Representative lake water extent mapping at continental scales using multi-temporal Landsat-8 imageryRemote Sensing of EnvironmentSheng, Y., Song, C., Wang, J., Lyons, E. A., Knox, B. R., Cox, J. S., Gao, F.2016; 185: 129–141
Quantifying sources of error in multitemporal multisensor lake mappingINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSINGLyons, E. A., Sheng, Y., Smith, L. C., Li, J., Hinkel, K. M., Lenters, J. D., Wang, J.2013; 34 (22): 7887-7905
Thermokarst Lakes on the Arctic Coastal Plain of Alaska: Spatial and Temporal Variability in Summer Water TemperaturePERMAFROST AND PERIGLACIAL PROCESSESHinkel, K. M., Lenters, J. D., Sheng, Y., Lyons, E. A., Beck, R. A., Eisner, W. R., Maurer, E. F., Wang, J., Potter, B. L.2012; 23 (3): 207-217
Thermokarst Lakes on the Arctic Coastal Plain of Alaska: Geomorphic Controls on BathymetryPERMAFROST AND PERIGLACIAL PROCESSESHinkel, K. M., Sheng, Y., Lenters, J. D., Lyons, E. A., Beck, R. A., Eisner, W. R., Wang, J.2012; 23 (3): 218-230
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