
Assessment for LTBI shall be made available to all personnel with occupational exposure. This includes DPS and SUOHC employees with occupational exposure, as well as laboratory personnel with occupational exposure if materials containing M. Tuberculosis will be present. [5199(h)(3)]

TB tests and other forms of TB assessment shall be provided at least annually, and more frequently, if applicable public health guidelines or the local health officer recommends more frequent testing. Employees with baseline positive TB test shall have an annual symptom screen. [5199(h)(3)(A)]

Personnel who experience a TB conversion shall be referred to a PLHCP knowledgeable about TB for evaluation. [5199(h)(3)(B)].

  • The employer shall provide the PLHCP with a copy of this standard and the employee’s TB test records. If the employer has determined the source of the infection, the employer shall also provide any available diagnostic test results including drug susceptibility patterns related to the source patient.
  • The employer shall request that the PLHCP, with the employee’s consent, perform any necessary diagnostic tests and inform the employee about appropriate treatment options.
  • The employer shall request that the PLHCP determine if the employee is a TB case or suspected case, and to do all of the following, if the employee is a case or suspected case:

*Inform the employee and the local health officer in accordance with Title 17.

*Consult with the local health officer and inform the employer of any infection control recommendations related to the employee’s activity in the workplace.

*Make a recommendation to the employer regarding precautionary removal (Section 8.7, below).

Unless it is determined that the TB test conversion is not occupational, the employer shall investigate the circumstances of the conversion, and correct any deficiencies found during the investigation. The investigation shall be documented in accordance with T8 5199(j). [5199(h)(3)(D)]