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How to Use

This product list contains computer office items and furniture evaluated and approved by EH&S as ergonomically-sound for University computer users. Items on this list can help solve common ergonomic problems related to office computer use.

Beware that no one product will guarantee proper ergonomics. Correct adjustment and use of equipment are essential to comfort at work. To learn more about working comfortably at your computer, refer to the training and resource information on Page 2.

In helping keep the product list as current as possible, please inform EH&S at (650) 723-0448 of any new items you discover to be substantially better than the current pre-approved products.

Sample products can be seen and tried out at the Ergo Lab (located on-campus at EH&S). Ergo Lab visits can be arranged by calling EH&S at (650) 723-0448.

Unless otherwise noted, all items can be ordered directly through Smart Mart.