
Information and training must be made available to educate laboratory personnel of the hazards of chemicals present in their work area.

For work directed by the PI or laboratory supervisor

Laboratory personnel must receive general and laboratory-specific information and training when initially assigned to the laboratory, and prior to assignments involving new exposure situations, particularly hazardous substances, and hazardous operations.

Safety Training
What to do? How to do this?
Obtain general laboratory safety training, which includes orientation to and training on the Chemical Hygiene Plan Take the following training.
  • General Safety & Emergency Preparedness (EHS-4200)*
  • Chemical Safety for Laboratories (EHS-1900)*

And, where applicable:

  • Compressed Gas (EHS-2200)*
  • Computer Workstation Ergonomics (EHS-3400)*
  • Laboratory Ergonomics (call EH&S at 723-0448)

* For online classes, register in STARS.

Obtain laboratory-specific training
  1. See your PI or laboratory supervisor to review the lab-specific training procedures for your lab.
  2. Review any individual Laboratory Safety Plan.
  3. Complete lab-specific training* or equivalent, which includes:
    • Local/building safety information
    • Standard Operation Procedure(s) involving hazardous materials (you may use the Documenting SOP & PI Approval to document your review)
    • Any other laboratory-specific safety procedures or hazards that may be encountered in the laboratory environment (lab-owned equipment may require specialized training to ensure safety and prevent equipment damage)

    * Additional guidance for PIs on how to develop lab-specific training can be found in How to Develop Lab-Specific Training.

Maintain Training Records
  1. The PI or laboratory supervisor, or designate, must retain training documents for lab personnel for at least one year.
  2. Use How to Develop Lab-Specific Training or equivalent to document training.

Hazard information

The following hazard information is available for PIs, lab supervisors, and lab personnel to consult during the experiment planning process to assess the hazards and potential risks associated with chemicals and lab operations.

For information on: See:
Reference materials on the hazards, signs and symptoms of exposure, safe handling, storage, and disposal of hazardous chemicals 
Cal/OSHA’s Permissible Exposure Limits

“Permissible Exposure Limits (PEL) for Chemical Contaminants." California Code of Regulations, Title 8, Section 5155

Cal/OSHA establishes regulatory exposure limits for many airborne contaminants. The actual values are in Table AC. If a PEL is not established for a specific contaminant, contact EH&S for guidance.

Cal/OSHA’s Laboratory Standard

“Occupational Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories.” California Code of Regulations, Title 8, Section 5191

Cal/OSHA is a governmental agency that protects worker health and safety in the State of California. This regulation was promulgated to protect laboratory personnel engaged in the laboratory use of hazardous chemicals. (Note that custodial and maintenance staff who service the laboratory fall under Cal/OSHA’s Hazard Communication Standard, Code of Regulations Title 8, Section 5194.)

Stanford University’s Chemical Hygiene Plan

Stanford University’s Chemical Hygiene Plan

The above-referenced Cal/OSHA regulation requires employers to have a written Chemical Hygiene Plan. This Plan fulfills this regulatory requirement and is a resource for planning experiments and laboratory operations.


For work conducted autonomously or independently

What to do? How do to this?
Consult with the PI or laboratory supervisor
  1. The PI or laboratory supervisor (or designate) must retain training documents for lab personnel for at least one year. Note that training records for EH&S-provided trainings are maintained electronically.
  2. Obtain any other training that is appropriate to your work in Stanford University labs.
    • Provide appropriate oversight, training, and safety information to any lab personnel you supervise or direct.