
Medical surveillance may be required for both those workers who use biohazardous agents, as well as any animal handler who must tend to animals inoculated with etiologic agents. Some animals may be infected with agents not related to the research, such as sheep whose body fluid may contain Coxiella burnetii, the causative agent for Q-fever. The Department of Comparative Medicine will work with the Biosafety Officer and the Stanford University Occupational Health Center to identify animal handlers who may be at risk for occupational exposure to infectious microorganisms in the course of their duties.

Procedures for receiving a medical examination:

A. Each University School/Department shall administer the Medical Surveillance program for its employees. The supervisor shall identify employees who may be at risk for occupational exposure to biological agents. The SUOHC staff can assist the supervisor if a medical examination is appropriate.

B. The Department/School will schedule a medical appointment with:
Stanford University Occupational Health Clinic
Environmental Safety Facility (ESF)
480 Oak Road, Room B15
Stanford, CA 94305-8007
Phone: (650) 725-5308 

C. Upon completion of the medical examination, the participant will be notified by the examining physician to review the results. Appropriate referrals will be made at this time in the event of abnormal findings. EH&S will receive one copy of the medical clearance form from the Occupational Health Clinic. This form will describe the participant's ability to work with biological agents, work in the particular environment or other condition that initiated the examination. The Occupational Health Clinic will also send a copy of the clearance form to the requesting department.

D. If there is a restriction indicated on the clearance form that inhibits an individual's ability to complete a job, then the supervisor shall notify the Biosafety Officer to discuss a remedial course of action.

E. Medical records will be kept at the Occupational Health Clinic for the duration of the individual's participation in the Medical Surveillance Program at Stanford University. A copy of the medical surveillance clearance form will be kept by the department and at EH&S.

Laboratory Animal Occupational Health Program (LAOHP)

Mandated by federal requirements and external laboratory animal care accreditation agencies, the primary goal of the LAOHP is to evaluate and, if necessary, address potential health risks to personnel that may be associated with their use of animals in the research environment. University policy requires that all faculty, staff, visiting scholars, and students who work directly with vertebrate animals, unfixed animal tissues or body fluids, and those who work in animal housing areas must participate in the LAOHP. Continuing authorization to use animals is contingent upon your participation in the program. For information on how to enroll, please see the LAOHP subtopic for more information.