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Human Resources

12.4.3 Health Plans

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Stanford offers an international health (medical and dental) plan to employees and affiliated employees working outside of the US. In specific countries, a health plan that aligns with that country’s social insurance may be offered instead. In many countries the benefit insurance premiums paid by Stanford on the affiliated employee’s behalf (including contribution toward family premiums) are considered taxable income to the employee. More information is available from Global HR Programs.

12.4.2 Survivor Benefit Plans

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Stanford makes available an international life insurance plan for affiliated employees outside of the US. US citizens and legal residents may be allowed to continue US-based life insurance programs. Contact Global HR Programs for specific information.

12.3.10 Violence in the Workplace

12.3.9 Gifts and Awards for Global Employees

12.3.8 Global Employee Training

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Some countries mandate employee training requirements, or specific jobs may have training or certification standards. Supervisors are responsible for identifying those employees who perform work requiring specific training and taking actions to enable the delivery of necessary training.

12.3.7 Controlled Substances and Alcohol

12.3.6 Workplace Accommodations for Employees with Disabilities

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Refer to Stanford University's Administrative Guide Memo 2.2.7, to the extent required and applicable in the country of operation.

12.3.4 Sexual Misconduct and Sexual Assault

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Refer to Stanford's Administrative Guide Memos 1.7.1, 1.7.2 and 1.7.3, to the extent required and applicable in the country of operation.

12.3.3 Global Payroll

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Stanford or its affiliated entities will establish payroll procedures in each country that are in compliance with law and appropriate for University or affiliated staff. Country-by-country procedures will be maintained with University Payroll or the affiliated entity.

12.3.2 Global Definitions

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This policy applies to Stanford University employees at least 50% time with an appointment of at least 6 months, whose primary work location is outside of the US. The employee may be paid by a Stanford out-of-country organization or affiliate (in-country hire), or in rare cases may be paid in the U.S. (U.S. hire working abroad). Benefit eligibility may be determined by each country’s law.


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