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CLAS Featured Spring Courses

Courses taught by Visiting Professors

LATINAM 248: Racial and Gender Inequalities in Latin America

Visiting Professor/Research Affiliate Eliane Cavalleiro

Days/Times: T/Th, 1:30-4:20pm

This course explores the intersection between racial and gender inequalities in Latin America focusing on the historical pattern of racism, sexism and discrimination, and on the political and social changes that have enabled Afro-descendants and women to achieve social rights in some countries of the region such as Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, and Uruguay. The first part of this course introduces the struggle of political movements taking into consideration the historical process of race and gender discrimination. It will address not only the history of blacks and women's movements in the 20th century, but also racism and sexism as cultural and institutional elements that configure inequality in those countries. Socio-economic indicators, race and gender-based violence, and political participation will be analyzed. The second part of this course examines the most recent discourses about women and afro-descendant rights, and their political framework. It evaluates how they have changed public opinion, laws and the social, institutional and political environment of Latin America. Finally, this course discusses the ability of Afro-descendants and women movements to navigate in the current political climate and advance their rights. Course will be taught in Portuguese. (3-5 units)

BIO 331: The Genetic Footprint of Latin America and its Impact in a Multicultural Society

Tinker Visiting Professor Andrés Moreno Estrada

Days/Times: T/Th, 3-4:20pm

This course will cover the latest advances in human population genomics with a particular focus on the evolutionary history of the Americas and the genetic population structure of Latin America. It is intended to suit a broad audience, including students in Biology, Genetics, Health Sciences, Anthropology, and Humanities. Therefore, topics will range from basic concepts in population genetics and DNA analysis techniques to specialized studies aimed at resolving fine-scale structure patterns in different regions across Latin America. (3 units)

FILMSTUD 147/347: Iberian and Latin American Experimental Cinemas, 1960s to the Present

Tinker Visiting Professor Juan Suárez

Days/Times: T/Th, 12-1:20pm, T, 7:30-9:20pm (Screening)

This class will offer a panorama of Iberian and Latin American experimental film cultures from the 1960 to the present. We will focus on developments and formations mainly in Mexico, Brasil, Argentina, and Spain, but will cast side glances at Bolivia, Peru, Cuba, Paraguay and Uruguay. Among our main thematic interests will be the representation of the body and sexuality; abstraction; politics; the reading of history; personal subgenres (the essay and the diary film); and collage and appropriation. Readings will range from general theoretical statements on experimental film aesthetics to specific historical and critical excavations of experimental film by contemporary critics and historians.  (4 units)

ILAC 246: Critical Issues of Human Rights through Literature

Tinker Visiting Professor Jorge González-Jácome

Days/Times: T/Th, 12-1:20pm

This course seeks to explain some of the most relevant contemporary problems of contemporary human rights through the eyes of literature. Through novels, the course problematizes some issues of human rights that, from a legal perspective, are simplified or captured merely through legal forms i.e. rules. These novels highlight the social and political tensions involved in the rise of human rights and in some of its most urgent problems during their short history. Human rights legal forms generally simplify a wider array of tensions that this course brings to the foreground. Course will be taught in Spanish. (3-5 units)

Courses taught by Stanford Faculty

HISTORY 78/178: Film and History of Latin American Revolutions and Counterrevolution

Professor Mikael Wolfe

Days/Times: T/Th, 10:30-11:50am

Movies are works of art designed to entertain, but they can also articulate a critique of the societies about which they are made and dramatize. Few events are more dramatic than revolutions, which bring about rapid, and often violent, change. In this seminar we will watch, read about, and analyze two movies - one made in the country under study or other Latin American country and the other in the United States - about each of three Latin American countries’ revolutions: Cuba in the 1950s and 60s, Chile in the 1970s, and El Salvador in the 1980s. Movies and other audiovisual media were critical for shaping public understanding and images of these Latin American revolutions since far less people read about them, whether in the countries themselves or in the United States. And it was in the United States that counterrevolutionary plots were often hatched or decisively supported in order to protect its Latin American “backyard”. (3-5 units)

Special Language Courses

Nahuatl: SPECLANG 101C: First-Year Nahuatl, Third Quarter

Professor Eduardo Cruz

Distance course taught in conjunction with UCLA.

Nahuatl: SPECLANG 102C: Second-Year Nahuatl, Third Quarter

Professor Eduardo Cruz

Distance course taught in conjunction with UCLA.

Quechua: SPECLANG 174C: First-Year Quechua, Third Quarter

Professor Marisol Necochea


Current course schedules can be found on Explore Courses.