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Peter Eckersley

Peter Eckersley


Not in residence.


Last updated Fall 2012.

Peter Eckersley is Technology Projects Director at the Electronic Frontier Foundation. He leads a team of technologists who do both coding and policy work to strengthen Internet security, privacy, and innovation.

His work at EFF has included several projects to improve the strength and deployment of cryptography on the Internet, including HTTPS Everywhere, the SSL Observatory, and Sovereign Keys; efforts to educate Internet users about privacy and security threats such as Surveillance Self-Defense International and Panopticlick; rallying computer scientists in opposition to Internet blacklist legislation; and efforts to make networks more neutral, open, and transparent, including the first controlled tests of packet forgery by Comcast and promoting secure forms of open wireless networks.

Peter holds a PhD in computer science and law from the University of Melbourne. His doctoral research was on digital copyright and the alternatives, including the computer security dimensions of copyright policy.
