

All construction materials, products, equipment, and furnishings installed in University facilities or property shall be asbestos-free. Contractor shall indemnify the University for all costs related to regulatory agency citations or litigation and court-ordered settlements arising from asbestos exposure lawsuits, where the source of asbestos is directly attributed to products installed by Contractor or subcontractors.

Lead-containing paints and surface coatings

All paints, finishes, and protective coatings, including coatings designed for residential, commercial, industrial, or highway use, that are applied to University facilities or property shall be lead-free.

Urea-formaldehyde products

All construction products and furnishings installed in University facilities shall be free of urea-formaldehyde.


Contractor shall be responsible for all costs associated with removal, disposal, and replacement of materials installed by Contractor or subcontractors and found to be in violation of this subsection.