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Nick Hansen

Research Interests

Foreign missile, space and nuclear programs, foreign satellite capabilities, foreign weapons testing facilities


Nick Hansen is a CISAC Affiliate. He graduated with a BA in Geography from Syracuse University in 1964. His career in national intelligence spans 43 years first as an Army imagery analyst, and then in industry with GTE-EDL, ESL/TRW, Tera Research as a cofounder Vice Pres. and then again at ESL (now TRW/Northrop-Grumman) as a Director. He has also served in an SES position at the Navy's NIOC-Suitland, MD, as an image technology expert associated with Pennsylvania State University. He has been twice nominated for the NRO's Pioneer award for innovative imagery uses and techniques development and is an expert in foreign weapons systems and test ranges.

A list of Nick Hansen's publications can be found here.
