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10.2.2 Graduate Student Hourly Employment

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This Guide Memo outlines policies and procedures for employment of Stanford graduate students on campus in positions other than assistantships. For employment of graduate students in research and teaching assistantships, see Guide Memo 10.2.1. For employment of undergraduate students, see Guide Memo 10.1.1.

12.3.9 Gifts and Awards for Global Employees

12.3.7 Controlled Substances and Alcohol

8.1.3 Provision of Mobile Equipment and Related Services

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This guide memo outlines policy on the provision of Equipment/Services. The policy requires that the employee's supervisor approve the Stanford business need for Equipment/Services. The policy establishes the responsibilities of the employee and the department regarding any personal use of Equipment/Services. Schools and departments may adopt stricter provisions. The policy sets further requirements regarding the use and maintenance of Equipment/Services.

2.3.5 Disability and Family Leaves

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This Guide Memo describes medical and other disability-type leaves, and the coordination of these types of leave with University benefit plans.

7.7.1 Medical Examinations

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This Guide Memo serves as an overview of Stanford's medical evaluation procedures.

7.5.1 Health and Safety Performance Standards and Discipline

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This Guide Memo describes supervisory duties mandated by California Senate Bill 198, the Occupational Injury and Illness Prevention Act. These responsibilities for health and safety performance standards and discipline apply to all supervisors, both faculty and staff, and to all workplaces, including laboratories, classrooms, shops, and offices.

2.1.10 Staff Retirement

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This Guide Memo describes the retirement income plans, health care coverage, and other perquisites available to employees who retire from the University.

10.1.1 Undergraduate Student Employment

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This Guide Memo outlines policies and procedures for employment of Stanford undergraduate students on campus. For employment of graduate students in research and teaching assistantships, see Guide Memo 10.2.1. For employment of graduate students in hourly positions, see Guide Memo 10.2.2

2.2.7 Requesting Workplace Accommodations For Employees With Disabilities

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This Guide Memo outlines Stanford University's policies and procedures for employee requests for disability-related accommodations.


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