutional representative: not applicable. Fellowships are awarded to individuals. The fellowship candidate submits his or her proposal directly to NSF.

NSF 16-558 Mathematical Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellowships (MSPRF)
The candidate must be a U.S. citizen, U.S. national, or a legally admitted permanent resident alien of the United States May not have held the doctoral degree more than 2 years as of January 1 of the year of the award; Must propose research in an area of mathematics or statistics.
Deadline: Oct. 17,  2018 (Third Wednesday in October)
Program overview webpage:
Program announcement:
Institutional representative: not applicable. Fellowships are awarded to individuals. The fellowship candidate submits his or her proposal directly to NSF.


NSF 15-501 Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Biology (PRFB)
Applicants must be U.S. Citizens or permanent residents
The fellowships encourage independence at an early stage of the research career to permit Fellows to pursue their research and training goals in the most appropriate research locations regardless of the availability of funding for the Fellows at that site. For FY 2015 and beyond, these BIO programs are
(1) Broadening Participation of Groups Under-represented in Biology
(2) Research Using Biological Collections
(3) National Plant Genome Initiative (NPGI) Postdoctoral Research Fellowships.
Deadline:    Nov. 6, 2018 (first Tuesday in November annually)
Program overview webpage:
Program announcement:
Institutional representative: not applicable. These fellowships are awards to individuals; proposals are submitted directly by the fellowship candidate to NSF.


NSF 17-583 Earth Sciences Postdoctoral Fellowships (EAR-PF)
The candidate is a citizen, national, or permanent resident of the United States. Each candidate must identify one or more sponsoring scientist(s) and host institution(s) at the time of proposal submission.
The program is intended to recognize beginning investigators of significant potential, and provide them with experience in research and education that will establish them in leadership positions in the Earth Sciences community. Because the fellowships are offered only to postdoctoral scientists early in their career, doctoral advisors are encouraged to discuss the availability of EAR fellowships with their graduate students early in their doctoral programs.
Deadline:   Oct. 24, 2018 (and 4th Wed. in Oct. annually)
Program overview webpage:
Program announcement:
Institutional representative: not applicable. Fellowships are awards to individuals, not institutions, and are administered by the Fellows.



Not currently offered:

NSF 14-607 Ocean Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellowships (OCE-PRF): Broadening Participation and International
Applicants must be U.S. citizens (or nationals) or legally admitted permanent residents of the United States
NSF has archived this RFP per this webpage.
Institutional representative: not applicable. These fellowships are awards to individuals; proposals are submitted directly by the fellowship candidate to NSF.

NSF 14-509 Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellowships (AGS-PRF)
Be U.S. citizens (or nationals) or legally admitted permanent residents of the United States (i.e., have a "green card") at the time of application. Each candidate must identify one or more sponsoring scientist(s) and host institution(s) in the proposal. (See guidelines for additional details.)
NSF will likely reissue this RFA.
Institutional representative: not applicable. AGS Postdoctoral Research Fellowships are awards to individuals; proposals are submitted directly by the fellowship candidate to NSF.




Proposal central application instructions


How to delegate the authority to submit your proposal to the RPM

In order for RPMs* to review and submit grants through Proposal Central, the PI has to go to the section of the application titled "Enable Other Users to Access this Proposal." The PI should scroll to the bottom of the page, enter the RPM's* email address, then give the RPM"administrative" permission. The "administrative" permission allows the RPM* to view, edit and submit the application. If the RPM is not given "administrative" permission, the RPM* will not be able to access the submit button.
*For PIs in other schools: substitute your OSR contract officer's email address in place of the RPM

Special Note: Selecting the Institution's Name
School of Medicine PIs: Med. should select item #6 (following the “MDA clinic” listing) when they search for Stanford University. This one has the RMG Porter Drive address.
PIs in other schools: Select "the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University" which will display the OSR address.

Selecting a signing official:
SoM PIs:
the "Stanford University" profile will include the list of RPMs.
PIs in other schools: If "the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University" is selected, this profile will show the OSR signing officials.



Grant writing resources

Biosciences Grant Writing Academy- for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows:



Footer Links: