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Are There CAFOs in Region 7?

Region 7 states rank among the highest in the nation with regard to livestock inventory numbers and market value of agricultural products produced. The following table lists the number of Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) in Region 7 by state, as of April 2013.

State Number of Facilities Defined as CAFOs Under the Clean Water Act1 CAFOs with NPDES2 Permits % of CAFOs with NPDES2 Permits
Iowa 3,055 131 4.3%
Kansas 446 446 100%
Missouri 554 27 4.9%
Nebraska 862 374 43%
(Region 7)
4,917 978 19.9%

1 All Animal Feeding Operations (AFOs) with numbers of animals above the size thresholds set out for large CAFOs are defined as CAFOs under the NPDES federal regulations. Specific threshold numbers can be found on EPA’s sector table (PDF) (1 pg., 28K, About PDF)

2 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System

Federal and State CAFO Contacts

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