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Our Policies

On this page you will find information about Stanford policies on:

Intellectual Property:
Stanford's policies regarding intellectual property are contained in the Research Policy Handbook.

Stanford is an ardent supporter of the licensing approach described in:
In the Public Interest: Nine Points to Consider in Licensing University Technology

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Licensing Faculty-Associated Companies

OTL must be particularly sensitive to public perception when a potential licensee is a faculty-associated company. The University is obligated to maintain an arms-length relationship in all business transactions. Therefore, license negotiations and agreements with inventor start-ups must fall within the normal range of terms and conditions of similar licenses to non-inventor-associated companies. Furthermore, because Stanford faculty/employees cannot represent the company and the University at the same time, the inventors do not participate in the actual negotiation of license agreements with potential licensees.

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Material Transfer Agreements (MTAs)

Incoming Material Transfer Agreements
Information about MTAs for materials being sent to Stanford from industry is available from the Industrial Contracts Office.

Outgoing Material Transfer Agreements
Stanford and OTL have endorsed a policy regarding the distribution of tangible research materials. This policy encourages faculty and others to provide materials with no additional paperwork when they distribute materials as part of a sponsored research agreement or to their colleagues in academia and non-profit institutions.

If a Stanford researcher plans to send materials to an industry colleague, OTL can help provide either:

  1. An MTA that restricts use of the materials to research or evaluation purposes only. This document should be signed by an authorized official of the company and by OTL; or
  2. A license agreement for commercialization of the materials.
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Clinical Technology Assessment Agreements

Under Clinical Technology Assessment Agreements (CTAA's), a company will provide experimental drugs to a researcher who administers the drug to patients under a specific protocol. The protocol must be approved by the Human Subjects Panel and, in most cases, the FDA. The CTAA is conducted for the purpose of generating data to evaluate the safety and efficacy of the drug. In most cases, the drug is patented by the company.

Contracts for these studies are handled by the Office of Sponsored Research in conjunction with the Research Management Group. For more information on Clinical Trials at Stanford, contact the The Stanford Center for Clinical and Translational Education and Research, Spectrum.

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Stanford Trademarks

For information on Stanford's Trademark Licensing Program, please contact the Director of Business Development at: or call (650) 723-3331.

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