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Investments Offered in SCRP

You can make contributions directly to either retirement savings account from your paycheck.

To do so, set up an account using the My Retirement Savings, which is administered by Fidelity for the university, and take these steps:

  • Decide how to invest your contributions
  • Through My Retirement Savings, select a variety of Vanguard funds and/or open a brokerage account that gives you access to over 4,500 additional mutual funds
  • To invest in options offered by TIAA, first  enroll in My Retirement Savings, then complete a TIAA contract and make your investment funding elections with them
  • Manage your accounts either online through the My Retirement Savings or by phone

Your Choice or Default

You have a choice of investment options for your own contributions as well as the basic and matching contributions you receive from Stanford. If you do not make an investment election or complete the TIAA contract, your contributions and Stanford’s will default into an age-appropriate Vanguard Target Retirement Fund. The defaulted contributions stay there until you make an investment election and move the account balance out.

Your Accepted Risk

As a participant, you accept all investment risks. Your before-tax contributions, after-tax earnings and plan distributions are subject to tax at the time of distribution. You are strongly encouraged to read the entire prospectus and similar descriptions and disclosure materials relating to each investment option under the plan before making an investment decision.

Four SCRP Investment Options

The four investment options of the Stanford Contributory Retirement Plan (SCRP) are designed to meet investors’ diverse needs. Whether you are new to investing, do not have a lot of time to manage your investments, or a savvy financial planner, our investment lineup helps meet your financial goals.

Invest in any or all of the four options outlined below. You may transfer existing balances at any time subject to restrictions imposed by the investment providers or contracts. You may change your investment selections each pay period for your future contributions.


Target Retirement Funds

These funds offer a simple and streamlined way to invest. Choose one ready-made portfolio that best fits your retirement time horizon as well as your tolerance for risk. If you do not select an investment when joining the plans, your contributions will be directed into the age-appropriate Target Retirement Fund.

12 portfolios based on your target retirement date: 

Vanguard Target Retirement Date:

 | 2015 | 2020 | 2025 | 2030 | 2035 | 2040 | 2045 | 2050 | 2055 | 2060

Or one portfolio based on your target retirement income

Core Funds

Vanguard’s low-cost, passively-managed index funds in six broad asset classes. The passively-managed Core Funds allow you to track segments of the overall market and diversify your assets with lower expenses than actively-managed funds.

Six portfolios:

  1. Prime Money Market Fund
Total Bond Market Index Fund

  3. Extended Market Index Fund
Institutional Index Fund

  5. FTSE All-World ex-US

  6. Short-Term Inflation-Protected Securities

Annuity Contracts

Three fixed and variable annuity products offered through TIAA:

  1. TIAA Traditional Annuity

  2. CREF Money Market Fund

  3. CREF Stock Fund

Expanded Choices Brokerage

Over 4,500 mutual funds offered through Fidelity BrokerageLink®, Fidelity’s self-directed brokerage service.

Important: When you select this option, you must sign a statement that acknowledges you are investing at your own risk and you understand these funds are not reviewed, selected, endorsed or monitored by Stanford’s Retirement Program Investment Committee or any plan fiduciary.

You take sole responsibility for:

  • Overseeing and managing your investments
  • Making all investment decisions
  • Paying all fees associated with maintaining the account

Consult with a brokerage account representative to discuss what fees may be associated with the investment options you plan to hold in your brokerage account.