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12.3.10 Violence in the Workplace

12.3.6 Workplace Accommodations for Employees with Disabilities

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Refer to Stanford University's Administrative Guide Memo 2.2.7, to the extent required and applicable in the country of operation.

1.7.2 Consensual Sexual or Romantic Relationships In the Workplace and Educational Setting

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This policy highlights the risks in sexual or romantic relationships in the Stanford workplace or academic setting between individuals in inherently unequal positions; prohibits certain relationships between teachers and students; and requires recusal (from supervision and evaluation) and notification in other relationships.

2.1.20 Staff Telecommuting

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Like other organizations in Silicon Valley, Stanford thrives on collaboration; sharing information and ideas is the cornerstone of our work in academics, research, and patient care. In the workplace, telecommuting is available for eligible staff employees at the discretion of the department and supervisors. Though telecommuting might be a viable option for some employees, it is not a right; see eligibility criteria for details. Decisions about the suitability of telecommuting are made within the school or business unit where the employee works. When a telecommuting arrangement is agreed to, a formal Telecommuting Agreement must be signed and then renewed annually, and the “SU Work-at-Home Office Safety Checklist [click "download form]” must be completed to ensure the designated workspace meets safety criteria, including an ergonomic assessment.

5.1.1 Procurement Policies

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This Guide Memo serves as an introduction to Chapter 5. It covers general policies for the purchase of major and minor construction, equipment, supplies and services by Stanford. The policies in this chapter do not apply to the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (SLAC).

7.8.1 Health and Safety Reference Guide

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This Guide Memo contains lists of reference materials and phone numbers departments can call for specific health and safety questions.

2.3.1 Survivor Benefit Plans

7.6.1 Accident and Incident Reporting

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This Guide Memo lists forms needed to fulfill federal and state requirements concerning accidents, incidents, or exposures to employees in the workplace. It does not cover mental stress claims; contact your local Human Resources office immediately for guidelines on such claims. These policies also apply at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (SLAC). SLAC employees must report accidents, incidents or exposures to SLAC Medical Department.

7.2.1 Emergency/Accident Procedures

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This Guide Memo is a general compilation of Stanford's emergency procedures, including those for injuries and accidents, fires, earthquakes, and hazardous materials releases and spills. For more detailed information on disaster preparedness, please see the Department Emergency Planning Guidelines published by Environmental Health & Safety or contact Emergency Preparedness, 725-1409. 

7.4.1 Health and Safety Training and Communication

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This Guide Memo describes supervisory duties mandated by California Senate Bill 198, the Occupational Injury and Illness Prevention Act. These responsibilities for health and safety training and communication apply to all supervisors, both faculty and staff, and to all workplaces, including laboratories, classrooms, shops, and offices.


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