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What's New


Note: Housekeeping changes are in the following section at the bottom of the page.


September 1, 2017

2.1.6: Vacations

  • Section 1.c(1): Updated vacation accrual rates for staff in non-exempt jobs to eliminate the accrual difference between staff in non-exempt and exempt jobs.
  • Section 2.g(2)b: Changed the terminal vacation notifice requirement from five (5) days to seven (7) days for both laid off employees and retiring employees.

August 11, 2017

2.4.2: Directories and Distribution Lists

  • Updated Section 1.a(1), 1.a.(3) to include requirement for staff to maintain work contact information.
  • Other sections had housekeeping edits to update URLs and names of departments.

9.2.1: Provost and Officers Reporting to the Provost

  • Added the new Sr. Vice Provost for Education position, updated the title for the Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs, and reorganized positions so schools are at left in alphabetical order. Updated URLs.

July 25, 2017

1.5.4: Ownership and Use of Stanford Trademarks and Images

A complete revision from the previous version, with new sections added and changes to every previously existing section.

June 30, 2017

2.1.10: Staff Retirement

Section 2.a.3: Added a maximum time limit for the gradual retirement process.


May 25, 2017

1.8.1: Protection of Minors

Authority: Changed from the President to the Vice President for Human Resources.

Throughout: Changed references of "children" to "minors." All sections were moved up one (and renumbered) because the previous Policy Statement is now in the introduction.

  • Section 2.d: Revised to include content previously in 4.c.3.
  • Section 2.e: Added 2.e. to identify the process for exceptions to this policy.
  • Section 4.b: Clarified background check requirements for program staff working with minors and the review process.
  • Section 4.c.2: Added requirement that confirmation of attendance and completion of in-person training must be submitted to University Human Resources.
  • Section 4.c.3: Revised to include content previously in 4.c.2.
  • Section 7: Added how reports should be made and added the requirement that Mandated Reporters are legally obligated to report known or reasonably suspected child abuse or neglect to authorities, including a written report; added the Mandated Reporter URL.

2.1.5: Compensation of Staff Employees

Throughout: Changed references to "work week" to "workweek" and removed references to the HRMS vendor

  • Section 1: Added non-retaliation provision for employees or applicants who discuss, inquire, or disclose their own pay or the pay of another employee or applicant
  • Section 2.h.1: Added references to AGM 2.1.6: Vacation, 2.1.7: Sick Time, 2.1.8: Miscellaneous Authorized Absences, and 2.1.13: Paid Holidays
  • Section 2.h.2: Clarified HRMS as system of record for leave time and supervisor approval
  • Section 3: Clarified VP for HR's role in establishing job classifications and salary ranges
  • Section 3.c: Clarified eligibility for pay increases
  • Section 7: Updated requirements for temporary compensation for work in a higher classification

April 7, 2017

2.4.3: Stanford Identification Cards

Changes to types of ID cards:

  • 2.h.: A “Visitor” card is issued to individuals who qualify as a “Visiting Scholar” or a “Visiting Postdoctoral Scholar” in accordance with definitions in the Research Policy Handbook.
  • 2.i(7): Employees of ASSU are now eligible for a Courtesy ID Card with verification.

Minor changes throughout to reflect the Stanford ID Card Office is the university’s administrator for ID Cards.

Housekeeping Changes

Changes do not affect policy content, but may include corrected cross-references to other policies, corrected titles, change of authority for the policy, changed URLs, addresses, and phone numbers or very minor text changes for clarity. Policies are not re-dated when housekeeping edits are made; the date is only updated if the policy content is changed.

June 1, 2017

3.2.3: Allocations and Offsets
Section 1.d., Approvals, last paragraph: Added the words “business process" between the words "feeder" and "owners" in the following sentence: "Feeder owners must sign an annual attestation that they understand and accept their responsibilities and have followed the policies, and must pass Cost Policy Training as described in Guide Memos 3.1.4: Cost Policy, and 3.2.1: Authorizing Expenditures."

May 25, 2017

These policies had minor updates to correct outdated department name(s) and contact information:

2.1.2: Recruiting & Hiring of Regular Staff
2.1.8: Miscellaneous Authorized Absences
2.3.1: Survivor Benefit Plans
2.3.2: Health Plans
2.3.3: Tuition Privileges
2.3.5: Disability and Family Leaves
2.4.3: Stanford Identification Cards

Navigation Changes: Chapters 6: Computing and 7: Health and Safety have had the ‘View Policies’ buttons removed for each sub-chapter to simplify navigation, since each sub-chapter just had one policy.

April 4, 2017

Chapter 12: Global Activities (updates to policies for global employees)