
Prior to operations where ABSL-3 or above practices are required and prior to wildlife operations involving handling or disposing of animals likely to be infected with zoonotic ATPs4, Local ATD plans shall establish, implement, and maintain written zoonotic disease control procedures to control the risk of transmission of disease. These procedures shall be onsite at all times. [5199.1(d)]

These procedures shall include the following: [5199.1(d)(1)]

  • A detailed work plan including an assessment of the risks to employees, including biological, chemical, physical, and safety hazards, and a description of site control measures including designating a restricted area consisting of contaminated zones and contaminant reduction zones. Support equipment and personnel shall be st age outside the restricted area.
  • A list of all jobs, tasks, or procedures in which employees may have occupational exposure.
  • The measures uses to control personnel exposure, including each of the following:

*Engineering controls, work practice controls, and exposure monitoring

*Procedures for the safe handling of hazardous substances, including hazardous substances used for disinfection and decontamination

*Procedures for the application of toxic or asphyxiant gases, if such gases are to be used in the operation

*Respiratory protection

*Personal protective equipment and protective clothing

*Decontamination procedures

*Disposal of animal waste and contaminated personal protective equipment

*Medical services



4Consult with the Biosafety Officer, as needed, to determine the likelihood of wildlife being infected with ATPs-Zoonotic

  • Procedures to provide employees ready or frequent access to drinking water and sanitation facilities, including appropriate decontamination methods for employees who need to access these facilities.
  • Procedures to protect employees from the risk of heat illness.

Restricted Area [5199.1(d)(2)]

Operations in the restricted area shall be supervised at all times by a person knowledgeable about and authorized by research animal facilities to enforce the zoonotic disease control procedures.

The supervisor shall ensure that all persons entering the restricted area have been trained in the control procedures applicable to the site or operation and are protected as required by the procedures.

The supervisor shall record the identity and time of entry and exit for each person who enters and/or exits the restricted area.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) [5199.1(d)(3)]

Research animal facilities shall conduct a PPE hazard assessment, and provide and ensure the use of PPE consistent with BMBL [5199.1(2)(F)] and Stanford’s PPE Policy. The PPE shall ensure that hazardous substances and contaminated fluids and aerosols do not penetrate the employee’s mucous membranes or skin. The equipment and clothing shall be reasonably comfortable and shall not unduly encumber the employee’s movements necessary to perform the work. The equipment and clothing shall be compatible with the decontamination and disposal methods used.

Respiratory Protection [5199.1(d)(4)]

Research animal facilities must consult with EH&S to determine if respiratory protection is required for operations in restricted areas. Respiratory protection is required unless EH&S can demonstrate through objective evidence that engineering and work practice controls have eliminated the risk of disease transmission [5199.1(d)(4)]

Respirator selection shall be based on the infectious disease hazard and on any hazardous substances that that may require respiratory protection. Respirators shall be used until work areas have been decontaminated. [5199.1(d)(4)]

Employees who work in enclosed areas shall use, at a minimum, elastomeric facepiece respirators or powered air purifying respirators (PAPR) with appropriate cartridges, unless EH&S has demonstrated through objective evidence, that such use is not necessary to protect employees.

Application of Toxic or Asphyxiant Gases [5199.1(d)(5)]

When conducted, the application of toxic or asphyxiant gases to occupiable areas will be conducted by outside contractors. The outside contractor is responsible for complying with 8 CCR 5199.1, including 8 CCR 5199.1(d)(5), which includes additional procedures for the application of toxic or asphyxiant gases the application.

Fumigation operations shall also comply with 8 CCR 5221-5223.

Disposal [5199.1(d)(6)]

Procedures for treatment and disposal of animal waste and contaminated PPE and clothing shall minimize employee exposure to zoonotic disease hazards, and shall be in accordance with applicable U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and California EPA standards.

Decontamination [5199.1(d)(7)]

Research Animal Facilities shall ensure that personnel are properly decontaminated when leaving the restricted area and that contaminated clothing and equipment are appropriately decontaminated or disposed of. Decontaminated facilities shall include change rooms and shower facilities. If change rooms and shower facilities are not feasible, alternative effective measures shall be implemented.

Medical Services [5199.1(d)(8)]

A medical services program shall be provided to all personnel who enter the restricted area. The research animal facilities shall consult with the physician or other licensed health care professional (PLHCP) at SUOHC in the development of the medical services program. Medical services shall include, at a minimum, the following:

  • Initial medical evaluation prior to the first entrance into a restricted area. The medical evaluation shall include respirator medical evaluation if respirator use is required.
  • Surveillance for signs and symptoms of zoonotic disease. Employees exhibiting signs or symptoms of zoonotic disease and employees requesting referral shall be referred immediately to a PLHCP for follow-up evaluation.
  • Surveillance for signs and symptoms of overexposures to hazardous substances as appropriate for substances present in the work operation. Employees exhibiting signs or symptoms of zoonotic disease and employees requesting referral shall be referred immediately to a PLHCP for follow-up evaluation.
  • Provision of vaccination or prophylaxis as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), California Department of Public Health (CDPH), the local health officer, or the PLHCP.
  • Follow-up medical evaluations as recommended by the CDC, the CDPH, the local health officer, or the PLHCP. The PLHCP shall provide the research animal facilities with a written report that contains only the following information:
  • A written recommendation regarding the employee's ability to use the respirator.
  • For vaccination or prophylaxis, whether the employee has been provided with vaccine and/or prophylaxis, and whether the employee is authorized to enter the restricted area.
  • For referrals and follow-up medical evaluations, the PLHCP shall inform research animal facilities that the employee has received the evaluation, whether additional evaluation is required, and whether the employee is authorized to work in the restricted area.

Training [5199.1(d)(9)]

Personnel shall receive training upon initial assignment, when site conditions are substantially changes, and when hazards are newly introduced. Training shall include each of the following as they apply to the work operation:

  • Identification and description of the zoonotic diseases that may be present in the work operation, and their signs and symptoms.
  • The processes and procedures personnel will use in restricted areas or when dealing with infected animals or their waste.
  • The research animal facilities safety program, including engineering and administrative controls, exposure monitoring and the results of exposure monitoring, the use of personal and respiratory protection equipment, cleaning and decontamination procedures, access to sanitation facilities and drinking water, and methods to control the risk of heat illness.
  • The meaning of signs that will be used onsite.
  • Hazard communications training
  • The medical services program.

Training will be provided through a combination of Tier II and Tier III training.