code of conduct

code of conduct

As members of the Stanford University community, faculty, staff, students, members of the Board of Trustees, University Officers and affiliates are responsible for sustaining the highest ethical standards of this institution, and of the broader community in which we function. The University values integrity, honesty and fairness and strives to integrate these values into its teaching, research and business practices.

If you have concerns of any kind stemming from possible noncompliance with government or external agency regulations, University policies, errors or irregularities in Stanford's financial accounting practices or policies report them. Raising such concerns is a service to the University and will not jeopardize your employment.

Make your concern known by reporting or seeking guidance. Contact managers beginning with your immediate supervisor, instructor or advisor. If for any reason it is not appropriate to report suspected violations to the immediate supervisor (e.g., the suspected violation is by the supervisor) you can go to a higher level of management within your school or department. If you are not comfortable with that you can report your concern internally to the Institutional Compliance Helpline or (650) 721-COMP or 721-2667] or to the Office of the General Counsel at (650) 723-9611.

The Compliance Helpline is confidential, anonymous (if desired), and resolution will be made by knowledgeable individuals. The program is managed by the Director of Internal Audit and Institutional Compliance, and deals with all aspects of the University's regulatory compliance. It includes but is not limited to environmental health and safety, sexual harassment, financial transactions, and NCAA rules.

Such reports may be made confidentially, and even anonymously, although the more information given, the easier it is to investigate the reports. Raising such concerns is a service to the University and does not in itself jeopardize employment.

Do you have a concern about non-compliance?

If any of these statements applies to you, the answer is yes:

  • "A situation in the office makes me uneasy."

  • "This transaction appears to be out of compliance with federal regulations."

  • "This transaction appears to be out of compliance with tax regulations."

  • "I've tried to tell the appropriate people, but nothing seems to be corrected."

  • "I'm afraid to speak up."

  • "I don't know who to ask!"


Internal Audit and Institutional Compliance

Associate Vice President for Internal Audit and Institutional Compliance

Sitewide Category: 

Compliance & Stewardship

We must be cognizant and comply with the relevant policies, standards, laws, and regulations that guide our work. Regulations serve to maintain the public trust; that is, trust in research results and outcomes; trust that patients and human subjects are given the best care and treatment; trust that public funds are spent for the benefit of all, and trust that scientific investigation is done responsibly. 


Internal Audit and Institutional Compliance

Stanford Code of Conduct

The University values integrity, honesty, and fairness and strives to integrate those values into its teaching, research, and business practices.

Stanford’s mission: Engage in the highest level of education, patient care, research, and scholarship.

The Stanford Code of Conduct is our guide for ethical, professional, and legal standards of behavior, and was built on three core values:

  1. Commitment to upholding the ethical, professional, and legal standards we use as the basis for our daily and long-term decisions and actions.
  2. Guidance for how to conduct business responsibly, taking into account our duties and obligations to higher principles, society, government, the environment, and all stakeholders, i.e., anyone who is affected by our action or inaction. It clearly and effectively communicates our core values and reinforces the essential business standards, practices, ethics, and behavior for all individuals who represent the University.
  3. Compliance - we all must be cognizant and comply with the relevant policies, standards, laws, and regulations that guide our work.

View the University Code of Conduct

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Accountability and Responsibility

As members of the research community we have both accountability and responsibility to the donors of generous gifts, to students, to the parents of students, to governmental authorities, sponsors, Stanford faculty, and Stanford staff.

We must earn and maintain a reputation for integrity in order that we continue to be trusted by external organizations. We must never compromise integrity for expediency. We must avoid misconduct or even the appearance of misconduct or impropriety, which can be very damaging to individuals and the institution.

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How to Report Suspected Violations Internally

Suspected violations should be made initially through standard management channels, beginning with your immediate supervisor, instructor, or advisor.

If for any reason it is not appropriate to report suspected violations to your immediate supervisor, you may go to a higher level of management within your school or department. Kenneth Schulz, Associate Vice President of RFCS (Research Financial Compliance Services) and Sara Bible, Associate Vice Provost for Research are also available to assist you with compliance concerns.

If you're still unsure or uncomfortable, the Institutional Compliance Helpline is a confidential, anonymity optional, reporting mechanism that facilitates reporting of possible illegal, unethical, or improper conduct when the normal channels of communication have proven ineffective or are impractical under the circumstances. You may also contact the Office of the General Counsel at (650)723-9611.

The more information given, the easier it is to investigate the report. All Stanford community members are expected to cooperate fully in the investigation of any misconduct.

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