Fingate Funds Management > CMS > Training


Becoming Proficient in CMS

The CMS training program is designed for anyone at Stanford responsible for managing funds and forecasting expenditures.

Acquiring the skills necessary for using CMS starts by completing the required training for new users.

Once you complete the introductory and core skills training, ongoing support is provided to ensure you get the most out of your CMS experience.

Graphic of Your Training Path

Required Training for New Users

  • FIN-0180:  Introduction to the Commitment Management System (CMS)

    This online course highlights the capabilities of CMS and demonstrates basic navigation. It includes insights from experienced CMS users on how they rely on CMS for forecasting and reporting in their departments. This course takes 40 minutes to complete and is a pre-requisite to the instructor-led "Acquiring Core CMS Skills" session where you will gain hands-on CMS experience. Register through STARS in Axess.

  • FIN-0181:  Acquiring Core CMS (Commitment Management System) Skills

    Through this hands-on lab you will acquire the skills needed to complete core CMS tasks. During the lab you will practice these tasks using simulated data. Register through STARS in Axess.

  • Access to CMS

    Once you have completed the required training and your school/department grants you the appropriate level of CMS authority, you will receive access to CMS.

Ongoing Support

  • Step-by-Step Instructions

    Step-by-step instructions for common CMS tasks are available in the How To section.

  • Integrating CMS Into Your Department Workflow

    These pre-arranged sessions are customized to help teams integrate CMS into their department work processes. Accessing actual PTAs and applying the core skills developed in previous training, these sessions provide the opportunity to create "real world" reports and forecasts specific to your department.

    Contact the STARS Training Administrator for CMS to arrange a customized department training session.

  • Mastering CMS – Special Topics

    These sessions are open to all CMS users. A variety of topics will be covered focusing on advanced skills and specific CMS features. These sessions do not replace the core skills training, but are intended to support CMS users in mastering their use of the Commitment Management System.


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